
News / Blog: #strategy

How am I more convincing when talking to customers?

11/28/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Be a good listener. Maintain eye contact and give your counterpart time to present his or her arguments.

2. Be competent. Ask questions to learn more about your counterpart's issues and show that you understand the subject matter.

3. Be honest. Be honest and sincere about your products and services and make sure your customers understand what you are offering them.

4. Be positive. Make your customer feel positive and try to encourage them to try what you are offering.

5. Be prepared. Learn about your customer before the interview and develop a strategy to support your arguments.

6. Be professional. Be professional and respectful of your counterpart's opinion.

7. Be convincing. Try to present your arguments in a clear and convincing manner and convince your customer that you are the right person to address their concerns.

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Properly design and implement B2B sales funnels to maximize conversion rate

11/23/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Identify relevant target groups: Identify the right target groups that are best suited for your product or service. Define the key characteristics, personas and needs of your target audience. This step will help you choose the right approach for B2B sales.

2. Create a detailed marketing strategy: create a detailed marketing strategy that focuses on the defined target groups and is tailored to their needs. Define your core message and the channels on which you want to disseminate it.

3. Design a powerful B2B sales sequence: design a powerful sales sequence that allows easy navigation and helps your prospects navigate through the sales process. This sequence should clearly communicate the core message and provide an easy path to conversion.

4. Perform testing and optimization: Conduct regular testing and optimization of the sales process. Test different variations of your core message to see which works best. Also test different elements of your sales sequence to see how it affects conversion rates.

5. Evaluate and adjust the strategy: regularly evaluate the results and adjust the strategy if necessary. This is an ongoing process that can help you maximize the conversion rate and convert your leads.

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The basics of media & press relations (public relations)

11/20/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Basic knowledge

2. What is media and press relations?

3. What are the different types of media and press relations?

4. What are the goals of media and press relations?

5. How can the goals be achieved?

6. What tools and techniques are used?

7. What are the risks associated with media and press relations?

8.. How to create a strategy?

9. How to create a media and press relations strategy?

10. What goals are realistic?

11. How to reach the right audience?

12. What media channels does one use?

13. How to measure the results?

14. How to create a press package?

15. What is a press kit?

16. How do you create a press kit?

17. What content should be included?

18. How to send it to the right media representatives?

19. How to communicate with the press?

20. How to make a first contact?

21. How to build a relationship with journalists?

22. How to communicate your story?

23. How to convince the press?

24. How to write press releases?

25. What is a press release?

26. How do you write a press release?

27. What content must be included?

28. How to send the press release?

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Why 80 percent of advertisers burn money in B2B online marketing

11/09/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Many B2B online marketing advertisers try to achieve good results with minimal effort. But sometimes it's just not possible to achieve good results with minimal effort. It's important that B2B online marketing advertisers invest in a good strategy that aims for long-term results. This includes, for example, choosing the right target audience, optimizing the website, creating and publishing high-quality content, developing effective campaigns, and analyzing the results.

Many B2B online marketing advertisers don't invest in these strategies, instead trying to get more short-term results with less effort. This results in a lot of money being wasted without sustainable results.

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Why you shouldn't start your own agency in 2024 (and what you can do instead)

10/31/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

It is always a risk to start your own agency. It is not only a financial investment, but also an investment in time and energy. If you don't have the necessary experience and skills, or if your budget is limited, it might be difficult to start a successful agency.

Instead, you might consider purchasing a franchise or taking over an existing agency. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. A franchise can give you a proven business model and a strong brand, but it may also require a large investment. If you take over an existing agency, you already get a client base and some experience, but it can also be difficult to align the agency with your vision.

However, if you want to start your own agency, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of success. First, you should learn about the business and create a good strategy. Then, you should familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations. You should also familiarize yourself with marketing and advertising so that you can effectively promote your business and attract customers. Finally, you should network and exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs to benefit from their experiences.

Whether you start your own agency or take over an existing one, you will need to invest a lot of time, energy and commitment to succeed. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether starting your own agency is really right for you.

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