
News / Blog: #linkedin

Find contact persons at the decision-making level - this is how you find relevant contacts

03/08/2023 | By: FDS

Finding and contacting decision-makers can be a crucial aspect of business development and networking. Here are some tips on how to find relevant contacts:

Research online: Use search engines and social media platforms to find people who work for companies or organizations that are relevant to your business. Look for job titles that indicate decision-making authority, such as CEO, CFO, or Head of Sales.

Attend networking events: Attend industry conferences, trade shows, and other networking events where decision-makers are likely to be present. Bring business cards and be prepared to introduce yourself and your company.

Use LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for finding and connecting with decision-makers. Use the search function to find people by job title, company, or location, and send them a connection request with a personalized message.

Ask for referrals: If you have existing business contacts or partners, ask them if they know anyone who could be a relevant decision-maker for your business. They may be able to introduce you to someone who can help.

Use a professional contact database: There are many professional contact databases available online that can help you find and contact decision-makers. Some popular options include ZoomInfo, Hoovers, and Dun & Bradstreet.

When contacting decision-makers, it's important to be clear and concise in your messaging. Explain why you're reaching out and how your business can help theirs. Be respectful of their time and follow up appropriately if you don't hear back. Building relationships with decision-makers takes time and effort, but it can be a valuable investment for your business.

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The most common problems of agencies and how to solve them

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

Agencies often face challenges that affect their ability to be successful. Here are some of the most common issues agencies face and how to address them:

Lack of differentiation

A common problem for agencies is a lack of differentiation. With many agencies offering similar services, it is difficult to stand out from other agencies.

Solution: agencies should focus on a specific area where they excel and emphasize it as part of their positioning. This includes creating a clear value proposition and highlighting success stories and client testimonials.

Inadequate lead generation

Another common problem is inadequate lead generation. Many agencies struggle to generate enough qualified leads to meet their business goals.

Solution: agencies should develop a comprehensive lead generation strategy aimed at generating high-quality leads. This includes creating high-quality content, using social media platforms, attending industry events and using online platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing.

Project management challenges

Another common issue for agencies is project management challenges. This can include difficulty managing projects, meeting deadlines and fulfilling client requirements.

Solution: agencies should ensure they have skilled project managers who are able to effectively manage projects and meet client needs. Clear project documentation and client communication are also critical to successful project management.

Difficulties in talent acquisition and retention

Another common problem for agencies is difficulty in talent acquisition and retention. In a competitive industry, it can be difficult to find and retain talented employees.

Solution: agencies should ensure they offer an attractive work environment that allows talented employees to develop and grow. Clear career progression and an engaging work environment can help employees stay with the agency longer and contribute to a successful business.


Agencies face many challenges, but through clear positioning, a targeted lead generation strategy, effective project management, and talented employee recruitment and retention, agencies can succeed. Regularly reviewing and adjusting business strategies can also help agencies remain competitive and successful. It is important for agencies to identify and proactively address their challenges to ensure they can compete and grow in the marketplace.

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Which platforms are best for press release distribution?

02/27/2023 | By: FDS
Social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are best suited for disseminating press releases, as they have a wide reach and it is easy to send messages to a wide audience. In addition, press releases can also be published on special press portals to which many journalists and editors subscribe. These platforms also offer additional opportunities to distribute press releases on other platforms, e.g., through email marketing or PR tools.
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How to strengthen your image through communication and PR measures

02/15/2023 | By: FDS

1. Be authentic: be honest and authentic in your communication and avoid exaggerating things. Authenticity is the key to building a positive image.

2. Publish content regularly: Publish interesting and informative content on a regular basis that supports your brand and your offering. This can be articles, blogs, press releases, videos and podcasts.

3. Use social media: be active on social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Share your content, interact with your followers and use the platforms to strengthen your image.

4. Create a homepage: Create a professional and engaging homepage that includes all the important information about your business and services.

5. Invest in the right PR: invest in a professional PR team to help you target your content and establish your image.

6. Be present: be present at trade shows, conferences and other industry events to strengthen your image and make new contacts.

7. Build networks: Build networks and connect with other individuals and companies in your industry. Share your knowledge and experience and benefit from the connections you make.

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How to grow with your customer base

02/06/2023 | By: FDS

1. Build a social media presence: Social media is a great tool to grow your customer base. Create a presence on the most popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn and make sure you post new content regularly.

2. Offer customer discounts and special deals: A great way to grow your customer base is to offer customer discounts and special offers. This can be in the form of discount codes via emails or social media ads, for example.

3. Conduct customer satisfaction surveys: Customer satisfaction surveys are a great way to gain insight into what your customers think and what they think of your business. This allows you to grow your customer base by using the results to improve your products and services.

4. Create customer references: Creating customer references is another effective way to attract new customers. Ask your existing customers to create testimonials and post them on your website and social media channels for potential customers to see.

5. Host a sweepstakes: host a sweepstakes to expand your customer base. Put together an attractive prize package and offer it as a prize. Ask participants to subscribe to your newsletter or follow you on social media channels to enter the sweepstakes.

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