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The role of mentors and coaches for company founders

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

The journey of a company founder is often characterised by ups and downs, and the challenges can be overwhelming. At such times, the support of mentors and coaches can make a crucial difference to the success of a start-up. In this article, we take a closer look at the important role that mentors and coaches play for budding entrepreneurs.

What is the difference between a mentor and a coach?

Before we dive deeper into the role of mentors and coaches, it's important to understand how these two terms differ from each other:

Mentor: A mentor is usually an experienced person who passes on their experience and knowledge to a less experienced founder. Mentors provide guidance, share advice and help overcome challenges. A mentor often acts as a kind of "teacher" and "counsellor".

Coach: A coach is more of a process facilitator. A coach supports the founder in setting clear goals, identifying obstacles and planning concrete steps to achieve these goals. A coach helps to optimise the founder's skills and resources.

The role of mentors for company founders:

Sharing experience: Mentors typically have years of experience in the industry and can offer valuable insights into best practices and challenges.

Networking: Mentors can provide contacts and relationships in the industry that can be vital to the growth of the start-up.

Motivation and support: Mentors often act as motivators and help founders stay motivated during the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Avoiding mistakes: Mentors can help avoid typical rookie mistakes that can waste time and resources.

The role of coaches for business founders:

Set clear goals: Coaches help founders define clear and achievable goals and plan steps to reach those goals.

Personal development: Coaches not only help with business challenges, but also with personal development and strengthening leadership skills.

Self-reflection: Coaches promote self-reflection and help founders to recognise and use their strengths and weaknesses.

Accountability: A coach holds the founder accountable and ensures that agreed measures are implemented.

Why are mentors and coaches important?

The support of mentors and coaches offers company founders a unique opportunity for personal and professional development. They can provide valuable insight, guidance and encouragement to increase a start-up's chances of success. Mentors and coaches are not only valuable to founders, but also contribute to the development of a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem where knowledge and experience is shared. Companies and organisations that recognise and promote the role of mentors and coaches help to support a promising generation of entrepreneurs and serve innovation and economic growth.

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Articles of association and statutes: The legal basis of a company

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

There are numerous legal aspects to consider when setting up a company, including the creation of a memorandum and articles of association. These documents form the legal foundation of a company and govern its structure, responsibilities and operation. In this article, we take a closer look at the importance of articles of association and bylaws for companies.

The articles of association: the basis of the company

The articles of association, also known as the memorandum of association or articles of association, is a crucial document when setting up a company. It sets out the basic framework conditions for business activities and regulates the relationships between the partners or shareholders. Here are some of the most important aspects covered in a partnership agreement:

Company name and registered office: The contract should clearly define the official name of the company and its registered office.

Partners or shareholders: The articles of association list the names and shares of the partners or shareholders and describe their rights and obligations.

Corporate purpose: It describes the purpose of the company and the type of business activity it will carry out.

Capital and capital contributions: The agreement regulates the amount of capital contributed by the partners or shareholders and the conditions for future capital contributions.

Management and representation: This determines who manages the company and the extent to which partners or shareholders are involved in the management.

Profit distribution and loss sharing: The agreement regulates how profits and losses are distributed among the partners or shareholders.

Voting rights and decisions: The voting rights of the partners or shareholders in important decisions are defined.

Entry and exit of partners or shareholders: The articles of association can regulate the conditions for the entry of new partners or shareholders and the departure of existing ones.

The articles of association: internal regulations and legal requirements

The articles of association are another key document for companies and serve to regulate internal operating procedures and legal requirements. While the articles of association set out the basic structure, the articles of association deal with details such as the election of the board of directors, the convening of general meetings and other organisational aspects. Here are some of the typical components of articles of association:

Bodies of the company: The articles of association define how the company is organised internally and which bodies exist, such as the board of directors and the management board.

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What is the difference between internal and external public relations?

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

Internal public relations (PR) and external public relations refer to different aspects of an organization's or company's communications.

Internal public relations refer to the communication and management of relationships between a company and its internal stakeholders, particularly employees. The focus is on informing employees about the company's goals, values, activities, and changes, and ensuring that they have a positive attitude toward the organization. Internal PR activities include providing information on company news, training, employee communications, and promoting a positive corporate culture. The goal is to foster a shared understanding and commitment of employees to the company.

External public relations, on the other hand, refers to the communication and management of relationships between an organization and its external audiences, such as customers, investors, the media, governments, and the public in general. External PR aims to improve the organization's public image and reputation, build and maintain a positive relationship with customers, gain the trust of investors, cultivate media relationships, and promote a positive perception in society. External PR activities include media relations, press releases, crisis communications, events, sponsorships, social media management, and other activities to strengthen relationships with external stakeholders.

Overall, both internal and external PR serve to enhance an organization's reputation and standing by facilitating positive communication and interaction with relevant audiences. Internal PR focuses on communication within the organization, while external PR focuses on communication with external parties. Both aspects are important and closely linked in shaping and maintaining the overall image of an organization.

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Cost per lead - These B2B click prices will shock you

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

Costs per lead differ depending on the industry, target group and advertising format. It's hard to make a general statement because costs can vary widely. In some cases, ads can cost less than one euro per lead, while other campaigns can cost more than 100 euros per lead.

Cost per lead is usually calculated by the ad network or the ad network through which the ad is served. Ads with a target audience that is very specific may have a higher cost per lead. For example, an ad for a highly specialized B2B software that is only used by a certain type of business may cost more than an advertiser offering a more general product.

Cost per lead also depends on the ad format. Ads delivered to a specific page tend to be more expensive than ads served through social media or search engines. In addition, advertising bonuses or discounts can be offered to lower the cost per lead.

In summary, it's hard to give a shocking cost-per-lead figure because it can vary widely depending on the industry, target audience, and ad format.

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Will a small agency be able to gain enough inquiries and customers via Google Ads or Facebook ads alone?

11/06/2023 | By: FDS

The ability of a small agency to gain enough enquiries and clients through Google Ads or Facebook advertising depends on several factors, including the industry, target audience, budget and quality of the advertising campaigns. Here are some considerations:

Target group and platform selection: Depending on the type of services or products the agency offers, it may make more sense to focus on Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Google Ads are often better suited to performance-based enquiries where users are actively searching for a specific product or service. Facebook is more suitable for branding and reaching a specific target group.

Quality of the campaigns: The quality and relevance of advertising campaigns are crucial. Adverts should be appealing and convey clear messages. The use of relevant keywords (for Google Ads) or the right targeting (for Facebook) is crucial to reach the right target group.

Budget: The available advertising budget plays an important role. While Google Ads can tend to be more expensive as they are based on specific keywords, Facebook ads can often be tested with smaller budgets. An appropriate budget makes it possible to increase visibility and reach more potential customers.

Competition: Competition in the industry influences the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. If many competitors offer similar services, this can increase the cost of adverts and reduce visibility.

Tracking and optimisation: The ability to monitor campaigns, analyse data and continuously optimise is crucial. By making regular adjustments, you can find out which ads and target groups work best and optimise your campaigns accordingly.

Patience: Success with advertising campaigns can take time. You may not receive a flood of enquiries immediately after launching campaigns. Patience is important to judge the long-term effectiveness.

Holistic marketing strategy: Google Ads and Facebook advertising can be part of a broader marketing strategy. It can be helpful to include other channels such as content marketing, social media, networking and referral marketing.

In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether Google Ads or Facebook advertising alone is enough to attract sufficient enquiries and customers. Careful planning, ongoing optimisation and possibly the combination of several marketing approaches are often the key to success. It may be advisable to seek expert advice or run small test campaigns to see which strategy works best in your specific situation.

The question of whether search traffic is sufficient depends heavily on the regional focus of the agency and the competitive situation. Here are some considerations:

Regional focus: If your agency is focused on a specific region or city, search traffic can be an effective way to target potential clients who are actively looking for your services in your specific region. Local search traffic can often be highly converting as it comes from people who are actually searching for your offerings in your local area.

Competition: Competition can vary in different regions. In some highly competitive markets or in large cities, it can be difficult to be effectively visible with search ads, especially if the budget is limited. Here the cost per click (CPC) could be higher. In smaller cities or less competitive niches, it may be easier to find cost-effective ad space.

Regional vs. Germany-wide campaigns: If you advertise across Germany, you are competing with a wider range of businesses for limited ad space. The cost per click could be higher, as demand tends to be greater in large cities. In this case, you need to carefully consider whether the cost of Germany-wide ads is in proportion to the expected conversion rate and revenue.

Budget and conversion rate: Your advertising budgets should be based on realistic expectations of how many clicks could lead to actual enquiries or customers. It is important to monitor the conversion rate and ensure that the cost per click is in line with the expected revenue.

Local SEO and other marketing strategies: In addition to paid adverts, you should also consider other marketing strategies to target local customers. Local SEO, Google My Business listings, networking in your area and word of mouth can also be valuable sources of customers.

Test and optimise: A data-driven approach is important. Start with smaller campaigns to test performance. Monitor the results, adjust your ads and keywords and continuously optimise to get the best result from your budget.

Overall, the decision as to whether search traffic is sufficient or not depends on many factors. In many cases, a targeted local or regional focus can be an effective way to stand out from the competition and receive qualified enquiries.

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