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The Impact of Sample Size on Estimation Accuracy

03/04/2024 | By: FDS

The sample size has a significant impact on the accuracy of estimates in statistics. Here are some key aspects:

Larger Sample Size:

  • Results in more precise estimates.
  • Reduces the standard deviation of estimates.
  • Allows for more accurate inferences about the population.
  • Diminishes the influence of random variations.

Smaller Sample Size:

  • Leads to less precise estimates.
  • Increases the standard deviation of estimates.
  • May result in wider confidence intervals.
  • Enhances the impact of random variations.


Consider estimating the mean of a population. A larger sample size would tend to provide an estimate closer to the true population mean, while a smaller sample size might result in a broader range of possible estimates.


Choosing an appropriate sample size is crucial to ensuring accurate and reliable estimates in statistics.

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