
News / Blog: #strategy

Successful startup marketing - These are the success factors

09/01/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

1. Create a clear and meaningful brand profile.

A startup should create a clear and meaningful brand profile that allows customers to clearly perceive and identify with it. To do this, startups should develop a unique selling proposition that sets them apart from the competition.

2. Strengthen your presence on social media

Social media is an essential part of modern marketing. Startups should expand their presence on key platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to create a strong connection with potential customers.

3. Create a content marketing program

Content marketing is an important part of marketing. Startups should develop a content marketing program to produce relevant and engaging content to reach their target audience.

4. Create an email marketing strategy

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and convert customers. Startups should develop an email marketing strategy to connect with customers and keep them updated on products and services.

5. Invest in paid advertising

Paid advertising, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, can help startups generate more traffic and customers faster and more efficiently. Invest in Paid Advertising to increase your visibility and grow your audience.

6. Be strategic about networking

Networking is an important part of marketing for startups. Startups should strategically build networks to connect with potential customers and partners.

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Doomed to Fail - Why Business Ideas Without Execution Are Worth Nothing

08/27/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS
Business ideas without execution are worth nothing because they do not deliver results. Without execution, you can't tell if an idea is good, bad or mediocre. It is difficult to predict whether an idea will be successful or not, but without execution it is impossible to know whether it will work or not. Business ideas are only as valuable as the execution behind them. They need a clear goal, a strategy, and most importantly, execution. Only then can they lead to success.
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Why online marketing is a money pit in 2022 - And what you should invest in instead

08/27/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Online marketing will still be an important part of any business strategy in 2022, but the investments made in online marketing strategies will be much higher than in previous years. The cost of online advertising and search engine marketing is rising, and it is becoming more difficult to appear on the top pages of search engine results. This means that companies investing in online marketing strategies will have to spend a lot more money than they would expect to get a good ROI.

Instead, in 2022, companies should invest more in creating high-quality content, accelerating their website speed, optimizing for search engines, and improving user experience. These areas are a much more worthwhile investment, as they have a direct impact on a website's rankings and therefore also help drive more qualified visitors to the site.

In addition, businesses should also invest in social media marketing strategies to increase their reach and build brand awareness. This can help drive more traffic to the website and generate more qualified leads. Companies can also invest in email marketing to build a stronger connection with existing customers and generate new leads.

In this way, companies can get much more out of their online marketing efforts in 2022 than if they only invest in expensive advertising campaigns.

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Google Ads are dead - Why Google advertising in B2B will no longer work in 2023

08/27/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS
Google Ads will still work in 2023, but it is likely that performance will decline for B2B companies. Google Ads is a very expensive way to advertise, and costs will likely continue to rise. In addition, competition in this space will continue to increase as more companies try to promote their products through Google Ads. In addition, Google Ads will become more and more focused on ad creation, segmentation and campaign optimization, which means that companies that don't have the resources, technology and skills to use these things effectively will have a hard time getting competitive results. It is likely that companies operating in the B2B market will need to change their strategy and move to other methods of generating leads and sales, such as content marketing, SEO, email marketing and social media marketing. These strategies are less costly than Google Ads and may prove more effective in the medium term.
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Founding successfully with little start-up capital

08/03/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

It is possible to start a business with little start-up capital, but it requires good planning, a clear vision and hard work. It is important to first be clear about the company's goal and the nature of the business, because a business plan can then be created on this basis. A business plan should include a detailed financial concept and a detailed cost analysis. You also need to consider what kind of financing you are looking for and how to get it.

As a rule, it is not possible to start a business with only equity capital. One must be able to get loans to get the startup capital needed. There are several ways to raise the money you need. For example, business angels, banks or investors can make an investment in the company. One can also take advantage of government funding programs or turn to crowdfunding platforms.

It is also possible to start a business with little seed capital by doing some of the required work yourself. This includes, for example, creating marketing materials, building websites and apps, or developing products. In addition, you can also try to attract customers by joining different networks and advertising. This can help save costs and build a customer base.

When starting a business with little startup capital, it is important to focus on the goals and success of the business. One must develop a clear strategy and have a plan on how to achieve the goals. Also, one should try to build a suitable network and establish contacts with potential customers and investors.

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