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List of media contacts - This will get you into the media

07/20/2023 | By: FDS

A media contact list can be an important part of your PR strategy and help you get media exposure. Here are some steps you can follow to create a list of relevant media contacts:

Identify the relevant media: Think about which media are relevant to your company or industry. This can be industry publications, local or national newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, and online publications.

Research Journalists: Research journalists writing about your industry, products or services. Check out their recent articles and the topics they cover. This will help you find out which journalists are best suited for your story.

Gather Contact Details: Gather journalists' contact details, including their email address and phone number. You can find this information from their articles, their website, or from other sources like LinkedIn or Twitter.

Add details: Add more information about your contacts, such as their position, their publication, or the area they are writing about.

Maintain your list: Maintain your list regularly by adding new contacts and removing contacts that are outdated or no longer relevant.

Use a press distribution service: Some companies also use a press distribution service that offers a comprehensive list of media contacts and email templates to send out press releases and other PR content.

By creating and maintaining a list of relevant media contacts, you can ensure you're getting your message across to the right people and increase your chances of being featured in the media. However, it is important to ensure that you always provide personalized and relevant information to capture journalists' interest and attention.

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How can i build backlinks as quickly as possible?

07/18/2023 | By: FDS

Backlinks are hyperlinks that point from one web page to another web page. When a web page links to another web page, this is called a "backlink". Backlinks are important for the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website, because they are considered by search engines like Google as a kind of "recommendation".

Backlinks serve as an indication to search engines that the linked website is trustworthy, relevant and of high quality. The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the more likely it is to rank higher in search engine results.

Backlinks are interpreted by search engine algorithms as a sign of a website's authority and value. If a website receives many high-quality backlinks from other trusted and relevant websites, it is considered more reliable and valuable. This increases the chances that it will appear in the top positions in search engine results.

It is important to note, however, that not all backlinks are created equal. Quality is more important than quantity. Backlinks from highly reputable websites that thematically match the linked website carry more weight than mass links from low-quality websites.

When it comes to building backlinks quickly, it's important to have a balanced strategy. Here are some tips that can help you do that:

Create quality content: create interesting and relevant content on your website or blog. Quality content is more likely to be linked to by other websites because it adds value.

Guest posts: Look for websites or blogs in your niche that accept guest posts. Offer to create an informative article or infographic for them and include your link. This will give you a backlink and potentially reach a new audience.

Directory listings: Submit to industry-specific directories and business directories. These listings can help you get backlinks from authoritative sources.

Broken link building: find websites in your niche that have broken links. Create quality replacement content and ask the site owners if they would like to include your link in place of the broken link.

Social Media: Actively share your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If your content is valuable, it can be shared and linked to by other users.

Infographics and videos: Create informative infographics or videos and share them in various online communities. Such visual content is often shared and can generate backlinks.

Build relationships: Cultivate relationships with other website owners, bloggers and influencers in your niche.By building relationships and offering mutual support, you can create opportunities for backlinks.

Press Releases:Post press releases about interesting developments or news in your business. This can get you links from press portals and other relevant sites.

It is important to note, however, that building quality backlinks takes time and persistence.Go for sustainable strategies instead of short-term tactics to achieve long-term results.

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How to build a press distribution list

07/18/2023 | By: FDS

A press distribution list is a list of contacts that you can use to distribute press releases. The following steps can help you build an effective press mailing list:

Identify your target audience: Before creating a press mailing list, you need to know who your target audience is. Think about what type of media your target audience reads to ensure you have the right contacts on your press mailing list.

Research relevant media: Research the media that your target audience reads. You can search for publications that have covered similar topics in the past, or for industry publications that are active in your field.

Collect contact details: Once you have identified relevant media, you need to collect the contact details of the journalists, editors and other important contacts. Check media websites to find contact information, or search LinkedIn for journalists and other relevant contacts.

Make a list: Make a list with the contact details of the relevant media and contacts. The list should include each contact's name, position, and contact information.

Maintain your list: It's important to keep your press mailing list up to date by regularly checking for changes in contacts. Remove outdated contacts and add new ones.

Personalize your outreach: When you're ready to send out your press releases, make sure to personalize your outreach. Use journalists' names in your emails and be aware of why you think your message is relevant to them and their audience.

A well-maintained press mailing list can be a valuable tool for your PR campaign. By following these steps, you can ensure your press releases are sent to the right contacts and your campaign will be successful.

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07/10/2023 | By: FDS

The shortage of skilled workers in information technology (IT) has been a serious problem for companies around the world for years. The demand for highly qualified IT professionals is enormous, while the supply of suitable applicants is scarce. But there are solutions to counteract this problem and find the perfect employees for your company.

One way to address the IT skills shortage is to recruit talented and qualified candidates abroad. Due to globalization and the digital age, finding and hiring international talent is easier today than ever before. With the right resources and tools, companies can search candidate profiles and identify candidates with the skills and qualifications they need.

Another effective solution is to increase collaboration with educational institutions. By building close relationships with universities, colleges and technical schools, companies can establish early contact with promising young talent. Internships, mentoring programs, and scholarships are all ways to attract young talent and get them excited about a career in IT.

In addition to recruiting from abroad and working with educational institutions, companies should also invest in the training and development of their existing employees. Targeted training and education can help employees expand their skills and adapt to new technologies and trends. This not only helps to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers, but also strengthens employee loyalty to the company and increases employee satisfaction.

In addition, companies should use innovative ways to reach out to potential applicants. This includes using online job boards, social networks and professional networks such as LinkedIn. Creating an attractive employer brand and highlighting the benefits and development opportunities your company offers are important factors in attracting qualified IT professionals.

Another approach is to work with third-party recruitment agencies that specialize in the IT industry. These agencies often have access to a broad network of IT professionals and can assist in identifying and selecting qualified candidates. By taking over the entire recruitment process, companies save time and resources.

Overall, addressing the IT skills shortage requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. Companies must proactively search for talent, develop their workforce and explore new ways to recruit. By combining these measures, companies can find their dream applicants and strengthen their IT team with highly skilled professionals.

The skills shortage in IT is undoubtedly a challenge, but there are ways to overcome it and find your dream applicants. One strategy that has proven successful is creating attractive working conditions and incentives for potential applicants.

Flexible working hours, the option of a home office, attractive salaries and benefits such as continuing education opportunities or company pension plans are just some of the factors that can attract professionals to the IT industry. A pleasant working environment, a good work-life balance and the opportunity to work on interesting and challenging projects are also important aspects that applicants take into account.

Another way to find your dream applicant is to be actively present at networking events and professional conferences. There, you can meet potential applicants in person, make contacts and promote your company. In addition, you can be active in the IT community by participating in open source projects, publishing professional articles or participating in discussion forums. This will increase your visibility and attract talented professionals.

Collaborating with IT experts and recruiters can also be helpful. These professionals have extensive industry knowledge and a wide network of IT professionals. By working with them, you can make your search for qualified candidates more focused and effective.

In addition to sourcing candidates externally, companies should also strengthen their internal talent management. Identify promising talent within your own company and encourage their further development. Through targeted training and promotion opportunities, you can encourage your employees to develop their skills and commit to your company for the long term.

Another option is to work with educational institutions to develop the next generation of skilled workers. Through internships, dual study programs or cooperation with universities, companies can establish contact with promising IT talent at an early stage and retain them in the long term.

Not least, companies should review their own corporate culture and values. A positive corporate culture that promotes innovation, creativity and teamwork can help attract and retain talented IT professionals over the long term.

The IT skills shortage is a challenge that companies should not ignore. However, through a combination of targeted recruitment strategies, attractive working conditions, internal talent management and an active presence in the IT community, you can find your dream applicants and strengthen your company with highly skilled IT professionals.

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How high should the CPM be in online marketing?

06/28/2023 | By: FDS

The CPM (thousand-contact price) in online marketing can vary greatly depending on various factors. There is no set rule or standard amount for the CPM, as it depends on many different variables. Here are some factors that can affect the CPM:

Target audience: the type of audience you are trying to reach can affect the CPM. For example, it may be more expensive to target a specific and high-value audience.

Ad format: the ad format you choose also plays a role. Different formats such as display ads, video ads, search engine advertising, or native advertising have different cost structures.

Platform: The choice of advertising platform influences the CPM. Well-known platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or LinkedIn Ads have different pricing models and price ranges.

Demand and supply: the CPM is also influenced by the demand and supply in the advertising market. When demand for advertising space is high and supply is limited, this can lead to higher CPM prices.

Seasonal fluctuations: In some industries, there are seasonal fluctuations that can affect CPM. Prices may be higher during peak periods or at certain times of the year.

It is important to note that CPM is not the sole measure of the success of an advertising campaign. Other factors such as campaign objectives, targeting, and ad effectiveness also play an important role.

It's best to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your specific requirements, target audiences and budgets, and then set an appropriate CPM accordingly. It can be helpful to consult with experts in online marketing to make an informed decision.

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