
News / Blog: #leads

Customer acquisition cost in B2B - What does it cost to acquire a new business customer?

12/07/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

The cost of acquiring a new business customer depends on various factors. These factors can vary depending on the industry, the size of the company, and the potential customer. Nevertheless, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind.

In general, it costs companies between 5% and 15% of total revenue to acquire a new business customer. This percentage, known as the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), is made up of the cost of creating leads, acquiring them, and maintaining them.

In addition, customer service is often required to help customers integrate with the platform and provide further support as needed. These costs must also be included in CAC calculations.

It is important that companies have a CAC budget to track and control their investments in customer acquisition. This is the only way they can ensure that they achieve their goals and generate a positive ROI.

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What is a traffic network?

12/06/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS
A traffic network is a virtual network that allows advertisers to play their ads on different websites. It allows advertisers to distribute different types of ads to different audiences and thus increase traffic to their websites. Traffic networks can also be used to generate more leads and increase conversion rates.
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What is a content strategy?

12/06/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS
A content strategy is a document that defines the goals, audiences, and methods of a website or app that offers content. It involves planning, creating, publishing, and managing content to achieve an organization's goals. Goals can include building a brand, increasing traffic, or generating leads. A content strategy is an important part of a successful digital strategy.
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What is a brand strategy?

12/06/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS
A brand strategy is a plan used to position a brand or product in the market. This strategy includes identifying target audiences and customer needs, defining values and positioning, creating communication plans, and defining activities to promote the brand. The goal is to create a strong, unique brand that attracts customers and leads to longer-term customer loyalty.
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What is a social media strategy?

12/06/2022 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS
A social media strategy is a plan for how to effectively use social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc., to achieve a specific goal. These goals may include generating more followers, generating more website traffic, generating more leads, or generating more sales. A social media strategy involves selecting the right social media platforms, planning content, and developing a strategy to achieve the desired goal.
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