
News / Blog: #expenses

Step-by-step to passive income - How you can do it too

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

1. Invest in dividend stocks: Invest in stocks that pay regular dividends. These stocks will generate income for you on a regular basis.

2. Invest in bonds: Invest in bonds that pay interest on a regular basis. These bonds will generate passive income for you.

3. Invest in real estate: invest in real estate to generate rental income. You can use this rental income to cover your monthly expenses and generate passive income.

4. Create an online business: Open an online business and start selling products or services to earn passive income.

5. Invest in crowdfunding projects: Invest in crowdfunding projects to earn a return and generate passive income.

6. Write an eBook: Write an eBook and publish it online. You can then generate income from the sale of the eBook.

7. Create a blog: Create a blog and monetize it to generate income.

8. Create a niche website: Create a niche website and monetize it to generate revenue.

9. Invest in cryptocurrencies: Invest in cryptocurrencies to generate passive income.

10. Create an app: create an app and sell it to generate income.

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What is a no-go when starting a business?

08/07/2023 | By: FDS

A startup "no-go" refers to an action, decision or condition that should generally be avoided because it has the potential to jeopardize the success or sustainable development of a business. Here are some examples of startup no-gos:

Inadequate market analysis:

If you don't have enough information about the market, the target group and the competitive situation, you run the risk of offering a product or service that does not have sufficient demand or is already saturated by other companies.

Inadequate financial planning: inadequate financial planning can result in not having enough capital to start the business or keep it going for the first few months or years. It is important to create a realistic budget and have adequate capital to cover unforeseen expenses.

Poor team management: an ineffective or inappropriate team can severely impact the success of a business. It's important to hire the right people with the right skills and attitude and create a collaborative and productive work environment.

Ignoring the legal framework: not paying attention to legal issues can lead to significant legal problems. It is important to be aware of all relevant laws and regulations, such as tax rules, business formation rules, labor laws, and intellectual property.

Failure to comply with legal requirements can lead to significant legal problems.

Failure to focus on customers: failing to pay sufficient attention to the needs and wants of customers can result in the company being uncompetitive. Customer feedback should be taken seriously in order to continuously improve products and services.

Missing flexibility: A lack of flexibility can lead to a lack of competitiveness.

Failure to be flexible: A rigid business plan or inability to adapt to changing market conditions can hinder the growth and development of the business. It is important to be flexible and ready to respond to change.

Neglect of marketing: even the best product or service will not be successful if people do not know about it. A poor marketing strategy or neglect of it can lead to low awareness, weak sales, and a lack of customer loyalty.

Marketing is the most important part of a business strategy.

It is important to note that the above items should not be considered absolute no-go's, but potential risk factors that should be avoided or minimized to maximize the chances of success when starting a business. Every business is unique, and there are no hard and fast rules that apply to all situations.

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Business Management Analysis (BWA) - This must be included

03/14/2023 | By: FDS

A business management analysis (BWA) is an important report that provides information about a company's financial position. Here are some important elements that should be included in a BWA:

Sales: the company's sales should be broken down by the different business units or products.

Costs: All costs related to the operation of the company should be recorded. These include, in particular, material costs, personnel costs, rental costs and other operating expenses.

Profits: The gross and net profits of the company should be shown.

Liquidity: The BWA should show the liquidity of the company, in particular the current account balance, open invoices, liabilities as well as loans.

Profitability: The BWA should provide information on the company's profitability, for example by calculating key figures such as the operating profit margin or the return on investment (ROI).

Comparative values: In order to be able to better interpret the results of the BWA, they should be set in relation to previous periods and, if necessary, also to industry standards or comparable companies.

A good BWA should be easy to understand and present the most important key figures at a glance. It is advisable to prepare a BWA on a regular basis in order to quickly identify changes in the company's financial situation and, if necessary, take measures to improve it.

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What are the wrong decisions to avoid as a founder?

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

It is a bad idea to focus on a single product or service. Instead, founders should try to offer multiple products or services to reach a broader range of customers. It is also important to develop a sophisticated strategy for growing the business before going in a particular direction. This will allow the company to plan for the long term and respond to changes in the industry. Another mistake founders should avoid is relying on a single source of funding. It is important to use multiple sources of funding to minimize risk.

1. An overly optimistic plan: if founders are too optimistic, they can focus on too many things at once and quickly lose sight of the big picture. A realistic and step-by-step plan is important to succeed.

2. Insufficient financial management: founders should manage their money responsibly by carefully controlling their expenses and carefully tracking their income.

3. Insufficient market research: it is important to know the needs and wants of target customers before launching a product or service. So founders need to do sufficient market research to validate their business idea and ensure that it will be successful in the market.

4. Scaling too quickly: Growing too fast can lead to financial problems as it is difficult to finance the growth. Founders should therefore aim for realistic growth and scale only when it is financially possible.

5. Hiring too early: Many founders make the mistake of hiring employees too early, before they have sufficiently validated their business. Such an approach can lead to financial difficulties, as you can spend too much money on wages without having enough in return.

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BWA - How to create a business management report

03/09/2023 | By: FDS

A business management analysis (BWA) is an important tool for assessing the economic situation of a company. A BWA provides information about the current operating income and expenses, the financial situation and the profitability of the company.

Here are the steps to create a BWA:

Data collection: gather all relevant data such as sales, costs, expenses, payments, loans and other financial data.

Selecting the BWA form: There are several types of BWAs, including basic BWA and advanced BWA. The choice depends on the complexity of the business.

Calculation of key figures: Calculate key ratios such as gross profit, net profit, operating profit margin, EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization), liquidity ratio, and equity ratio.

Interpretation of Results: Interpret BWA results to understand the company's financial position. Identify weaknesses and opportunities and derive appropriate actions.

Reporting: prepare a report on the results of the BWA. This report should be easy to understand, clearly laid out, and include key findings and recommendations.

It is advisable to prepare a BWA on a regular basis in order to keep an eye on the economic situation of the company and to take measures for improvement if necessary.

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