
Knowledge Base

Shortage of skilled workers: Are you having problems recruiting applicants or employees?

07/01/2022 | By: FDS

Many companies are currently having massive problems finding suitable applicants for training positions or vacancies. In some cases, not even a handful of applicants can be found in the conventional way.

Are you already active where your potential applicants are?

With our applicant & employee recruitment funnels, we search for suitable applicants where they are: In social media such as Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and Twitter as well as the business networks Xing & LinkedIn.

You define who you are looking for, when and where - we take care of the rest. From ad planning to placing and optimizing the ads.

Frequently sought skilled workers are, for example, nurses, craftsmen, programmers, truck drivers.

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No time for pointless inquiries - How to find the right target group through the right positioning, address them and turn them into desired customers

06/24/2022 | By: FDS

In order to find the right target group, address them and turn them into desired customers, it is important to choose the right positioning. This involves developing a strategy to define the company, its products and its services to the target group and make them unique.

First, identify your target audience so you can find the right positioning. Determine who your target audience is and what their needs are so you can choose the right strategy to appeal to them.

Once you have identified your target audience, you can focus on positioning. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on how you can stand out from your competition. Define your brand identity and decide how you want to represent your brand.

Next, develop a strategy for your positioning. Create a brand positioning strategy that will help you reach and influence your target audience. Develop a unique message that will attract target audiences and decide which channels they can best use to spread your message.

By following these steps, you can develop effective strategies to find, target, and convert the right audience into desired customers.

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Win new customers

06/14/2022 | By: FDS

Many founders and businesses struggle to regularly attract new customers to your offering. Have the following points in mind to develop the right new customer acquisition strategy:

1. Create an attractive and appealing offer.

2. Build a network and use social media to promote your business.

3. Create a rewards program to reward the loyalty of your existing customers.

4. Offer free or low-cost trials of your products or services.

5. Create an engaging email marketing campaign.

6. Run sweepstakes and contests.

7. Use affiliate marketing to spread your offer to new customers.

8. Offer discounts to customers to encourage them to buy.

9.Build a testimonial program to spread the word about your business.

10. Develop a strong online presence to make your business more visible.

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What are the biggest mistakes in business succession?

06/06/2022 | By: FDS

1. Lack of planning: if no clear and detailed planning is drawn up for the handover of the company to the next generation, ambiguities and conflicts may arise.

2. No communication: if there is no open communication between the generations, the necessary changes cannot be implemented and there is a risk that important decisions will not be made.

3. False expectations: If the older generation has false expectations about the capabilities and commitment of the next generation, disappointment and poor decisions may result.

4. Insufficient financing: if the financing for the business succession has not been carefully planned and prepared, the business cannot be successfully handed over.

5. Unclear business goals: If the goals of the business are not clearly defined, the next generation may not know which direction to take the business.

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What are the biggest mistakes when buying / acquiring a company?

06/05/2022 | By: FDS

1. Insufficient due diligence: the company analysis before the purchase is one of the most important elements in the acquisition. Without thorough due diligence, unforeseen risks and liabilities may go undetected.

2. Insufficient insight into financing: In order to execute a successful acquisition, companies must carefully review financing risks. This includes a review of capital requirements, funding sources and use of funds.

3. Unclear understanding of the target company's culture: when a company acquires another, it needs to understand what the company's culture is and how it can be integrated into its own business.

4. Unclear goals: A successful business acquisition requires clear goals and a successful plan to achieve those goals. Without a clear understanding of the goals and the strategy to achieve them, it is difficult to successfully implement the acquisition.

5. Inadequate legal advice: a company should always hire a qualified lawyer to ensure that all legal principles are followed correctly.

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