
Knowledge Base

What strategies are there for companies in industries where there is a shortage of skilled workers to find staff?

01/05/2023 | By: FDS

1. Focus on internal recruiting: companies should focus more on internal sources such as retraining, mentoring programs and internal training to meet their needs for qualified employees.

2. Creative approaches to employee search: companies can use creative approaches such as social media scouting, digital talent and networking platforms, employee referrals and virtual events to find qualified candidates.

3. Adapting to changing work conditions: Companies must adapt to the increasing demand for flexible work schedules, remote jobs and part-time positions to attract qualified candidates.

4. Investing in new technologies: companies need to invest in technologies to simplify the employee search process, such as automated search algorithms, AI-powered recruiting tools, and digital applicant assessment tools.

5. Tapping new talent: companies need to tap new talent in non-traditional sources, such as students, veterans or older workers.

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Retaining customers for the long term - How to inspire and retain your B2B customers for the long term

01/05/2023 | By: FDS

1. Build a trusting relationship with your customers: A trusting relationship with your customers is a key factor in retaining them for the long term. By understanding their needs, you can serve them better and build a stronger relationship.

2. Provide good customer service to your customers: Good customer service is another important factor to retain your customers in the long run. Make sure your customer service is fast, efficient and friendly, and that your customers respond quickly and satisfactorily.

3. Be flexible: Be ready to adapt to your customers' needs and offer them solutions that meet their needs. Show your customers that you are willing to engage with them and adapt to their specific needs.

4. Create a customer loyalty program: A customer loyalty program is a good way to retain your customers for the long term. Through such a program, you can offer exclusive deals to your customers and reward them for long-term loyalty.

5. Keep your customers informed: Keep your customers informed about new developments with your company and let them know about new products and services. This can strengthen their commitment to your company and keep them loyal in the long run.

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What you can do better in your B2B customer acquisition to reach more customers with less time or financial effort

01/05/2023 | By: FDS

1. Create a clear customer avatar definition. Define who your target customers are and how best to reach them.

2. Be active on social media. Regularly create relevant content that appeals to your target audience and share it on various platforms.

3. Create a unique landing page. Create a page optimized specifically for your target audience that you can refer customers to through your social media campaigns.

4. Build a network. Make sure you have contacts with potential customers, such as through social selling and networking events.

5. Use an automated email marketing system. With an automated email marketing system, you can send relevant and personalized messages to your customers several times a week.

6. Be visible. Make sure your business is easily found on all relevant websites and search engines.

7. Invest in CRM software. With CRM software, you can better track your customers and get a better understanding of who your best customers are and how to attract more of them.

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More leads for your sales funnel - How to multiply your number of customers with the right strategy

01/05/2023 | By: FDS

1. Create a clear understanding of what leads you want to attract.

2. Make sure your website is easy to find and has a search engine optimization.

3. Use social media marketing to promote your brand and generate new leads.

4. Build a mailing list and send out regular newsletters to reach prospects.

5. Run A/B tests on your website to optimize your conversion rate.

6. Use online ads to generate more leads.

7. Tell your story and share it through different channels.

8. Use customer testimonials to build trust and generate more leads.

9. Build partnerships to reach new leads.

10. Identify and use relevant keywords for your content.

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What you should keep in mind when acquiring B2B customers

01/05/2023 | By: FDS

1. Define your target audience: create an accurate audience description to ensure your message is targeted to the right people.

2. Create a compelling message: your message must be relevant, informative and persuasive to capture your customer's interest.

3. Use an appropriate contact method: choose the contact method that best suits your customer, e.g. email, phone call or face-to-face meeting.

4. Schedule a follow-up: Schedule a follow-up to ensure your message is not lost and your customer remembers you.

5. Be consistent: Be consistent in your B2B customer acquisition to achieve success. Be patient and persistent and repeat your message several times.

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