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Planning media-effective actions for PR/public relations & marketing - ideas, examples and strategies

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Media-effective campaigns are an effective way of generating attention for a cause, a product or a company. The idea is to plan and carry out an action that is so unusual, entertaining or sensational that it is picked up by the media. But how can you plan a media-effective campaign and which strategies are promising?

Creativity and originality

One of the most important strategies for a media-rich action is creativity and originality. The action must be unique or entertaining enough to attract media attention. Unusual concepts, whimsical ideas or humorous elements can help.

Controversial or topical

A controversial or topical issue can also support a media-rich action. If the action addresses a current social trend or controversial issue, this can help get media coverage.

Target group orientation

A media-effective campaign should always be geared to the target group. This is not only about the interests of the target group, but also about the channels on which they are active. For example, if the target group is active on social media, a campaign on these platforms can generate more attention.


Partnering with other companies, organizations or influencers can also support a media-rich promotion. If both parties use their reach to promote the action, this can help the action get picked up by the media.


Timing is another important factor for a media-rich action. It is important to plan the action so that it occurs at a time when the media will be aware of it. For example, a promotion can be planned before a major event such as a trade show or conference.


Budget is an important factor for a media-rich promotion. However, it is not essential to have a large budget to run a successful promotion. A creative idea can often be implemented even with a small budget.

Examples of media-effective actions are, for example, flash mobs, guerrilla marketing actions or spectacular stunts. A well-known example of a media-effective action is the Ice Bucket Challenge, in which people doused themselves with a bucket of ice water to raise funds for research into ALS disease.

Overall, media-rich campaigns are an effective way to generate attention for a cause, product or company. A creative and original idea, a target group-oriented approach and the right timing can all contribute to a media-effective campaign becoming successful and being picked up by the media.

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Press relations on a success basis - A good way to get into the press or not?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Press relations are an important part of corporate communications and can help raise a company's profile and reputation. One way to get into the press is through success-based press relations. But how does this type of press work and is it really a good way to get in the media?

Press relations on a contingency basis means that a PR agency or PR manager is only paid if they have placed a press report about the company in the media. If no placement is made, there is no cost to the company. At first glance, this sounds like a good way to cut costs and still get media coverage.

But on closer inspection, there are also disadvantages to press relations on a contingency basis. For one thing, PR agencies and PR managers have a financial interest in achieving the highest possible number of placements, since that's the only way they get paid. This can lead them to aim for quick and easy placements rather than building long-term and sustainable press relations.

Second, it is difficult to measure the success of press relations on a performance basis. A successful placement report alone does not guarantee sustained success and long-term attention. It is important that press relations are aligned with the company's goals and include strategic and long-term planning.

Another disadvantage of success-based press relations is that it can often result in more expensive costs than traditional press relations. If a PR manager or agency is only paid when they achieve a placement, the cost of a placement must be higher to offset the labor and cost of an unsuccessful placement.

Overall, press relations on a contingency basis is an option to save costs, but it also comes with disadvantages. However, long-term, sustainable press relations requires strategic planning and should not focus solely on placement success. Companies should carefully consider which type of press relations best fits their goals and resources.

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How to create PR content for the different target groups

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

1. Identify your target audience: Before you start, you need to find out who your target audience is. To do this, you may need to conduct market research and segment your target audience based on various criteria. This segmentation can be by age, gender, occupation, income and other factors.

2. Design a messaging strategy: after you know who your target audience is, you need to figure out what messages you want to communicate. To do this, you need to determine a clear focus and decide what content you want to target using PR tools.

3. Create PR content: After you are clear about your messaging strategy, you need to create the content you want to publish. This can be press releases, blog posts, videos, infographics, images or other types of content.

4. Make sure the content is tailored to the target audience: After you create the content, you need to make sure that it is tailored to your target audience. The content should be relevant, informative and entertaining for the target audience.

5. Publish the content: After you have created the content, you need to publish it through the right channels to reach the target audience. This can include social media platforms, press portals or even your own website.

6. Measure the results: After the content is published, you need to take the time to measure the results. This can be the number of clicks, likes or shares your content receives. This way you can see if your PR campaign was successful.

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How does target group analysis work?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Target group analysis is an important step in marketing strategy to better understand the needs, desires, preferences and buying patterns of potential customers. A successful target audience analysis can help you target your marketing and sales activities to your target audience, increasing your chances of success.

Here are some steps that can help in conducting a target audience analysis:

Gather data about your existing customers: Use internal data to gather information about your existing customers. This can include: Demographic characteristics (age, gender, income, education), buying patterns, buying habits, interests, hobbies and more.

Research your potential audience: use external data sources to learn more about your target audience. For example, you can use publicly available data such as census data, market research reports, or other relevant data sources.

Identify your target audience: identify your target audience based on the information you have gathered. In doing so, you should also analyze the market and your competition.

Create personas: Create one or more personas that represent your target audience. Personas help you focus on your target audience and develop targeted marketing messages based on their needs and wants.

Use tools: Use tools like social media analytics or Google Analytics to gather more information about your target audience.

Analyze your results: Analyze the data you collect and derive conclusions about which marketing strategies are best suited to appeal to your target audience.

Through a thorough target group analysis, you can better understand the needs and desires of your target group and thus develop targeted marketing strategies that increase your chances of success.

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Perfect media approach - What you need to keep in mind

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

A perfect media approach requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Target audience: make sure you know your target audience well and understand what is of interest to them. Consider what media is best suited to reach your target audience.

Newsworthiness: your story or message should have newsworthiness and be relevant to the target audience. It should be interesting, new, or controversial, and it should capture the attention of the media and their readers, viewers, or listeners.

Clear message: formulate your message clearly and concisely. Use simple language and avoid technical terms or jargon that your target audience may not understand.

Facts and evidence: Make sure your story or message is based on facts and evidence. Journalists and editors are concerned about disseminating facts and truth and will reject unethical or misleading information.

Personal relationships: Build personal relationships with relevant journalists and editors by contacting them via social media or email and offering them information or ideas of interest.

Confidentiality: if you share confidential or sensitive information, make sure you talk to journalists and editors about the terms under which they can use that information.

Follow-up: After you send your story or message to the media, it's important to follow up regularly to make sure it was received and if more information is needed.

It is important that you remain authentic in all strategies and never spread misinformation or try to deceive the media. Journalists and editors are concerned with disseminating facts and truth and will reject unethical or misleading information.

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