
Knowledge Base

Business Management Analysis (BWA) - This must be included

03/14/2023 | By: FDS

A business management analysis (BWA) is an important report that provides information about a company's financial position. Here are some important elements that should be included in a BWA:

Sales: the company's sales should be broken down by the different business units or products.

Costs: All costs related to the operation of the company should be recorded. These include, in particular, material costs, personnel costs, rental costs and other operating expenses.

Profits: The gross and net profits of the company should be shown.

Liquidity: The BWA should show the liquidity of the company, in particular the current account balance, open invoices, liabilities as well as loans.

Profitability: The BWA should provide information on the company's profitability, for example by calculating key figures such as the operating profit margin or the return on investment (ROI).

Comparative values: In order to be able to better interpret the results of the BWA, they should be set in relation to previous periods and, if necessary, also to industry standards or comparable companies.

A good BWA should be easy to understand and present the most important key figures at a glance. It is advisable to prepare a BWA on a regular basis in order to quickly identify changes in the company's financial situation and, if necessary, take measures to improve it.

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What are avoidable mistakes when setting up your own business?

03/14/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some avoidable mistakes that can be made when building a self-employment business:

Unclear vision: without a clear vision and goal, it can be difficult to have a clear focus and steer the business in the right direction.

Lack of business planning: poor business planning can lead to unclear goals, insufficient funding and lack of direction.

Lack of market analysis: a lack of market analysis can lead to a business not understanding its target audience or what needs it should be meeting.

Lack of financial planning: inadequate financial planning can lead to an unexpected financial shortfall that can threaten the survival of the business.

Lack of legal advice: a lack of legal advice can cause a company to miss the necessary steps to comply with laws and regulations and potentially face legal difficulties.

Lack of marketing strategy: a lack of marketing strategy can result in a business struggling to reach its target audience and attract customers.

Lack of self-discipline: without self-discipline and self-motivation, it can be difficult to succeed in the long run.

By avoiding these mistakes and carefully planning and implementing your self-employment, you can increase the chances of success and build a profitable business.

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What are avoidable mistakes when building media contacts?

03/14/2023 | By: FDS

When building media contacts, there are some avoidable mistakes that companies or organizations can make. Here are some of them:

Not doing thorough research:

Companies should take time to research and understand media before making contact. A lack of knowledge about a publication or journalist can result in the wrong type of story being pitched or an email being sent to the wrong recipient.

Unclear or incomplete messaging: Journalists are often busy and have little time. Therefore, it is important that a message is clear, concise and contains all relevant information. If journalists don't understand what the company or organization is trying to communicate, or are missing important details, the story may not get published.

Following up too frequently: It's important to maintain media contacts, but following up too frequently can be annoying. Companies should wait until they receive a response before contacting again.

No personalized addresses: Journalists are often bombarded with mass emails. If companies do not use a personalized speech, the email is likely to be ignored. Companies should make sure to include the journalist's name and a personal touch in their emails.

No research.

No research on the topic: If a company is trying to contact a journalist for a specific story, it's important to make sure the journalist is actually writing about the topic. If not, the company may be wasting time and resources.

No relationship nurturing: If companies only contact a journalist when they have a story to share, that's a mistake. A relationship with a journalist should be nurtured by providing them with helpful information or resources, or simply informing them about what the company is doing.

By avoiding these mistakes, companies can build more successful relationships with media contacts and have a greater chance of getting their stories in the media.

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How do I place articles in the media?

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

Placing articles in the media requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some steps you can follow to increase your chances of successful media placement:

Identify relevant media: research and identify media outlets that are relevant to your target audience. Think about what topics and content are published in these media and which journalists are responsible for these topics.

Write a press release: Write a press release that presents your topic or story in an engaging and interesting way. Make sure the press release is well structured and to the point.

Write a pitch: write a pitch that summarizes the key points of your story or topic and why it is relevant to the target media audience. The pitch should be short, concise and engaging.

Send your materials: send the press release and pitch to relevant journalists via email or a press portal. Make sure you have the journalists' email addresses correct and complete.

Follow-up: Follow-up by email or phone to make sure your materials have arrived and to motivate journalists to cover your topic.

Offer expert interviews: Offer to make yourself available to journalists for interviews to provide more information about your topic or story.

Keep in touch: Maintain good relationships with journalists by regularly offering them interesting topics and content. This will increase your chances of them covering your business in the future.

It is important to note that successful media placement is not guaranteed and that media placement also depends on factors such as the relevance of your topic or story, the quality of your materials, and your relationship with journalists.

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How self-publishers get reviews and get your books reviewed in the media

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

As a self-publisher, it can be difficult to get reviews and media coverage for your books, but there are some steps you can take to increase your chances:

Publish a professionally designed book: make sure your book has a professional layout and is error-free. If your book is poorly formatted or contains many spelling errors, it is unlikely to receive positive reviews.

Create a press release: write a press release about your book and send it to relevant media outlets such as literary blogs, book reviewers, and book pages on social media. Make sure your press release includes all the important information about your book and offers a brief excerpt of the plot or theme.

Look for reviewers: search online for book bloggers, literary critics, or book clubs that review books in your genre. Contact them politely and ask if they are interested in your book and if they would be willing to read and review it.

Offer free review copies: Offer free review copies to book bloggers, literary critics, and book clubs to encourage them to read and write about your book.

Participate in social media groups and forums: there are many social media groups and forums for book lovers where you can share your book and receive reviews and feedback. However, be careful not to be too pushy or over-promote.

Build a readership: If you build a loyal readership, those readers can help get your book noticed in the media by talking about it and recommending it.

Take advantage of advertising opportunities: If your budget allows, you can also consider running paid advertising to promote your book and attract the attention of potential readers.

By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of getting reviews and media coverage for your book and making it known to a wider audience.

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