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What are no-go's in sales?

08/08/2023 | By: FDS

No-go's in sales are behaviors or practices that should be avoided because they can have a negative impact on the sales process and customer relationships. Here are some examples of no-go's in sales:

Aggressive Selling: Pressuring or aggressively persuading customers to buy a product or service can lead to negative reactions and damage customer trust:

Aggressive selling can lead to negative reactions and damage customer trust.

Unprofessional appearance: An ill-prepared, unprofessional demeanor can give the impression that you don't care about the customer's needs. This includes inappropriate language, poor choice of dress, or lack of knowledge about one's product or service.

Unprofessional appearance.

Inadequate product knowledge: Customers expect salespeople to have extensive knowledge about the products or services they offer. If sales staff cannot provide sufficient information or make false statements, this creates uncertainty and can lead to rejection.

Inadequate knowledge of the product or service offered.

Unreliability: Failure to meet commitments or deadlines, late deliveries or lack of communication with customers are no-go's in sales. Reliability is an important factor in building trust and long-term customer relationships.

Missing customer focus: a sales representative should be responsive to the customer's needs and requirements and provide customized solutions. If the focus is only on selling and there is no real customer focus, this will frustrate the customer and lead to rejection.

Poor communication: clear and effective communication is critical in sales. If a salesperson has difficulty articulating their thoughts clearly, listens poorly, or does not adequately address a customer's questions or concerns, it can lead to misunderstandings and affect trust.

These are the no-go's.

These no-go's should be avoided in order to succeed in sales and build good customer relationships. Instead, salespeople should focus on professionalism, customer orientation, reliability and clear communication.

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What is a no-go when starting a business?

08/07/2023 | By: FDS

A startup "no-go" refers to an action, decision or condition that should generally be avoided because it has the potential to jeopardize the success or sustainable development of a business. Here are some examples of startup no-gos:

Inadequate market analysis:

If you don't have enough information about the market, the target group and the competitive situation, you run the risk of offering a product or service that does not have sufficient demand or is already saturated by other companies.

Inadequate financial planning: inadequate financial planning can result in not having enough capital to start the business or keep it going for the first few months or years. It is important to create a realistic budget and have adequate capital to cover unforeseen expenses.

Poor team management: an ineffective or inappropriate team can severely impact the success of a business. It's important to hire the right people with the right skills and attitude and create a collaborative and productive work environment.

Ignoring the legal framework: not paying attention to legal issues can lead to significant legal problems. It is important to be aware of all relevant laws and regulations, such as tax rules, business formation rules, labor laws, and intellectual property.

Failure to comply with legal requirements can lead to significant legal problems.

Failure to focus on customers: failing to pay sufficient attention to the needs and wants of customers can result in the company being uncompetitive. Customer feedback should be taken seriously in order to continuously improve products and services.

Missing flexibility: A lack of flexibility can lead to a lack of competitiveness.

Failure to be flexible: A rigid business plan or inability to adapt to changing market conditions can hinder the growth and development of the business. It is important to be flexible and ready to respond to change.

Neglect of marketing: even the best product or service will not be successful if people do not know about it. A poor marketing strategy or neglect of it can lead to low awareness, weak sales, and a lack of customer loyalty.

Marketing is the most important part of a business strategy.

It is important to note that the above items should not be considered absolute no-go's, but potential risk factors that should be avoided or minimized to maximize the chances of success when starting a business. Every business is unique, and there are no hard and fast rules that apply to all situations.

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How important is the use of visual media in PR?

08/04/2023 | By: FDS

The use of visual media in public relations (PR) is extremely important and has great significance. Visual media such as images, graphics, videos, and infographics can help make complex information easier to understand and convey. They are able to evoke emotions, tell a story, and connect directly with target audiences.

Here are some reasons why using visual media is important in PR:

Get attention: In a world where people are inundated with a lot of information, it's important to stand out from the crowd. Visual media can help grab attention and get the message across more effectively than purely text-based content.

Emotionality and connection: visual media has the ability to evoke emotions and create a stronger connection with target audiences. Images and videos can convey feelings and moods that engage the viewer and lead to the message being better remembered.

Storytelling: Visual media are great for telling stories. Using images and videos can make complex information and relationships easier to understand. Stories are a powerful tool in PR because they can build an emotional connection and strengthen the credibility of a brand or organization.

Social media presence: In today's digital era, visual media plays a critical role in social media. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are highly visual and rely on images and videos. To build an effective social media presence and engage audiences, the use of visual content is essential.

Sharing and virality: Visual media has the potential to spread quickly and widely. Images and videos are shared more often than plain text, and if they are engaging, they can go viral. This provides a great opportunity to increase the reach and visibility of a PR campaign.

It is important to note, however, that visual media should not be used as a substitute for high-quality, relevant content. Careful planning and strategy are required to effectively incorporate visual media into PR efforts and ensure that they have the desired impact.

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How do you find skilled workers these days?

08/04/2023 | By: FDS

Searching for professionals these days can be challenging, but there are several ways to find potential candidates. Here are some common methods:

Online job postings: Post your job openings on job portals, career websites or social media. Many professionals are actively looking for jobs online.

Professional networks: use platforms like LinkedIn to actively search for and connect with professionals. LinkedIn offers specific features for recruiting.


Recruitment agencies: work with recruitment agencies that specialize in recruiting professionals. These agencies often have access to a pool of qualified candidates.


Employee referrals: Ask your current employees to recommend potential professionals from their network. Employees often know qualified individuals who are looking for new opportunities.

Current employees often know qualified individuals who are looking for new opportunities.

Career fairs and job fairs: Attend industry events to connect directly with potential candidates. Trade shows provide an opportunity to introduce yourself in person and answer questions.

Universities and colleges: partner with educational institutions to find graduates or students with the skills you need. Internship and apprenticeship programs can also be a way to identify potential professionals early on.

Social media: Use platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to share your job openings and reach out to potential applicants. Social media groups and forums that focus on your industry or specific areas of expertise can also be useful.

Social Media.

Company website: Make sure your company website has current job openings and information on how to apply. Many professionals specifically search for career opportunities on company websites.

Make sure your company website contains current job openings and information on how to apply.

It can also be helpful to build an attractive employer image to attract professionals. This includes aspects such as competitive salaries, good working conditions, development opportunities, and a positive working environment.

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What is the daily rate or hourly rate of a press photographer?

08/03/2023 | By: FDS

Press photographer fees may vary depending on country, region, experience, type of work, and other factors. Prices may also change over time. To date, the daily rate is usually less than €300.

Generally speaking, fees for press photographers can vary widely. Some may work on a daily rate basis, while others use an hourly rate. Often, the daily rate or hourly rate depends on the type of event, the importance of the photos, and how the images will be used.

If you are looking to hire a press photographer for a specific assignment, I recommend contacting professional photographers in your area and asking for their current rates. You can also consult photographer associations or professional organizations to get an idea of industry standard fees. Remember that quality and experience come at a price, and it's important that you choose a photographer who meets your needs and has the expertise to do so.

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