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How to recognize fake stores & online shops on the Internet

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, online shopping and e-commerce have undoubtedly revolutionized our consumer behavior. But with the rise of online commerce, fraudulent activities such as fake stores have also become a serious threat to consumers. These enticing but fraudulent websites lure unsuspecting shoppers with supposed bargains and high-value products that are often never delivered. So how can consumers distinguish between genuine online stores and scams? Here are some important tips for spotting fake stores online and protecting yourself from fraud.

1. Check the URL and website details

The first step to identify a fake store is to carefully check the website address (URL). Scammers often use similar-sounding URLs to mimic real online stores. Look for typos, unusual subdomains or extra words in the URL. A secure website should also have a "https://" instead of "http://" to ensure data encryption.

2. Research the online store

Conduct a thorough online research to find out if the online store is reputable. Look for reviews, customer ratings and experiences of other buyers. Authentic stores usually have an online presence on social media and platforms like Google My Business. If any trace of a store outside its own website is missing, beware.

3. Watch out for unusual payment methods

Fake stores tend to offer unusual or questionable payment methods. Be skeptical if only bank transfers, cash shipments or prepaid cards are accepted. Reputable online stores offer a wide range of secure payment options, including credit cards, PayPal and other established service providers.

4. Too good to be true? Be skeptical!

Offers that are too good to be true are often just that. When an online store offers extremely low prices for products that are normally much more expensive, alarm bells should ring. Scammers use this tactic to grab buyers' attention and lure them into the trap.

5. Check the imprint and contact information

Every reputable online store should have an imprint with clear contact information. If this information is missing or the contact information is vague and incomplete, it indicates a possible fake store. Verify the information provided by doing a quick online search for the company or people responsible.

6. Trust your instincts

In the end, your gut instinct is often a good indicator. If something about an online store strikes you as odd, or if you have an uneasy feeling, it's probably better to back off and shop elsewhere.

The rapid increase in fake stores requires consumers to be highly vigilant. By following these tips and being discerning about their online purchases, they can protect themselves from fraudulent activity and ensure that they spend their hard-earned money with trustworthy merchants.

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How to become an SAP consultant?

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

There are usually certain steps required to become an SAP consultant. Here is a general guide on how to become an SAP consultant:

Education and Qualifications: A college degree in a relevant field such as computer science, business administration, engineering or another relevant field is often an advantage. However, there are also entry-level positions for those without a college degree who have relevant work experience and subject matter expertise.

Make sure you have the right qualifications.

Understand SAP: Thorough knowledge of the SAP system is critical. You should understand how different SAP modules work and how they can be used in businesses. This knowledge can be gained through training, certifications and hands-on experience.

SAP Certification: although certification is not essential, it can boost your credibility and expertise as an SAP consultant. There are several SAP certification paths, depending on the modules and role you are seeking. These certifications can be obtained from SAP SE or authorized training providers.

Work experience: Practical experience is crucial to becoming a successful SAP consultant. This can be achieved through internships, part-time jobs or entry-level positions in IT or consulting. It is important to gain hands-on experience implementing, configuring, and maintaining SAP systems.

Specialization: SAP is a comprehensive system with many modules covering different business areas. You can specialize in one or more modules that fit your expertise and interests. Popular modules include SAP FI/CO (Finance and Controlling), SAP SD (Sales and Distribution Processing), SAP MM (Materials Management), and many others.

Soft Skills:As an SAP consultant, you need to have not only technical skills, but also good communication skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to work with customers. You will often work with various stakeholders to understand their requirements and provide SAP solutions.

Build Network: Networking is important to establish yourself in the SAP community. This can be achieved by attending conferences, training, professional groups, and online forums. A strong professional network can help you find a job and advance your career.

Application and career: You can apply to IT consulting firms, companies with internal IT departments, or SAP itself. Possibly start as a junior consultant and work your way up to more challenging positions through hands-on experience and continuing education.

Remember that the path to becoming an SAP consultant can vary depending on your personal circumstances. It requires commitment, ongoing education, and a willingness to learn about evolving technologies and business needs.

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What does a press photographer have to consider?

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

A press photographer must keep several things in mind in order to do their job successfully and ethically. Here are some important points that a press photographer should consider:

Journalistic ethics:

A press photographer should always uphold journalistic ethics. This includes respecting people's privacy, being honest in reporting, and avoiding manipulation or staging of photos to distort reality.

Legal Provisions: A press photographer must comply with laws and regulations regarding photography and publication. This includes being aware of copyrights, privacy rights, and possible restrictions on certain events or locations.

Safety: When working in dangerous situations or conflicts, a press photographer must keep in mind their own safety and the safety of those around them. This means wearing appropriate protective clothing and not putting yourself in unnecessary risk.

Objectivity: a press photographer should try to create objective images that reflect reality as accurately as possible. It is important not to manipulate or stage photos in order to promote a particular agenda.

Permits and Access: Depending on the event or location, it may be necessary to obtain permits or gain special access to take photos. A press photographer must respect these legal requirements.

Responsibility: A press photographer should be aware that their photos can have a powerful impact. They can portray people, events or situations in a certain light. It's important to carry this responsibility with care.

Equipment and technique: a press photographer should master his equipment and make sure that it is always ready and in good condition. Quick reaction times and mastery of camera technique are critical to capturing the right moment.

Context and captions: Photos should always be presented in the proper context, and captions need to be accurate and informative to aid viewer understanding.

Respect and sensitivity: in sensitive or tragic situations, a press photographer should proceed with respect and sensitivity, preserving the dignity of the people pictured.

Working with journalists: often press photographers work closely with journalists. It's important to communicate well and act as a team to ensure comprehensive coverage.

These points are designed to ensure that a press photographer works responsibly, ethically and professionally, and delivers high-quality images that can inform and raise public awareness.

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Why it is becoming increasingly difficult for B2B companies and service providers to cover their costs with Google advertising

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

The digital advertising landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. Especially for B2B companies and service providers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to break even with Google advertising. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why these changes have taken place and what challenges this poses for B2B companies.

Growing competition:

The number of companies using Google advertising has increased significantly in recent years. As a result, competition for limited advertising space on search results pages and in Google Ads has increased significantly. As competition increases, so does the cost per click and per conversion, resulting in higher ad spend for B2B companies and service providers.

Rising click prices:

Click prices in Google Ads have risen sharply in many industries. Especially in B2B areas with expensive products or services, the cost per click can quickly skyrocket. It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find cost-effective keywords to reach their target audience.

Long sales cycles:

B2B companies and service providers often have longer sales cycles than B2C companies. Business customers tend to take longer to make decisions, which can lead to higher costs per conversion. Tracking conversions and accurately measuring advertising success becomes more complicated as a result.

Ad blockers and ad blindness:

More and more Internet users are using ad blockers to protect themselves from advertising. As a result, ads are less visible and thus less noticed. Even when companies invest in Google Ads, a significant portion of their target audience may not even see the ads.

Complexity of Google Ads:

Google Ads is an extremely complex advertising tool with many setting options and features. For small and medium B2B companies, it can be difficult to set up and optimize an effective advertising campaign, especially if there is no designated Google Ads expert in the company.

Shift to other platforms:

With the rise of social media and other advertising platforms, some companies are shifting their advertising budgets away from Google Ads. Depending on the target audience and industry, advertising on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or specialized industry portals may be more cost-effective and targeted.


B2B companies and service providers are finding it increasingly difficult to cover their advertising costs with Google Ads. Increasing competition, rising click prices, long sales cycles, ad blockers and the complexity of Google Ads are just some of the challenges they face. It is important that companies carefully rethink their advertising strategies and possibly consider alternative advertising platforms to effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

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Click fraud with Google Ads, YouTube & Co: How clickbots eat up your advertising budget

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, online advertising is an essential tool for businesses to reach their target audiences and promote their products or services. Platforms such as Google Ads and YouTube are particularly popular because they offer a wide reach and allow ads to be targeted to specific audiences. Unfortunately, the growing popularity of these platforms is also attracting unwanted attention from scammers who use click fraud to eat up advertising budgets and harm advertisers.

The Rise of Click Fraud: A Threat to Advertisers

Click fraud refers to the intentional generation of clicks on online ads with the aim of financially harming the advertiser or eliminating competitors. So-called "clickbots" are often used, automated scripts or programs that behave like real users and click on ads. As a result, the advertiser's advertising budget is quickly used up without actually reaching potential customers.

Platforms such as Google Ads and YouTube are particularly susceptible to click fraud, since the cost per click (CPC) plays a central role here. If an advertiser pays for every click on their ad, this creates an incentive for scammers to use clickbots and thus quickly pull money out of the budget.

The Impact on Advertisers: Lost Resources and Credibility

The impact of click fraud on advertisers is diverse and can be severe. Not only does the scam waste the budget earmarked for legitimate marketing efforts, but it can also result in false data that affects analysis of campaign performance. Advertisers may mistakenly believe their ads are getting high click-through rates, even though they are caused by clickbots. This could lead to wrong decisions when adjusting and optimizing campaigns.

In addition, click fraud can undermine advertisers' confidence in the overall effectiveness of online advertising. If advertisers get the impression that their ads are being clicked by bots and not by real potential customers, they may hesitate to continue investing in digital advertising.

Fighting Click Fraud: Prevention and Technology

To protect against click fraud, advertisers need to be proactive. Here are some proven strategies:

Monitoring and Analysis: Continuous monitoring of click patterns and activities in the advertising campaigns. Noticeable anomalies could indicate click fraud.

Use of security measures: Platforms like Google Ads offer protections against click fraud, including IP address bans and detection of suspicious activity.

Filtering Technologies: The implementation of filtering technologies to weed out suspicious traffic and only allow genuine interactions.

Partnership with trusted providers: Working with trusted advertising networks and platforms that take active measures against click fraud.

Conclusion: vigilance is key

Click fraud is a serious threat to advertisers investing in Google Ads and YouTube. It is crucial to be aware that this type of scam exists and to take proactive steps to protect yourself from it. By combining monitoring, analytics and technology, advertisers can leverage the full potential of their advertising budgets while ensuring their ads are reaching real prospects.

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