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The role of the notary in setting up a company

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

Founding a company is an exciting step, but one that involves a multitude of legal requirements and formalities. One important figure who plays a crucial role in this process is the notary. In this article, we take a closer look at the role of the notary when setting up a company and why their expertise is crucial.

Notaries: Guardians of legal certainty

Notaries are qualified lawyers who are authorised to draw up and certify public deeds. Their main task is to ensure legal certainty in various transactions, including the formation of companies. Here are some of the most important tasks that notaries perform in the context of company formation:

1. Notarisation of articles of association and statutes: The notary is responsible for notarising the company's memorandum or articles of association. This means ensuring that the document complies with legal requirements and is duly signed by all parties involved.

2. Verification of the identity of the founders: Notaries verify the identity of the founders and ensure that they are authorised to establish the company. This is important to prevent fraud and identity theft.

3. Documentation and storage: After the founding documents have been notarised, notaries keep them in their safekeeping. This ensures that the documents are safe and easily accessible when they are needed.

4. Advice and legal expertise: Notaries often provide legal advice and expertise in connection with company formation. They can inform founders about what legal steps are required and how they can fulfil the legal requirements.

5. Registration in the commercial register: In many countries, notaries are authorised to register the company formation in the commercial register. This is an important step in officially registering the company and making it authorised to do business.

Why is the role of the notary important?

The role of the notary is crucial to ensure legal certainty and the integrity of the incorporation process. Through their expertise and experience, notaries help to avoid mistakes and legal problems that could later cause expensive and time-consuming legal disputes. Their notarisation and safekeeping of documents also ensure that important documentation is available and protected at all times.

Working with a qualified notary is therefore an important step when setting up a business and an investment in the legal security and success of the new company. Founders should contact a notary at an early stage to ensure that all legal requirements are met and the path to successful entrepreneurship is paved.

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Unsolicited application as a freelancer by e-mail - Prohibited or permitted in Germany?

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

In Germany, the question arises as to whether it is permitted to send unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email. While freelancers offer their services independently, there are still legal and data protection-related aspects to consider. This article sheds light on the situation.

In a changing world of work, more and more people are turning to self-employment as freelancers. Acquiring work themselves is often essential, and speculative applications are a common method of reaching potential customers or clients. But what happens when these applications are sent by email?

Legal basis for unsolicited applications as a freelancer

The good news is that unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany. Freelancers are self-employed and are not bound by the same labour law regulations as employees. This means that they are largely free to offer their services and contact potential clients.

However, it is important to bear certain legal aspects in mind:

1. Data protection: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is also relevant for freelancers. When contacting us by email, the data protection regulations must be observed. This means that personal data (e.g. the recipient's contact details) may only be used for the stated purpose (the application) and the recipient's consent to the processing of their data may be required.

2.Opt-out and objection: Every unsolicited application by email should include an option to simply unsubscribe (opt-out). The recipient must be able to refuse to continue receiving messages. It is important to respect these wishes in order to avoid legal problems.

3. Imprint: The email should include a full legal notice that complies with legal requirements. This includes details such as the sender's name and address as well as a contact option.


Initiative applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany as long as the legal provisions and data protection regulations are observed. Self-employment offers freelancers the opportunity to proactively search for new assignments and offer their services. Nevertheless, it is advisable to find out about the current laws and regulations and seek legal advice if necessary in order to minimise potential risks.

Freelancers should take care to appear serious and professional, as first impressions are often crucial. A well-thought-out unsolicited application can pave the way to new business opportunities and make self-employment a success.

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Become a content producer - step by step

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

1. Find your field: start by following your areas of interest and find out what kind of content you want to produce. Maybe you're an avid tech lover who wants to share about new products, or maybe you're an art lover who would like to write about art.

2. Start your own blog: A blog is a great way to produce content and reach your audience. Choose a platform that gives you the best options and start your own blog.

3. Use social media: nowadays, social media is an important tool to produce and distribute content. Create your own Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account and more to share your content.

4. Build your brand: A strong brand is an essential element to produce and distribute content. Create a logo and a consistent design to establish your brand.

5. Network: attend conferences, networking events and other industry events to build a network and spread your content.

6. Stay creative: Content production requires creativity. Regularly publish new content that is interesting, informative and entertaining.

7. Be Disciplined: Content Production requires discipline and continuity. Be regular and consistent in your content to build and retain an audience.

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Basic knowledge of PR & Public Relations - What you need to know

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

1. What is PR and public relations?

PR and public relations is a field of expertise that deals with the communication of a company, organization or person with its target audience. It includes the planning, development, implementation and control of communication activities designed to create a positive image, inform and influence the public.

2. What are the tasks and objectives of PR and public relations?

One of the main objectives of PR and public relations is to create a positive image and perception of the company, organization or person among its target audience. To achieve this, various communication activities are planned, executed and monitored to reach, inform and influence the target audience. These include press releases, social media activities, events, newsletters and trade shows.

3. What are the different types of PR and public relations?

There are different types of PR and public relations, which can vary depending on the purpose and target audience. The most common types include Corporate PR (corporate communications), Crisis PR (crisis communications), Product PR (product communications) and Public Affairs (public affairs).

4. What skills and knowledge are required for PR and public affairs?

To be successful in PR and public relations, it is important to have a good understanding of the different communication media and a strong sense of language, style and tone. There should also be knowledge of the target audience, the media landscape and the legal situation. It is also important to have a good understanding of project management and strategic thinking.

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Pitching to investors: How do you convince potential investors?

11/21/2023 | By: FDS

Finding investors for your start-up or business project can be one of the most challenging and exciting phases of your business journey. A convincing pitch to potential backers can mean the difference between success and failure. In this article, you will learn how to effectively approach investors and convince them of your project.

1. Knowledge of the audience:

Before you prepare your pitch, it is crucial to understand your audience. Research your potential investors thoroughly to find out what kind of companies or projects they have invested in the past. This will help you tailor your pitch to their interests and needs.

2. Tell a compelling story:

Investors are not only interested in facts and figures, but also in the story behind your company. Tell a clear and compelling story that illustrates your problem, solution and market potential. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection.

3. Clarify the problem and solution:

Start by explaining what problem your product or service solves and why this problem is important. Then present your solution and emphasise how unique and effective it is. Investors need to understand why your company fills a gap in the market.

4. Demonstrate market potential:

Investors want to know that your company is operating in a growing market. Present market research and data to back up the market potential. Show how big the target market is and how you will tap into it.

5. Emphasise your competitive advantage:

Explain why your company will be successful against the competition. Emphasise your unique selling points, patents, technologies or your team. Show why investors should invest in your company and not in the competition.

6. Clear financial forecasts:

Investors want to see financial forecasts that are based on realistic assumptions. Present sales forecasts, cost structures, break-even points and expected ROI (return on investment). Be transparent and conservative in your estimates.

7. Emphasise team and experience:

Investors not only invest in ideas, but also in teams. Introduce your founding team and emphasise their relevant experience and qualifications. Show that your team is capable of leading the company to success.

8. Ask questions and get feedback:

At the end of your pitch, you should be ready to answer questions from investors. Show your interest in their perspective and feedback. Be prepared to respond to critical questions and be honest about risks and challenges.

9. Clear call to action:

End your pitch with a clear call to action. Ask investors to take the next step, whether it's another meeting, reviewing documents or signing a contract.

10. Practise, practise, practise:

A convincing pitch requires practice. Practise in front of friends, mentors or other founders to boost your confidence and presentation skills.

A successful pitch to investors requires preparation, persuasion and the ability to clearly communicate your story and value. By following these steps and presenting your business authentically and convincingly, you will increase your chances of securing the necessary investment and moving your business project forward.

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