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The Best Creative Techniques for More Innovation and Ideas in 2024 - An Overview

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

In 2024, companies and creative minds are continuously seeking new ways to foster innovation and generate fresh ideas. This article provides an overview of the best creative techniques that can be utilized this year to stimulate creativity and develop innovative approaches.

1. Brainstorming and Brainwriting

The classic methods of brainstorming and brainwriting remain effective in 2024. Through the free collection of ideas in groups or in writing, creative minds can explore different perspectives and develop innovative concepts.

2. Design Thinking

Design Thinking has become a popular method for collaborative innovation. By focusing on user needs and iterative prototyping, teams can develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

3. Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a visual technique that helps to represent ideas and concepts in a structured manner. This method assists creative minds in recognizing connections and organizing ideas in a clear and concise way.

4. SCAMPER Method

The SCAMPER method (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) provides a structured approach to modify existing ideas and find new perspectives. This method encourages innovation by prompting the questioning and alteration of existing concepts.

5. 6-3-5 Method

The 6-3-5 method is an iterative technique where six participants generate three ideas each in five minutes. The ideas are then further developed by the other participants. This approach promotes rapid idea generation and collaborative innovation.


The best creative techniques for more innovation and ideas in 2024 offer a variety of approaches. Whether using traditional methods like brainstorming or innovative approaches like Design Thinking, the choice of the right technique depends on specific requirements and goals. By combining and adapting various techniques, creative minds can optimize the creative process and produce innovative solutions.

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How many hours should freelancers invest in marketing / order acquisition per month or year?

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

The number of hours freelancers or independent contractors should invest in marketing activities and client acquisition varies depending on individual needs, the nature of services, market conditions, and other factors. Here are some considerations:

Industry Knowledge and Competitive Analysis:

Freelancers in marketing should regularly allocate time to update their industry knowledge and conduct competitive analyses. This may involve trend analysis, monitoring competitors, and adapting services to meet market requirements.

Online Presence and Self-Marketing:

A well-maintained online presence, including a professional website and social media profiles, is crucial for self-marketing. Freelancers should invest time in regularly updating their online presence, sharing high-quality content, and engaging with potential clients.

Networking and Relationship Building:

Building and maintaining networks and business relationships is an ongoing process. Freelancers should allocate time for networking events, industry gatherings, or online communities to make connections and nurture existing relationships.

Content Marketing and Expertise Building:

Sharing expertise through content marketing is an effective method for positioning oneself as an industry expert. Freelancers should allocate time for creating blog posts, articles, or other content that demonstrates their expertise.

Client Acquisition Activities and Proposal Development:

The actual acquisition of projects requires time for developing proposals, identifying potential clients, participating in bids, and reaching out to prospective clients. This could vary between a few hours per week to several days per month, depending on the extent of acquisition activities.

Regarding specific hours per month or year, there are no strict rules, as this depends on individual circumstances and market conditions. For example, some freelancers might allocate 10 to 20 hours per month for marketing activities and client acquisition, while others may need more or less time, depending on the intensity of their business activities.

Consistency and effectiveness in marketing and acquisition efforts are crucial. Regularly reviewing the strategy and adapting to changing market conditions are also important for long-term success.

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How many hours should freelancers invest in further training per month or year?

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

The number of hours freelancers or self-employed individuals should invest in further education depends on various factors, including the industry, technological developments, individual career goals, and the competitive landscape. While there are no fixed rules, here are some considerations:

Industry and Technological Advancements:

In fast-paced industries such as Information Technology, Marketing, or Design, continuous education is essential. Freelancers in these fields might allocate a few hours every month to learn new technologies, tools, or methods.

Individual Career Goals:

The personal career goals of a freelancer play a crucial role. For example, if a freelancer plans to specialize in a new area or acquire in-depth knowledge in a specific subject, the focus on further education should be more intense.

Maintaining Competitiveness:

To remain competitive, freelancers should regularly assess which skills and knowledge are in demand in their industry. Investing in further education can help develop relevant skills and enhance competitiveness.

Continuous Professional Development:

Freelancers should view their professional development as a long-term process. The investment in further education should not only address short-term needs but also focus on continuous improvement and adaptation to changing requirements.

Planning and Self-Evaluation:

It's essential to allocate time for regular self-evaluation and goal-setting. During this process, freelancers can determine which skills they want to improve and estimate the time required for that improvement.

In terms of specific hours per month or year, there are no fixed numbers, as this heavily depends on individual circumstances. For example, some freelancers might allocate 10 hours for further education every month, while others may concentrate on a few intensive learning periods throughout the year.

The key message is that further education should be considered an integral part of professional development. It's about staying curious, expanding one's skills, and adapting to changes in the professional environment continuously.

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LinkedIn Strategy 2024 - Getting More Leads & Inquiries

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

LinkedIn has become a crucial platform for professional networking and business growth. In 2024, there are strategic approaches to generate more leads and inquiries on LinkedIn. These strategies will assist businesses in strengthening their presence and tapping into qualified business opportunities.

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

The first impression matters, especially on LinkedIn. Optimize your profile to appear professional and appealing. Add a clear professional summary, update your work experiences, and emphasize your skills. A complete and compelling profile attracts more attention.

2. Active Participation in Industry Discussions

Become part of relevant industry discussions by engaging in groups and forums. Share your insights and participate in conversations. Through active participation, you can not only demonstrate your expertise but also increase your visibility, capturing the attention of potential leads.

3. Share High-Quality Content

Regularly share high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. This could be industry updates, informative articles, or insights into your professional expertise. By sharing engaging content, you position yourself as an expert and attract qualified connections.

4. Utilize LinkedIn Stories and Video Content

With LinkedIn Stories and video content, you can add a personal touch and convey your messages more effectively. People tend to identify more strongly with visual content. Use Stories and videos to provide authentic insights into your work, projects, or company culture.

5. Targeted Networking and Relationship Management

Connect strategically with individuals in your industry, potential clients, and relevant decision-makers. Build relationships by responding to messages, participating in connection requests, and sending personalized messages. High-quality networking leads to more leads and inquiries.

6. LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns

Consider using LinkedIn advertising campaigns to strategically expand your reach. Targeted ads can reach specific audiences and deliver your message to the right people. This is particularly effective when extending your LinkedIn strategy with paid-media elements.


With an effective LinkedIn strategy in 2024, businesses can generate more leads and inquiries. By optimizing profiles, actively participating in industry discussions, sharing high-quality content, utilizing LinkedIn Stories and video content, engaging in targeted networking and relationship management, and potentially incorporating LinkedIn advertising campaigns, companies can strengthen their presence on the platform and successfully unlock business opportunities.

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Freelancer or Freelancer in 2024: Profitable Areas and Topics Worth Exploring

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

Becoming a freelancer or self-employed professional is an increasingly attractive option in the evolving landscape of work. In 2024, several areas and thematic fields offer promising opportunities for individuals looking to explore the freelance world and capitalize on their skills. This article examines the potential for freelancers in specific sectors that are likely to be lucrative in the coming year.

1. Digital Marketing and Social Media Management

The demand for digital marketing and social media expertise continues to grow. Freelancers with skills in content creation, social media management, and digital advertising can find ample opportunities. As businesses focus on expanding their online presence, skilled freelancers in this field can provide valuable services.

2. Content Creation and Copywriting

Content is king, and businesses are constantly in need of high-quality content for their websites, blogs, and marketing materials. Freelancers specializing in content creation and copywriting can thrive by offering compelling and engaging content tailored to the needs of their clients.

3. Web Development and Design

With the digital transformation in full swing, there is a persistent demand for web developers and designers. Freelancers proficient in coding, web design, and user experience (UX) can find a wealth of opportunities in helping businesses establish and enhance their online presence.

4. Remote Administrative Support

The trend towards remote work has increased the demand for virtual assistants and administrative support professionals. Freelancers offering services such as email management, scheduling, and customer support can cater to businesses and entrepreneurs in need of efficient remote support.

5. E-commerce and Online Store Management

As e-commerce continues to thrive, freelancers with expertise in online store management, product listing optimization, and e-commerce platforms can tap into a growing market. Businesses looking to establish or improve their online stores often seek freelance professionals for their specific skills.

6. Data Analysis and Analytics

Data-driven decision-making is essential for businesses, and freelancers with skills in data analysis and analytics are in high demand. Professionals who can interpret data, provide insights, and contribute to informed decision-making can find lucrative opportunities across various industries.

7. Online Education and Training

The rise of online education and training platforms creates opportunities for freelancers with expertise in specific subjects. Whether as tutors, course creators, or educational consultants, freelancers can contribute to the growing field of online learning.


Becoming a freelancer or self-employed professional in 2024 offers numerous possibilities, especially in the aforementioned areas and thematic fields. By leveraging their skills and expertise, freelancers can capitalize on the evolving demands of the modern work landscape and carve out a rewarding and flexible career path.

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