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What is the average workload for consultancies and agencies, i.e. how many hours per month are billed to clients?

01/23/2024 | By: FDS

The average utilization in consulting and agencies varies depending on the industry, the size of the organization, and the type of services offered. It is important to note that utilization not only encompasses the hours actually billed but also the total time spent on internal tasks, acquisition, and other activities. Utilization is often expressed as a percentage reflecting the proportion of productive working hours to total time.

In general, the average utilization for consulting and agencies can range from 60% to 80%. This means that approximately 60% to 80% of the available working time is used productively for client projects.

Some factors that can influence utilization include:

Type of Services: Industries like management consulting may tend to have higher utilization rates, while more creative agencies might experience slightly lower utilizations.

Project Size and Complexity: Large, complex projects often require more time and resources, impacting overall utilization.

Contract Structures: Fixed-price contracts versus hourly billing can influence utilization. Fixed-price contracts may not bill for the entire expended effort.

Seasons and Economic Cycles: Utilization may be subject to seasonal fluctuations and economic conditions.

Internal Processes: Efficient internal processes and smart resource planning can positively influence utilization.

It is important to emphasize that high utilization does not always equate to efficiency and profitability. A balanced utilization that allows room for innovation, continuous learning, and strategic planning can be more sustainable for consulting and agencies in the long run.

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The workload of freelance IT specialists and freelance programmers - a look behind the scenes of the reality of working hours

01/23/2024 | By: FDS

The world of freelance IT experts and programmers is characterized by flexibility, independence and challenging projects. But how many hours do these professionals actually work per month? In this article, we take a detailed look at the workload of freelance IT professionals and uncover the factors that influence their working hours.

1. The flexibility of freelancing:

Freelance IT professionals value the freedom to set their own working hours. The ability to work on projects from anywhere in the world allows for a work-life balance that is often difficult to achieve in traditional employment. However, this flexibility also brings with it a challenge - the clear demarcation between working hours and free time.

2. Project-based work and deadline pressure:

Much of freelance IT work is project-based, which means that working hours are heavily influenced by project requirements and deadlines. During periods of intense project work, IT freelancers may tend to work overtime in order to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality results.

3. Fluctuations in the order situation:

The order situation plays a decisive role in the working hours of a freelance IT expert. In months with many orders, working hours can be significantly higher than in quieter times. The ability to adapt to changing order situations is crucial for freelancers.

4. Remote work and time zone differences:

The increasing acceptance of remote working allows freelance IT specialists to work more flexibly. However, working across different time zones can lead to unusual working hours, especially if clients or team members are spread around the world.

5. Ownership and break management:

Personal responsibility plays a key role in freelance IT professionals' work schedules. Independent break management and the ability to organize one's own working hours effectively are decisive factors for a balanced and productive way of working.


The workload of freelance IT specialists and freelance programmers is characterized by a variety of factors. On the one hand, the flexibility of freelancing makes it possible to customize working hours, but on the other hand it carries the risk of overwork and unclear boundaries between work and leisure time. In an industry that is characterized by innovation and dynamism, self-management skills and flexibility are crucial competencies in order to operate successfully as a freelance IT expert. It remains to be seen how the working hours and habits of these professionals will develop in the future, as the world of work is increasingly characterized by flexibility and digitalization.

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The Sales Cycle in B2B Business: Duration from Initial Contact to Sale

01/23/2024 | By: FDS

In the realm of Business-to-Business (B2B) sales, the Sales Cycle is a critical process encompassing interactions between a company and its customers from the first contact to the successful closure of a sale.

What is the Sales Cycle?

The Sales Cycle delineates the phases a potential customer goes through before becoming a paying customer. These phases vary by industry, company, and product, but in B2B business, they often follow a similar pattern.

Phases of the Sales Cycle in B2B:

  1. Needs Identification: The potential customer recognizes a need or problem that requires a solution.
  2. Research and Solution Finding: The customer begins searching for possible solutions and researches various providers.
  3. Initial Contact: The customer initiates contact with potential providers to gather more information.
  4. Proposal and Negotiation: The company presents a proposal to the customer, and negotiations commence on prices, terms, and services.
  5. Closure: The sale is closed, and an agreement is reached.
  6. Implementation and Support: The product or service is implemented, and continuous support is provided.

How Long Does the Sales Cycle Take?

The duration of the Sales Cycle in B2B business varies widely and depends on various factors, including the complexity of the product or service, the industry, customer decision-making processes, and the effectiveness of sales strategies.

In industries with complex solutions and longer decision-making processes, the Sales Cycle may take several months or even years. In contrast, in industries with standardized products and quick decisions, sales cycles may be shorter.

Effective Sales Strategies to Shorten the Sales Cycle:

  • Targeted Content Marketing Campaigns: Providing relevant content to inform potential customers early on.
  • Efficient Lead Nurturing Strategies: Continuous nurturing of leads through targeted communication.
  • Utilization of Data Analytics: Analyzing data to optimize the Sales Cycle and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Personalized Customer Engagement: Targeted engagement based on customer needs and behavior.

The Sales Cycle in B2B business is a dynamic process that requires constant adjustments. Companies that understand the various phases and implement effective strategies can not only shorten the duration of the Sales Cycle but also achieve more successful closures.

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Increase visibility in your own niche - What measures help

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Create a brand that is unique and memorable. Make sure your brand is unique and has a connecting meaning to your target audience.

2. Post quality content that interests your target audience. Post regularly on your social media channels to reach and engage your audience.

3. Build a network. Network with others in your niche and connect with potential customers.

4. Use influencer marketing. Seek out influencers who are relevant in your niche and work with them to increase your visibility.

5. Improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Make sure your content is easily discoverable in search engines.

6. Use paid advertising. Invest in paid advertising to spread your brand and gain more visibility.

7. Provide excellent customer service. Make sure you provide excellent customer service so that your customers remember you.

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B2B Sales - How to win more customers

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Define your target customers: First, it's important to define your target customers in terms of their industry, size, region, and other characteristics. This will help you better focus on those customers who will benefit the most from your product or service.

2. Create a strong brand: By building a strong brand, you can stand out from the competition. Invest in designing a professional logo, a memorable website and other marketing activities to make your brand known.

3. Use social media: social media is an effective way to connect with your customers and keep them updated on news and offers. Create a presence on the major platforms and use them to connect with your customers.

4. Focus on customer service: B2B customers are interested in quality customer service that provides quick answers and solutions to problems. Invest in a good customer service team and make sure they respond to all inquiries quickly and professionally.

5. Build a network: By building a network of industry leaders, experts and other relevant people, you can promote your brand and expand your customer base. Create a list of potential contacts and build these relationships by keeping them informed and sending them information about your products and services on a regular basis.

6. Make use of inbound marketing: Inbound marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers. Create interesting content such as blogs, whitepapers, videos and infographics to drive visitors to your website and get them to sign up for your newsletter.

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