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Salary report: Income of journalists in newspapers & media in Germany 2024

01/23/2024 | By: FDS

Journalists play a crucial role in the media landscape, be it in newspapers, online platforms or other news media. Their job is to research, analyze and present information. But what will the income of journalists in Germany look like in 2024? A detailed look at the current situation provides insights into the remuneration practices of this important professional group.

The diversity of the journalistic profession

The profession of journalist is diverse, with tasks ranging from researching and writing articles to moderating discussions and producing multimedia content. Journalists help to inform the public about current events and background information.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

In 2024, remuneration for journalists in Germany will vary depending on various factors. Income can vary greatly depending on experience, qualifications, medium, region and specialization

Starting salaries and experience bonuses

Starting salaries for journalists often range between €2,500 and €4,000 gross per month. However, with increasing professional experience and a proven track record, journalists can achieve higher salaries. Experience supplements, bonuses and additional benefits can further increase total remuneration.

Specialization and influence on income

Journalists who specialize in certain subject areas or formats often have the opportunity to negotiate higher salaries. Expertise in politics, business, science or investigative journalism can increase attractiveness for employers and influence remuneration

Regional differences

The regional distribution of salaries varies in Germany. Journalists in economically strong regions and large cities may have the opportunity to negotiate higher salaries, as the cost of living is often higher here.

Type of medium and influence on remuneration

The type of medium journalists work for also influences their income. Journalists in national newspapers, large online platforms or well-known news magazines often have the opportunity to earn higher salaries than those working in regional media or niche publications.

Negotiation scope and contract modalities

The scope for negotiation in salary negotiations varies depending on the media company and industry. Journalists with a strong negotiating position can often include additional benefits in their contracts, such as training opportunities, flexible working hours or home office options.


The income of journalists in Germany is diverse and depends on various factors. While entry-level jobs are often associated with more modest salaries, experience, specialization and choice of employer offer the opportunity for rising incomes. Journalism remains a crucial part of the media landscape, and remuneration practices continue to be influenced by developments in the industry and the demands of high-quality journalism.

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