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PR & Public Relations Price List - What does press relations cost?

02/27/2023 | By: FDS

Press relations and public relations are of great importance for companies and organizations to increase their visibility, improve their image and reach their audience. Most companies therefore want to integrate PR and public relations into their marketing strategies. However, the question that arises is: how much does public relations cost?

To answer this question, several factors must be considered. The cost of press relations depends on the size of the company, the scope of the work, the type of media to be handled and the complexity of the issue. Therefore, a PR and public relations agency will usually adjust its prices to the needs and requirements of its clients.

To get an overview of the costs for press relations and public relations, you should find out about the common pricing models offered by PR agencies.

Hourly: Many PR agencies charge for their services on an hourly basis. The hourly rate depends on the consultant's experience and expertise. The higher the qualifications and experience of the consultant, the higher the hourly rate will be. On average, you can expect an hourly rate of 100 to 250 euros.

Project basis: Some PR agencies charge for their services on a project basis. This means that they charge a flat rate for all the work required for the project. The price here depends on the scope and complexity of the project.

Retainer model: in this model, the client pays a monthly fee to hire a PR consultant or a team of consultants for a specified period of time. The fee varies depending on the agency and the scope of work.

In addition to these pricing models, there may also be additional costs, such as costs for materials like printing, shipping and translations.

To reduce costs associated with PR and public relations, companies can also leverage their internal resources, such as employees who are skilled in public relations or have the ability to write internal newsletters and social media posts.

Overall, there is no blanket answer to the question of what press relations costs. Costs depend on a variety of factors and should always be negotiated on an individual basis. However, companies should keep in mind that good PR and public relations is an important investment in their brand awareness and success.

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The 5 most effective online marketing strategies for your business

02/27/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital world, online marketing is essential for any business that wants to succeed. The Internet

and social media make it easier than ever to reach potential customers and build a relationship with them. But which online marketing strategies are the most effective? Here are the top 5 strategies your business should be using:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

One of the most important online marketing strategies is SEO. By having an optimized website, you can ensure that your target audience will find you online. With SEO, you can optimize your website for specific keywords so that you appear at the top of search results for queries. This increases the likelihood that potential customers will visit your website and contact you.

Content marketing

Content marketing is another important strategy for online marketing. This involves creating high-quality content that is relevant and useful to your target audience. This includes blog articles, infographics, videos, and e-books. Through quality content, you can gain the trust of your target audience and build a relationship with them.

Social media marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for online marketing. It allows you to engage and interact with your target audience directly. Through regular posts and interactions, you can build your audience and spread the word about your brand. Additionally, using paid ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram can lead to increased reach and visibility.

Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest online marketing strategies, but still one of the most effective. By collecting email addresses from your target audience, you can provide them with regular updates, offers, and news about your business. Personalizing and automating emails can further increase the effectiveness of this strategy.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

PPC advertising is another important strategy for online marketing. Here, you pay for every click on an ad you place on search engines or social media. Through targeted placement and ad optimization, you can ensure that your ads are seen by your target audience and lead to more traffic to your website.


Online marketing is an important part of any marketing strategy. By using the above strategies, you can showcase your business online and build a relationship with your target audience. By regularly experimenting and adjusting your strategies, you can ensure that you are always on top of your game and getting the most out of your online marketing.

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Which platforms are best for press release distribution?

02/27/2023 | By: FDS
Social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are best suited for disseminating press releases, as they have a wide reach and it is easy to send messages to a wide audience. In addition, press releases can also be published on special press portals to which many journalists and editors subscribe. These platforms also offer additional opportunities to distribute press releases on other platforms, e.g., through email marketing or PR tools.
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How to publish press releases in a targeted manner

02/27/2023 | By: FDS

1. Identify your target audience: Before you publish a press release, it is important that you identify your target audience. It is important that you know who your target audience is and how best to approach them.

2. Select a press agency: It is important to select a press agency that meets your needs and can assist you in getting your press release out.

3. Design a strategy: you need to develop a strategy to target your press release. This will allow you to ensure that the press release appears on the right channels at the right time.

4. Select the right channels: To target your press release, you need to select the right channels for your message. This may require some research, as you need to think about which channels are best for your target audience.

5. Build a network: It is important that you build a network to help you get your press release out. This includes blogs, social media, and other web or print media.

6. Publish regularly: if you publish press releases regularly, you can ensure that your target audience is constantly aware of your company. This increases your visibility and the likelihood that your message will be read.

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Tutorial: Running Google Ads for B2B Vendors, Agencies & Service Providers

02/27/2023 | By: FDS

Placing Google Ads ads for B2B suppliers, agencies, freelancers and service providers. What you must pay attention to

Step 1: Objective and keyword research

Before you start placing ads, be clear about what you want to achieve. Define clear goals, such as increasing the number of visitors to your website, generating leads or increasing sales. Based on these goals, you should conduct your keyword research to identify relevant keywords that you can use in your ads.

Step 2: Create a campaign

To create a Google Ads campaign, you must first sign in to your Google Ads account. Click the "Create Campaign" button and select the goal you want to achieve. You can choose between goals such as "More website hits", "More calls", "More conversions" or "Product and brand awareness".

Step 3: Create ad groups.

After you have created a campaign, you should create ad groups. Each ad group should target a specific keyword or group of keywords. Create ads that align with each keyword to ensure they are relevant to the user's search query.

Step 4: Create ads

Create relevant ads that highlight the benefits of your offer. You should match your ads with the keywords in the ad group to make sure they are as relevant as possible. Use clear and concise language to attract the attention of potential customers. Make sure your ad includes a clear call-to-action that encourages the user to click on your ad and visit your website.

Step 5: Set budget and bid

Before you place your ads, you should set your budget and bid. You can set a daily budget to make sure you keep costs in line. You should also set a bid for your keywords to make sure your ads are placed in the right place.

Step 6: Select target audiences and locations

Select the audiences and locations that are most relevant to your ads. You can select geographic audiences to ensure that your ads are only shown to users in specific regions. You can also use demographic data to ensure that your ads are only shown to specific age groups or genders.

Step 7: Monitoring and optimization

Monitor your ads regularly to make sure they are getting the results you want. Analyze your performance and optimize your campaign by swapping out ads, adding or removing keywords, and adjusting bids. Track your conversion rates and adjust your strategy accordingly. It's important to measure the success of your ads and constantly optimize to make sure you're meeting your goals.

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