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What is a good, typical or average click through rate for Google Ads?

03/06/2023 | By: FDS

The average click-through rate (CTR) for Google Ads can vary depending on the industry, target audience, ad format, and keyword. It is therefore difficult to give an exact figure as "typical" or "average".

However, there are some industry-specific benchmarks that can serve as a guide. According to a study by WordStream, the average CTR for search ads in 2021 was about 2.41% for the search network and 0.35% for the display network. For Shopping ads, the average CTR in 2021 was about 0.69%.

However, it is important to note that a high CTR does not always equate to a successful campaign. Other factors such as conversion rate and ROI are also important factors to consider.

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What are Dynamic Search Ads?

03/04/2023 | By: FDS

Dynamic search ads are a type of ad format in Google Ads that allows advertisers to automatically create and target ads based on the content of their website.

Unlike traditional search ads, which require advertisers to select keywords and set bids to serve ads, Google Ads analyzes the content of the website and automatically creates ads based on the content and context of the user's search query. This means that ads are dynamically and automatically matched to website content and user search queries.

Dynamic search ads can help advertisers reach new audiences and simplify ad management by automatically updating ads as site content changes. In addition, advertisers can use reports in Google Ads to gain insights into ad performance and optimize their campaigns based on this data.

However, it is important to note that the use of dynamic search ads requires careful monitoring to ensure that ads are not served for irrelevant search queries and that campaign goals are met.

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Mission statement: With over 1000 blog posts, how to guides and glossary terms on the way to becoming a market leader?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Content is King. At Fischer Data Science, since our founding in 2019, we believe in improving the world of public relations and marketing through smart solutions and facilitating access to impactful tools because: There is no idea that is not worth sharing.

We have set ourselves the goal of removing the high financial hurdles that other providers put in front of their customers and prospects, thus facilitating access to the media and thus the flow of information, in order to also give young or small providers the chance to be published.

With now just under 1,000 contributions in our blog around the topics of PR & public relations, online & offline marketing, sales, tech & programming, optimization and strategies and much more, we have created a free knowledge base that is so far unique in the German-speaking world, which makes it easier for you to achieve your desired goals not only faster, but also with fewer resources.

Whether you are a press department, a PR agency or service provider, or simply want to take your press & public relations into your own hands: The Media & PR Database 2023 will save you costly time and money.

Have fun browsing and implementing!

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What is meant by evaluation?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Evaluation is a process of systematically and methodically assessing the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of projects, programs, measures or strategies. The aim of evaluation is to gain knowledge about whether the objectives have been achieved, whether the measures have been successful and whether they have produced the desired benefits. The results of evaluation can help inform decisions, improve processes and actions, and initiate change.

Evaluation involves several steps, including formulating evaluation questions, establishing criteria and indicators, selecting methods for data collection and analysis, conducting fieldwork, analyzing data, reporting, and disseminating results. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to obtain comprehensive findings.

There are different types of evaluations, such as process evaluations, outcome evaluations, impact and sustainability evaluations, and meta-evaluations. The choice of the type of evaluation depends on the objective and the questions to be answered.

Overall, evaluation is an important part of project management and contributes to the continuous improvement of measures and programs.

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Media-effective actions - These ideas exist

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Media-rich promotions can help generate attention for a specific message, cause, or product. Here are some ideas for media-rich actions:

Flash mob: a spontaneous gathering of people in a public place who put on a choreographed performance.

Guerrilla marketing: An unconventional promotional activity that takes place in unexpected places to attract attention.

Stunts: An eye-catching action that is often risky or breathtaking and draws attention to a specific cause or brand.

Charity events: an event that aims to raise funds for a charity while raising awareness for its cause.

Protest events: An action aimed at communicating a political message or cause by holding a public gathering or demonstration.

Publicity Stunt: An eye-catching action aimed at drawing media attention to a particular cause or brand.

Flash Sales: A short-term sales promotion in which products or services are offered at a discounted price to attract the attention of customers.

Social Media Challenge: An action spread through social media that aims to promote a specific action or trend.

These ideas are just a few examples of media-rich actions that companies and organizations can take to draw attention to their messages or products. However, it is important that the action is authentic and relevant in order to attract the interest of the media and the target audience.

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