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How a Rostock-based AI startup is revolutionizing the world of PR

08/11/2023 | By: FDS

In recent years, advancing technology developments have fundamentally changed a wide range of industries, and the world of public relations (PR) is no exception. An up-and-coming AI startup from Rostock, Germany, has set out to revolutionize the way PR is done. This company has managed to use innovative AI technologies to maximize the efficiency, accuracy, and reach of PR campaigns.

The AI startup: a Rostock pioneer

The startup, known as "FDS," was founded in 2019 by a group of talented researchers and technology enthusiasts in Rostock, Germany. From the beginning, their goal was clear: harness the power of artificial intelligence to transform the traditional world of PR. The team consisted of experts in machine learning, natural language processing and data analytics - the perfect combination to develop a breakthrough solution.

Artificial intelligence as a game changer in PR

Traditional PR often involves time-consuming tasks such as manually creating press releases, identifying relevant media contacts and analyzing coverage. This is where "FDS" comes in: Using advanced AI technology, they have developed a platform that enables automated PR campaigns.

The platform uses AI algorithms to search news sources and gather relevant information. It can detect trends in news coverage, identify keywords, and even analyze the sentiment of the coverage. This allows PR professionals to create more targeted and effective messages and precisely target their audience.

Efficiency, accuracy and reach

Implementing AI in PR strategies has several benefits. First, it significantly increases efficiency. Tasks that used to take hours or even days can now be completed in minutes. This allows PR teams to focus on strategic planning and creative content.

The accuracy of the information provided by the platform is also a big win. AI is able to analyze large amounts of data in a short amount of time and identify patterns, minimizing human error and enabling more informed decision-making.

Not least, AI-powered PR expands the reach of messages. By identifying relevant journalists and media contacts, the platform can ensure that information reaches exactly those most likely to use it.

Future prospects

FDS, based in Rostock, Germany, has already attracted attention in the industry and won some high-profile clients. The platform has the potential to fundamentally change PR practices and help companies spread their messages more effectively. The innovative power of this Rostock-based startup shows that the combination of AI and PR has a promising future.

At a time when information flows fast and competition is more intense than ever, the interplay between human expertise and AI support is becoming increasingly relevant. FDS could be just the beginning in terms of how AI will continue to turn the PR landscape on its head in the years to come.

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Soon no startup will be able to get by without AI and data analysis

08/11/2023 | By: FDS

The tech landscape in Germany has changed rapidly in recent years, and technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics play a central role. According to a recent survey of 203 tech startups commissioned by the digital association Bitkom, these technologies have proven to be indispensable for the success of startups. The results impressively show that startups that rely on AI and data analytics are not only ahead of the game, but are also the ones shaping the innovations of the future.

The current status quo: AI and data analytics dominate

A look at the statistics makes it clear just how entrenched AI and data analytics now are in the startup world. More than half of the startups surveyed (53 percent) are already using Big Data and data analytics to optimize their business processes and gain deep insights into their target groups. Even more impressive is the prevalence of AI, which is being used by 49 percent of startups to develop smart solutions and products.

It gets even more exciting when you look at the startups' future plans. Almost 40 percent of the companies surveyed are planning to introduce AI in the near future. The situation is similar for Big Data and Data Analytics, where 31 percent of the startups are discussing or planning their use. These figures underscore not only the current importance of these technologies, but also their future relevance for the startup landscape.

Startups leading the way: AI and data analytics in the overall economy

Comparing the use of AI and data analytics in startups with the overall economy, the pioneering role of young companies becomes particularly clear. While only 15 percent of companies in the overall economy use AI, 49 percent of startups already rely on this technology. Similar proportions are also evident in data analysis: In the overall economy, 37 percent use these technologies, while the figure for startups is 53 percent.

Bitkom President Dr. Ralf Wintergerst highlights the importance of this development, saying, "The fact that so many innovative founders are using AI and Big Data to develop new products and services is a positive sign. Startups will play an important role in making these technologies more accessible to smaller companies and SMEs."

The symbiosis of AI and data analytics

One notable aspect of this development is the close relationship between AI and data analytics. AI requires data to learn and make intelligent decisions. At the same time, AI enables more efficient analysis of big data, which in turn enables deeper insights and better business decisions. This interaction highlights the need for an integrated approach to implementing AI and data analytics.

Emerging technologies and their relevance to startups

The survey also provides insights into emerging technologies that could become more important in the coming years. The Internet of Things (IoT) is already being used by a quarter of startups, while nearly 30 percent are discussing or planning integration. 5G technologies have also piqued the interest of startups, with 17 percent in the planning or discussion phase.

Also exciting is the growing discussion about technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and blockchain. Currently, 8 percent of startups are using VR/AR, while an impressive 22 percent are discussing its use. Similarly, while 5 percent of startups are already using blockchain, 22 percent are planning to use the technology.

In summary, the survey highlights the changing nature of the German startup scene. AI and data analytics have evolved from emerging trends to indispensable tools that determine the course of business development. With their agile approach and willingness to integrate new technologies, startups are at the forefront of this movement that will undoubtedly shape the future of business.

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Start-ups, new businesses and business discontinuations in Germany in H1 2023: A look at the current statistics

08/11/2023 | By: FDS

The German economy shows mixed developments in the first half of 2023 in terms of business start-ups and discontinuations. According to the latest data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of start-ups of larger businesses remains almost unchanged, while new business start-ups show a significant overall increase and complete business discontinuations also rise strongly.

In the period from January to June 2023, around 62,700 establishments with a legal form and number of employees indicating greater economic importance were founded in Germany. This figure reflects a minimal decrease of 0.1% compared with the same half of the previous year. This result shows that, despite slight fluctuations, there is a constant interest in creating significant economic entities. At the same time, however, about 50,600 establishments with greater economic significance completely deregistered their trades, an increase of 12.4% compared to the first half of 2022.

It is worth highlighting the remarkable increase in new business startups overall during the same period. With approximately 317,600 startups, Germany recorded an increase of 10.2% compared to the corresponding half of the previous year. This testimony underscores the ongoing interest and commitment of entrepreneurs to build new businesses and put innovative ideas into action.

The total number of business registrations in the first half of 2023 increased by 8.9% year-on-year to around 381,200. These figures include not only new business start-ups, but also business takeovers, conversions and moves from other registration districts. This illustrates the diversity of entrepreneurial activity and the different ways in which businesses can start and grow.

Not to be ignored is the increase in trade relinquishments, which was also observed in the first half of 2023. With around 246,500 complete commercial tasks, Germany recorded a striking increase of 14.0% compared to the same half of the previous year. These figures include not only trade relinquishments, but also business transfers, conversions, and departures to other reporting districts.

The data source's methodological notes clarify the criteria for establishments of greater economic importance, including legal entities, partnerships and natural persons registered in the commercial register or employing workers. In addition, the data source highlights that technical issues have led to a change in the classification of small businesses and sideline businesses, which has limited the comparability of the results.

In summary, the statistical data for the first half of 2023 show a multifaceted picture of the corporate landscape in Germany. Despite slight fluctuations, interest in business start-ups remains, while the diversity of entrepreneurial activities plays an important role in the country's economic development.

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People brands: How to position yourself as a brand

08/11/2023 | By: FDS

In today's world, it's more important than ever to position yourself as a brand. Especially for people who are in the public eye, such as artists, influencers or entrepreneurs, it is of great importance to build a strong personal brand. Here are some reasons why person brands are so important:

Differentiate yourself from competitors

A strong person brand helps you stand out from your competitors. There are many people who have similar talents or skills as you. When you build a strong person brand, you can ensure that you stand out from the competition and attract potential customers or fans to you.

Build trust

A strong persona brand can help build trust with your customers or fans. By positioning yourself as a brand, you can clearly communicate your values and beliefs, which will help you connect with your target audience. People buy from people they like and trust.

Add value

A strong personal brand can help increase your value. When you're known as a brand, you increase your chances of being noticed by the public, which can lead to more customers or fans. A strong personal brand can also help you charge higher prices for your services or products.

Career opportunities

A strong person brand can also help you create or expand career opportunities. When you are known as a brand, you increase your chances of being discovered and approached by companies or other influencers. A strong person brand can also help you be seen as an expert in your field.

How do I build a strong personal brand?

Building a strong person brand takes time, patience and hard work. Here are some steps you can take to build your person brand:

Define your goals and values: Think about what goals you want to achieve and what values are important to you. This information should be clearly communicated in your brand.

Create an engaging online presence: A strong online presence is essential to be perceived as a brand. Create a website or blog and use social media to spread your message.

Be authentic: A strong personal brand is based on authenticity. Be honest and open with your customers or fans and stick to your values and beliefs.

Build a community: A strong persona brand requires a loyal fan base. Use social media and other platforms to build a community and connect with your customers or fans.

Provide value: A strong personal brand provides value to its customers or fans. Think about how you can add value to your target audience through your services, products or content. Conclusion

A strong person brand can be of great importance to many people, especially those who are in the public eye. A well-built persona brand can help you stand out from the competition, build trust with customers or fans, and increase value. If you want to build a strong persona brand, you should define your goals and values, create an engaging online presence, be authentic, build a community, and provide value. With hard work, patience and a smart strategy, you can build a successful personal brand.

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Startup Ticker Week 31/2023: 1,128 startups in Germany

08/10/2023 | By: FDS
In calendar week 31/2023, there were a total of 1,128 start-ups in Germany recorded in the commercial register.
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