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Attention Advertisers on YouTube: The unnoticed Factor - Smartphone Motion Sensors and Their Impact on Ads

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

The world of online advertising is rich with challenges, and one hidden hurdle advertisers face on YouTube concerns unintentional clicks on ads. A little-noticed cause of this problem lies in smartphone motion sensors. In this article, we shed light on how these sensors can trigger unintended clicks on ads and why the solution to this problem may just lie with Google itself.

The inconspicuous source of frustration

While most people appreciate the motion sensors in their smartphones for automatically orienting the screen, it's often overlooked that this technology can lead to unintended interactions. When users pick up, put down or simply hold their smartphones, the motion sensor can trigger unintended clicks on ads. This can lead to a frustrating experience for advertisers who have designed their ad campaigns with thoughtfulness in mind.

The financial burden on advertisers

Unintended clicks may seem harmless at first glance, but they have financial implications. Each such click incurs costs for advertisers without reflecting actual interest in the advertised brand or product. The summation of these unintended clicks can significantly impact the advertising budget and reduce the effectiveness of ad placement.

The Role of Google

The real solution to this problem is beyond the reach of advertisers. Google, YouTube's parent company, has control over the platform and ad functionality. It could implement mechanisms to minimize unintended clicks through motion sensors. This could be done, for example, by implementing detection algorithms that distinguish genuine intentions from accidental movements.


Inadvertent interaction with ads due to smartphone motion sensors is a subtle challenge facing advertisers on YouTube. The financial implications associated with it cannot be ignored. While advertisers have limited options to address this issue, Google itself may have the power to implement a solution. In an era where efficiency and targeted advertising are paramount, it's up to platform operators to optimize technology to create a better experience for advertisers and users alike.

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Producer Prices July 2023: Prices down 6.0% year-on-year

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

Producer prices of industrial products registered a year-on-year decline of 6.0% in July 2023, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced today. However, this development, mainly due to price declines in energy and intermediate goods, raises important questions about the potential implications, especially given the current global inflation related to the ongoing Ukrainian war.

The decline in producer prices last month was largely due to the so-called base effect, which was a result of the sharp increase in prices a year earlier due to geopolitical tensions and the conflict in Ukraine. This development contrasts with recent months, when prices had risen, particularly due to energy and commodity shortages, leading to inflation fears on a global scale.

Energy price declines were particularly striking, with July 2023 energy prices 19.3% lower than a year earlier. This was primarily due to declines in electricity prices, which were down 30.0% across all customer groups. Natural gas and petroleum products also saw significant year-over-year price declines.

However, the current developments also cast a shadow over the general economic concerns arising from persistent inflation. The ongoing geopolitical uncertainties due to the Ukraine war could have a further impact on the global economy and lead to an increase in the inflation rate. At a time when many countries are already struggling with inflation rates of up to 10%, the recent development of producer prices is an important variable that could further aggravate the situation.

It remains to be seen how producer prices will evolve in the coming months and how strong the impact on consumer prices could be. Given the complex interaction between global conflicts, supply and demand in commodity markets, and central bank efforts to control inflation, it is difficult to make an accurate forecast.

The July 2023 producer prices of commercial products reflect a complex economic reality influenced by both geopolitical events and internal economic factors. Given global economic challenges and inflation fears, the coming months will undoubtedly reveal how much these factors will affect consumer prices and, ultimately, economic stability.

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What is an electronic press review?

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

An electronic press review, also known as an e-press review or digital press collection, is a digital compilation of press articles, reports, opinion pieces, and other media content published in various sources such as newspapers, magazines, online news portals, blogs, and social media. The purpose of an electronic press review is to provide an overview of coverage on specific topics, brands, companies, people or events.

Unlike a traditional press review, which contains physical newspaper clippings or copies of printed articles, an electronic press review collects digital copies of articles and often archives them in a digital platform or system. This allows for efficient monitoring and analysis of media coverage in real time or at a later date.

An electronic press review can be used by corporations, governments, public relations agencies, research institutions, and other organizations to track public perception, media response, and opinion formation. The information gathered can be used to analyze trends, make strategic decisions, conduct crisis management, maintain media contacts and evaluate the effectiveness of communications campaigns. Often, specialized software solutions are used to automate the collection of information.

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Increase in corporate insolvencies in the 1st quarter of 2023 in Berlin

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

Germany's capital, Berlin, saw a 15.8 percent increase in insolvency filings against companies in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period last year. According to a press release from the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office, a total of 403 insolvency proceedings were filed, an increase of 55 cases.

The total amount of probable claims in these proceedings also rose significantly by 60.4 percent to 247.6 million euros. These alarming figures cast a shadow over the economic situation of Berlin's business landscape.

Most of these insolvency proceedings were opened in the Charlottenburg district court, with 137 cases dismissed for lack of sufficient assets on the part of the debtors. The companies, from a variety of economic sectors, faced financial difficulties that made it difficult for them to meet their payment obligations.

Totally, three main economic sectors were particularly affected. The trade sector recorded 76 corporate insolvencies with creditor claims totaling 56.3 million euros. The construction sector and the professional, scientific and technical services sector reported 65 and 55 insolvencies, respectively. Here, unfulfilled payment obligations totaled 41.9 million euros and 30.7 million euros, respectively.

Looking at the distribution of insolvencies by district, Mitte and Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf stood out. In these districts, 74 and 60 cases of corporate insolvency were registered, accompanied by projected claims of 49.5 million euros and 71.2 million euros, respectively. In contrast, the fewest proceedings were counted in Lichtenberg, where 13 insolvencies and prospective claims of 2.6 million euros were recorded.

The overall situation of corporate insolvencies in Berlin highlights the ongoing challenges facing the city's economy. While some sectors appear to be recovering better, others continue to be affected by financial shortages and economic uncertainty.

For more information and detailed statistical reports on insolvencies in Berlin, visit the website of the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office at Source for data: Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg.

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Creating a press review - this is important to note

08/21/2023 | By: FDS

Preparing a press review requires care and attention to ensure relevant information is presented correctly and meaningfully. A press review is a collection of media reports on a specific topic, company or event. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Selection of sources: Carefully select the sources from which you want to collect reports. These can be newspapers, magazines, online news portals, blogs, etc. Make sure the sources you choose are trustworthy and credible.

Up-to-dateness: Be sure to include current reports in the press review. Older news could become less relevant. It is advisable to update the press review regularly.

Diversity of Reporting: The press review should include a wide range of reporting types, including news articles, opinion pieces, features and interviews. This gives a broader picture of public perception.

Relevance: Make sure that the selected reports are actually relevant to the topic that the press review is supposed to inform about. Avoid including irrelevant or repeated reports.

Completeness: The press review should offer a balanced representation of the reporting, both positive and negative aspects. One-sided representations can affect the credibility of the press review.

Correct Quotations: If you use quotations from the media reports, make sure that they are reproduced correctly and without distortion. Incorrectly quoted information can lead to misunderstandings.

Summary: If the press review is large, you may want to include a brief summary or introduction that informs the reader of the content and highlights key takeaways.

Formatting: Make sure the formatting of the press review is clear. Use clear headings, paragraphs and, where appropriate, visual elements such as graphics or images to improve readability.

References: Be sure to properly cite the source of each report. This underlines the transparency and credibility of the press review.

Target group: Consider the target group of the press review. Depending on whether it is intended for internal purposes, customers, investors or the general public, the focus and type of presentation may vary.

Online availability: In today's digital world, it can be helpful to publish the press review online or at least make it available in digital form for easier accessibility.

Continuity: If the press review is produced on a regular basis, ensure that you maintain a consistent approach to the selection and presentation of the reports.

Ultimately, a well-prepared press review should provide an accurate picture of the media coverage and present information in a clear and understandable way.

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