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Professional press release writing step by step

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

A well-written press release is an effective tool to present your company, event or news to the public. It enables you to spread your message in a targeted manner and to attract the interest of media representatives and the target audience. In this article, we will show you step by step how to write a professional press release that attracts attention and successfully spreads your information.

Step 1: Define target group and objectives

Before you start writing, it is important to be clear about your target audience and your objectives. Who do you want to read the press release, and what information do you want to convey? Identify your core message and determine what response you expect from readers.

Step 2: Determine structure

A well-structured press release is easier to read and understand. Use the classic format of stating the most important information first. The structure includes the following sections:

Headline: A concise and meaningful headline that piques interest and contains the key message.

Introduction: A short introductory paragraph that answers the W questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why). Body: Detailed information, facts, and background. Present the main points first and then move on to more details.

Quote: include a powerful quote from a representative of your organization to add a personal touch to the message.

Conclusion: summarize the key points and include contact information for follow-up questions.

Step 3: Use understandable language

Avoid jargon and complicated terms that are difficult for the general public to understand. Write clearly, concisely and simply to ensure your message is well conveyed.

Step 4: Emphasize newsworthiness

Make sure your press release actually has news or relevant news value. Journalists receive many releases every day, and your writing needs to be interesting enough to get noticed.

Step 5: Prove the facts

Your press release should be well-researched and include facts and statistical data to convey credibility. Back up your statements with reliable sources to gain readers' trust.

Step 6: Keep it short

Keep your press release short and concise. Ideally, do not exceed one page. Long text can be off-putting and dilute the main message.

Step 7: Provide contact information

At the end of the press release, provide contact information for someone from your organization who can be reached for questions. This can be a spokesperson or someone responsible for the topic at hand.

Step 8: Proofread

Before sending the press release, carefully check it for spelling errors, grammar and coherence. An error-free text shows professionalism and care.

Step 9: Distribution and follow-up

Send your press release to relevant media outlets and publishing platforms. Follow up on the release and be ready for possible follow-up questions or interviews.

By following these steps, you can create a professional press release that appeals to your target audience and attracts the attention you want. A well-thought-out and compelling release can go a long way toward successfully spreading your message and raising awareness of your company or event.

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Average annual income of only € 5,400: German government plans mandatory retirement provision for founders

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

A look at the financial situation of founders in Germany

The German government has ambitious plans that could shake the foundations of the business landscape in Germany. A centerpiece of this reform is the planned introduction of mandatory old-age provision for founders, who have so far been outside the traditional old-age provision systems for specific occupational groups. The aim is to ensure that the self-employed can also build up a solid old-age provision. This directive could be implemented as soon as profit income exceeds the marginal earnings threshold for dependent employment after a waiting period of two years.

Background: opportunities and challenges for the self-employed

This reform is a response to the growing importance of self-employment and entrepreneurship in today's workforce. The self-employed have often been excluded from traditional social security systems, leading to uncertainty about financial security in retirement. The proposed mandatory retirement plan is intended to close this gap and ensure that the self-employed can also benefit from adequate retirement provisions.

Insights from research: IfM Bonn provides insights

A recent analysis by the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (IfM Bonn) sheds light on the potential impact of the planned mandatory retirement provision. The analysis excludes individuals who are already insured elsewhere or who operate low-yield energy production facilities. Instead, the focus is on the income development of young start-up cohorts and established self-employed workers.

Data and methodology: a closer look at the numbers

The analysis draws on the Taxpayer Panel, an income tax data source provided by the Research Data Center of the Federal and State Statistical Offices. This dataset covers the period from 2001 to 2018 and allows for a detailed examination of the income situation of the self-employed.

Income distribution and trends: who are those affected?

The study focuses on the income distribution of founders from different cohorts in 2018. Interestingly, it shows that many self-employed people still report negative or low incomes years after their start-up. This suggests that many self-employed people are running their business part-time or part-time.

Outlook: Challenges and opportunities for the future

While the introduction of a mandatory retirement provision for founders is undoubtedly an important measure to secure the financial future of this group, the analysis of income trends makes it clear that many self-employed people may continue to face financial challenges. The federal government faces the task of taking advantage of these findings and, if necessary, adjusting the draft legislation to better address the needs of the self-employed.

The years 2012 to 2016 mark a crucial phase for the startup scene in Germany:

Founding year 2012:

Over 46,000 people ventured into self-employment.

About 24,700 of them recorded negative profit income in their first year.

About 31,900 people earned incomes between €0 and €5,400.

Founding year 2013:

More than 39,700 people ventured into self-employment in 2013.

Over 23,400 of them struggled with negative profit income in their first year.

About 29,000 earned incomes between €0 and €5,400.

Founding year 2014:

Over 38,000 people bravely founded businesses in 2014.

About 23,500 of them struggled with negative profit income in their first year.

About 25,800 earned incomes between €0 and €5,400.

Founding year 2015:

Over 38,800 people ventured into self-employment in 2015.

More than 32,500 of them recorded negative profit income in their first year.

Approximately 30,900 earned incomes between €0 and €5,400.

Founding year 2016:

Over 40,500 people courageously founded a company in 2016.

About 27,700 of them struggled with negative profit income in their first year.

About 38,700 earned incomes between €0 and €5,400.

On average, self-employed individuals with incomes above €5,730 earned a whopping €64,448.

These figures shed light on the financial reality of young businesses in their early years. Many struggle initially with low incomes below €5,400. Those that record higher profits are instrumental in raising the average. This highlights the many challenges young founders face as they build and develop their businesses.

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What to consider as an IT freelancer? Tips for success on freelancer platforms and in dealing with IT intermediaries.

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital world, numerous opportunities open up for IT freelancers to work flexibly and independently. Freelancer platforms and IT intermediaries play an important role in this by bringing clients and freelancers together. However, there are some important aspects to consider in order to be successful as an IT freelancer. In this article, we take a look at the key points to consider.

1. Profile design and self-promotion:

Whether you use a freelance platform or get referred through an IT intermediary, having a strong profile is crucial. Make sure your profile highlights your skills, experience and previous projects. Remember that potential clients will use your profile to decide if you are right for their project.

2. Specialize and find niches:

There are a variety of specialties in the IT industry. The more specific you position your skills and knowledge, the more likely you are to find interesting projects. Focusing on a niche can also help you stand out from the competition and get better paying jobs.

3. Realistic prices and fair negotiations:

Determine a reasonable hourly rate or flat rate for your services. Be prepared to adjust your prices depending on the nature of the project and the scope of your work. In negotiations with clients or intermediaries, be confident in your values and skills, but also be flexible and fair.

4. Client reviews and references:

Collect positive reviews from satisfied clients on freelancer platforms. Good reviews are essential for gaining the trust of new potential clients. References from previous projects can also strengthen your credibility and increase your chances of success.

5. Transparent communication:

Clear and effective communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and complete projects successfully. Clarify all important details at the beginning, such as the scope of the project, schedule, payment terms, and scope of delivery.

6. Contracts and legalities:

Make sure you have a clear and legally backed contract for each project. This should cover all agreements, disclaimers, and intellectual property rights. A solid contract protects both you and the client.

7. Time management and reliability:

As a freelancer, you have the responsibility to complete your projects on time. Therefore, good time management is essential. Show reliability and deliver on your commitments to build your reputation as a trustworthy professional.

8. Network and maintain contacts:

Maintain your professional network and make contacts in the IT industry. Even if you work through a platform or an intermediary, personal referrals and relationships can lead to new and lucrative projects.

9. Continuous education:

The IT industry is dynamic and subject to constant change. Keep your skills up to date by continuously educating yourself and following new technologies and trends. This will make you more attractive to clients and increase your marketability.


As an IT freelancer, there are many aspects to consider in order to be successful. From self-promotion to transparent communication to a clear contract system, all of these factors will help advance your career. Take advantage of freelancer platforms and IT intermediaries to reach out to potential clients, but don't forget to actively work on your own network as well. With the right mix of expertise, self-promotion and customer focus, you can achieve long-term success as an IT freelancer.

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The work of press photographers: between information and art

08/30/2023 | By: FDS


Press photographers are indispensable players in the media landscape. Their job is to visually capture current events, news and stories and present them to the global public. These highly skilled photographers often face challenges ranging from securing the best shots under time constraints to maintaining ethics and sensitivity in their reporting. This article highlights the fascinating and varied work of press photographers and their role in the modern news world.

The role of press photographers in the media

Press photographers play a critical role in covering current events and stories. Their images often convey emotions, moods and the immediate impression of an event. A single image can be worth a thousand words and reach readers on an emotional level. Whether it's political protests, natural disasters or cultural events, press photographers are responsible for sending the world on a visual journey that puts us right in the middle of the action.

The work of press photographers also helps raise public awareness of important issues. Images can draw people's attention to social issues, drive political change, or capture historical moments for eternity. Press photographers' visual representations are critical to making complex issues more understandable and accessible.

Challenges for press photographers

The work of press photographers is not without its challenges. They often have to work in dangerous or unpredictable environments to capture images of crises, conflicts or disasters. The risk of putting themselves in harm's way to get the perfect shot is ever-present. It takes courage and determination to stand your ground in such situations.

In addition, press photographers are often under enormous time pressure. They must think and act quickly to capture the decisive moment before it is over. In a world where news is disseminated in real time, photographers must deliver their images to editors immediately to remain relevant. Competition among photographers is intense as everyone fights to get the exclusive image that will dominate the headlines.

Ethics and responsibility

Press photographers have a great responsibility, as their images can influence the understanding and perception of events. It is critical that they perform their work with ethics and sensitivity. The integrity of reporting must be maintained at all times, and the privacy of individuals must be respected. There is a fine line between informative reporting and sensationalist photojournalism, and it is important to respect the boundaries.

Manipulation and falsification of images are strictly prohibited in press photography and can have serious consequences for the credibility and reputation of photographers. The public trusts that the images they see reflect reality, and photographers must live up to that trust.

The Art of Press Photography

Although press photographers primarily cover current events, their work is often considered an art form. Through their creativity and technical skills, they can create influential images that have a lasting impact. The choice of composition, perspective and exposure can have a significant impact on the emotional and informative potential of a photograph. An image can change the world if it is captured in a way that touches people and makes them think.

Press photographers can also choose abstract and artistic approaches to tell their stories. Photography as an art form opens up the opportunity for them to play with light, shadow and color and convey their message in a poetic way. This creative freedom gives photographers the opportunity to bring their personal vision to bear and present readers with images that will stay with them for a long time.

Technological developments

With the advent of digital technologies, the way press photographers work has changed dramatically. The rapid availability of cameras and the ability to transmit images instantly have increased the pressure on photographers to document current events in real time. Social media has also accelerated the distribution of photos, resulting in tremendous reach for their work. Still, press photographers must deal with the impact of digitization and ensure that the authenticity of their images is maintained.

Despite technological advances, the importance of craftsmanship and photography expertise remains. Press photographers must continue to hone their technical skills and sharpen their ability to capture the right moment.


The work of press photographers is vital to the news industry and society as a whole. They ensure that important events and stories are properly documented and made available to the public. Their images have the power to stir emotions, convey information and raise awareness about global issues. Press photography is a fascinating combination of information and art that plays an important role in shaping our perception of the world. The work of press photographers is a marriage between harsh reality and artistic expression. While they have a duty to provide objective and informative images, they can also use their photographic skills to tell powerful visual stories.

The work of press photographers is a constant pursuit of the perfect shot. They must not only master the technical aspects of photography, such as exposure, focus and composition, but also develop an understanding of the stories and events they are documenting. This requires keen observation skills, the empathy to capture people's emotions, and the ability to anticipate the moment and react to it in a timely manner.

Photography is also a means of freezing time and capturing moments that might otherwise be forgotten. Historical events, political upheavals, social movements - all these aspects of history are often preserved for posterity through the lens of press photographers. Their images become testaments to the times, enabling future generations to understand and learn from the past.

Press photographers must interact with a variety of people, from those involved in the midst of events to other journalists, editors and the public. Good communication and interpersonal skills are therefore just as important as photographic expertise. Photographers must behave respectfully and responsibly to gain the trust and approval of the people they are photographing.

In today's digital era, the proliferation of images has reached unprecedented speeds. Photos can be shared on social media and news portals with a single click, spreading around the world at lightning speed. While this facilitates access to information, it also poses risks, as images can be taken out of context and manipulated. Press photographers must therefore be careful to ensure that their images are correctly labeled and not distorted or altered.

The work of press photographers has also changed in light of economic challenges. The decline of printed newspapers and the rise of online journalism have led to financial cuts. Many photographers work freelance or as part of smaller teams and must be creative to market their work and earn enough income.

Despite all these challenges, the work of press photographers remains vital to democracy and the maintenance of an informed society. Their images serve as gatekeepers of truth and ensure that important events are not forgotten. Photography is a universal language that needs no words to move people and make them think.

In a world awash in information and images, the role of press photographers as gatekeepers of truth and guardians of history is invaluable. Their work allows us to see and understand the world as it really is, providing us with visual stories that can touch, inspire and sometimes shake us. The work of press photographers is therefore not only a vocation, but also an obligation to society, which they fulfill with their unique talent and passion.

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How can you get in touch with journalists or editors?

08/30/2023 | By: FDS

To get in touch with journalists or editors, there are several ways. Here are some steps you can follow:

Research: Identify the appropriate journalist:s or editor:s for the topic you want to talk about. Look at the articles they have written in the past to make sure they are relevant to what you want to talk about.

Media Website: Visit the website of the media organization for which the journalist(s) or editor(s) work. There you will often find contact details, including email addresses or contact forms.

Social media: Many journalists and editors are active on platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. You can try to contact them through these channels. However, be sure to remain respectful and professional.

Email: If you have the journalist:s email address, you can write them a short, concise email introducing your issue and explaining why it is relevant to them and their readership.

Phone: In some cases, a phone call may be a good option to speak directly with the person. Make sure you do your research and prepare well before you call.

Press release: If you have something important or interesting to share, you can also write a press release and send it to the relevant media. Note that press releases should have a clear structure and contain important information in a compact way.

Events: Sometimes you can meet journalists or editors at events, conferences or press events. Use these opportunities to introduce yourself and start a conversation.

Network: Expand your network and join various journalistic associations or industry events. This will increase your chances of making contacts with journalists or editors.

It is important that you remain polite, clear and respectful in your communication. Journalists often receive many inquiries, so it is important that you present your request in a concise and understandable manner. Remember that not every contact attempt will be successful, but persevere if you have an important story or information to share.

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