
News / Blog: #pitch

How do I place articles in the media?

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

Placing articles in the media requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some steps you can follow to increase your chances of successful media placement:

Identify relevant media: research and identify media outlets that are relevant to your target audience. Think about what topics and content are published in these media and which journalists are responsible for these topics.

Write a press release: Write a press release that presents your topic or story in an engaging and interesting way. Make sure the press release is well structured and to the point.

Write a pitch: write a pitch that summarizes the key points of your story or topic and why it is relevant to the target media audience. The pitch should be short, concise and engaging.

Send your materials: send the press release and pitch to relevant journalists via email or a press portal. Make sure you have the journalists' email addresses correct and complete.

Follow-up: Follow-up by email or phone to make sure your materials have arrived and to motivate journalists to cover your topic.

Offer expert interviews: Offer to make yourself available to journalists for interviews to provide more information about your topic or story.

Keep in touch: Maintain good relationships with journalists by regularly offering them interesting topics and content. This will increase your chances of them covering your business in the future.

It is important to note that successful media placement is not guaranteed and that media placement also depends on factors such as the relevance of your topic or story, the quality of your materials, and your relationship with journalists.

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What are typical mistakes in B2B customer acquisition?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

When it comes to B2B customer acquisition, there are several mistakes that companies often make. Here are some typical mistakes:

Lack of target audience analysis: if you don't know exactly who your target audience is, you can't develop an effective acquisition strategy. A lack of target audience analysis often leads to you spending time and money on the wrong marketing channels and wasting your resources.

Too low lead quality: if you only focus on quick leads and don't qualify them well enough, this can lead to a low conversion rate. Take time to understand your prospects' needs so you can make sure you can actually help them.

Incorrect focus on sales pitches: When you focus solely on sales pitches during B2B customer acquisition, it can turn off potential customers. Instead, focus on how you can help customers solve their problems.

Poor follow-up strategy: if you don't keep in touch with potential customers, it can lead to a loss of the leads you've already acquired. Have a clear follow-up strategy to ensure that potential customers are not forgotten and stay in your mind.

Not enough patience: B2B customer acquisition requires patience and perseverance. It may take time before you see results, so it's important not to give up and keep at it.

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How does acquisition work as a self-employed person?

12/23/2022 | By: FDS
As a self-employed person, you need to build a network to attract new customers. It is important that you promote your services and products to the right target groups so that you reach potential customers. For example, you can use social media channels, online advertising and other marketing strategies to do this. You can also approach potential customers directly and pitch your product or service. It is also important that you provide your customers with good customer service and use a professional sales strategy.
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Pitching to journalists the right way - How to hit the mark with your press releases

12/19/2022 | By: FDS

1. Target your press releases to the right audience: Write them to journalists covering topics relevant to your message.

2. Summarize your message clearly and concisely: Write succinctly what the key message of your press release is.

3. Explain why your news is important and how it will impact readers: explain why your news is a good topic for coverage.

4. Include other relevant information: include facts, figures or related links that support the journalism.

5. Make your press releases discoverable: Have them accessible to journalists by sending them to press portals, social media and similar channels.

6. Track the success of your press releases: Use tracking tools to track the response to your news to see what works and what doesn't.

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How to pitch and sell products in need of explanation the right way

12/13/2022 | By: FDS

Many products and services and the solution they offer are complex and require explanation in order to convince the customer of the specific benefits. With this checklist, you can review which steps you can take to make the pitch even more successful in the future.

1. Define the benefits: Explain to your customers how the product can improve their lives, save them time, or help them.

2. Use examples: Use real-world examples to show how your product has helped others.

3. Compare it to similar products: Compare your product to similar products on the market to highlight the difference.

4. Make an offer: offer a special price, free trials or other incentives to get customers to try your product.

5. Create a WOW factor: think of something that will make your product stand out from the crowd. A WOW factor can be an important part of the sales process.

6. Make a guarantee: Make sure customers know they can buy your product without risk.

7. Make it easy to buy: make sure the buying process is simple and that customers don't have to go through complicated steps.

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