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Why it is becoming increasingly difficult for B2B companies and service providers to cover their costs with Google advertising

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

The digital advertising landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. Especially for B2B companies and service providers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to break even with Google advertising. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why these changes have taken place and what challenges this poses for B2B companies.

Growing competition:

The number of companies using Google advertising has increased significantly in recent years. As a result, competition for limited advertising space on search results pages and in Google Ads has increased significantly. As competition increases, so does the cost per click and per conversion, resulting in higher ad spend for B2B companies and service providers.

Rising click prices:

Click prices in Google Ads have risen sharply in many industries. Especially in B2B areas with expensive products or services, the cost per click can quickly skyrocket. It is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to find cost-effective keywords to reach their target audience.

Long sales cycles:

B2B companies and service providers often have longer sales cycles than B2C companies. Business customers tend to take longer to make decisions, which can lead to higher costs per conversion. Tracking conversions and accurately measuring advertising success becomes more complicated as a result.

Ad blockers and ad blindness:

More and more Internet users are using ad blockers to protect themselves from advertising. As a result, ads are less visible and thus less noticed. Even when companies invest in Google Ads, a significant portion of their target audience may not even see the ads.

Complexity of Google Ads:

Google Ads is an extremely complex advertising tool with many setting options and features. For small and medium B2B companies, it can be difficult to set up and optimize an effective advertising campaign, especially if there is no designated Google Ads expert in the company.

Shift to other platforms:

With the rise of social media and other advertising platforms, some companies are shifting their advertising budgets away from Google Ads. Depending on the target audience and industry, advertising on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or specialized industry portals may be more cost-effective and targeted.


B2B companies and service providers are finding it increasingly difficult to cover their advertising costs with Google Ads. Increasing competition, rising click prices, long sales cycles, ad blockers and the complexity of Google Ads are just some of the challenges they face. It is important that companies carefully rethink their advertising strategies and possibly consider alternative advertising platforms to effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

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How do you find skilled workers these days?

08/04/2023 | By: FDS

Searching for professionals these days can be challenging, but there are several ways to find potential candidates. Here are some common methods:

Online job postings: Post your job openings on job portals, career websites or social media. Many professionals are actively looking for jobs online.

Professional networks: use platforms like LinkedIn to actively search for and connect with professionals. LinkedIn offers specific features for recruiting.


Recruitment agencies: work with recruitment agencies that specialize in recruiting professionals. These agencies often have access to a pool of qualified candidates.


Employee referrals: Ask your current employees to recommend potential professionals from their network. Employees often know qualified individuals who are looking for new opportunities.

Current employees often know qualified individuals who are looking for new opportunities.

Career fairs and job fairs: Attend industry events to connect directly with potential candidates. Trade shows provide an opportunity to introduce yourself in person and answer questions.

Universities and colleges: partner with educational institutions to find graduates or students with the skills you need. Internship and apprenticeship programs can also be a way to identify potential professionals early on.

Social media: Use platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to share your job openings and reach out to potential applicants. Social media groups and forums that focus on your industry or specific areas of expertise can also be useful.

Social Media.

Company website: Make sure your company website has current job openings and information on how to apply. Many professionals specifically search for career opportunities on company websites.

Make sure your company website contains current job openings and information on how to apply.

It can also be helpful to build an attractive employer image to attract professionals. This includes aspects such as competitive salaries, good working conditions, development opportunities, and a positive working environment.

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Where can I submit press releases?

08/03/2023 | By: FDS

There are several ways to submit press releases. Here are some of the most common options:

Contacting media outlets directly: you can send your press release directly to local, regional or national newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations. Search the websites of these media houses for information on submitting press releases or contact their editors for instructions.

Press portals and PR services: there are several online platforms that specialize in press release distribution. Some popular press portals include "Press Portal", "OTS - Original Text Service" or "PR Newswire". On these platforms, you can upload your press release and distribute it to a wide audience of journalists, bloggers and other interested parties.

Social media platforms: Use your social media profiles to share your press release. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other platforms can be used to increase the reach of your message and reach potential prospects.

Industry-specific websites and forums: If your press release pertains to a specific industry or niche, you may consider sending it to industry-specific websites, forums or online communities. These platforms often focus on specific topics or industries and reach a specialized audience.

Before submitting your press release, make sure it is well-written, informative and relevant. Write a short, concise headline and include any relevant information journalists will need to cover your news. Also be aware of any specific requirements or guidelines from the platform or media outlet in question.

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How to effectively use PR for startups?

08/02/2023 | By: FDS

Public relations (PR) can be extremely valuable for startups to increase their visibility, build their brand and reach out to potential customers, investors and partners. Here are some effective ways to use PR for startups:

Define your target audience: identify exactly who you want to reach with your PR. This will help you develop targeted messages and communication strategies.

Create a story: startups often have a unique founding story or innovative products and solutions. Find the "storytelling" aspect of your startup and develop a compelling narrative that will generate interest.

Publish press releases: write professional press releases to share important announcements such as new products, partnerships, funding rounds or awards. Distribute them to relevant media outlets to attract attention.

Build relationships with journalists: Identify journalists and influencers in your industry and build relationships with them. Offer them relevant information, expert knowledge, or exclusive insights to capture their attention.

Use social media: use platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to share your messages, interact with your target audience and build your brand. Also, conduct influencer collaborations to expand your reach

Write guest posts and technical articles: Offer to write guest posts and technical articles in industry publications or on relevant blogs. This increases your credibility and visibility as an expert in your field.

Networking and Events: Attend industry events, conferences and meetups to expand your network. Be active in relevant discussions and connect with potential partners, investors, and journalists.

Customer References and Case Studies: Collect positive customer references and create powerful case studies that demonstrate your performance and the added value of your startup. These can be used in PR materials and on your website.

Awards and accolades: Apply for industry-specific awards and competitions. An award can increase your startup's credibility and lead to positive news coverage.

Crisis communications: prepare for potential crisis situations and develop a communications plan to respond appropriately to potential negative events or criticism.

It is important to plan PR efforts strategically and evaluate them regularly to ensure they meet your startup's goals. A combination of different.

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Why B2B suppliers and service providers have a hard time generating inquiries via their own website these days, and what alternatives there are

07/27/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digitized business world, online presence and lead generation are critical for B2B vendors and service providers. Yet many companies face the challenge of generating inquiries through their own website. This article explores the reasons behind this problem and presents alternative approaches to attract qualified leads.

1. Overwhelm due to the multitude of websites:

The Internet is flooded with websites of B2B vendors and service providers. Customers have a seemingly endless choice, making it difficult to stand out from the crowd. Often, websites are not optimized enough to convert visitors into paying customers.

2. Lack of search engine optimization (SEO):

Poor visibility in search engine results can prevent potential customers from finding the website in the first place. Without a targeted SEO strategy, valuable leads are lost.

3. Complex offerings and opaque content:

B2B products and services can often be complex. If the website fails to convey this information clearly and understandably, visitors will lose interest and look elsewhere for solutions.

4. Lack of personalized targeting:

Websites that fail to capture visitors' needs and interests and provide them with personalized content may have a hard time establishing an emotional connection and building trust.

5. Competition from third-party platforms:

Third-party platforms such as LinkedIn, Xing, and business directories offer B2B companies the opportunity to showcase their services to a wide audience. As a result, they compete directly with their own website for the attention of the target group.

Alternatives to lead generation via one's own website:

1. Content marketing:

By creating and sharing high-quality, relevant content, B2B providers can position themselves as experts and attract potential customers. Blog posts, case studies, white papers, and videos are just a few examples of content that can build trust and convert visitors into leads.

2. Social Media Marketing:

A targeted presence on social media platforms allows companies to engage their target audience directly and build relationships. Interactive content and targeted advertising can capture the attention of potential customers.

3. Influencer marketing:

Working with influential people or companies in the industry can increase a B2B vendor's credibility and reach. Recommendations from trusted sources can pique the interest of potential customers.

4. Webinars and virtual events:

Hosting webinars and virtual events allows B2B companies to showcase their expertise live and engage directly with audiences.

5. Collaborations and partnerships:

Collaborating with other companies can lead to mutual benefits by gaining access to the partner's customers and thus generating new potential leads.


Generating inquiries through your own website can be challenging for B2B vendors and service providers, but there are numerous alternative ways to attract qualified leads. A smart combination of content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing and the use of webinars or partnerships can increase reach and significantly improve the chances of successful lead generation. Companies should regularly review their marketing strategies to find the best approaches for their individual goals and position themselves successfully in the highly competitive B2B landscape.

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