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What is Automated Social Marketing?

11/03/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Automated Social Marketing, also known as Social Media Marketing Automation, refers to the use of software tools and technology to streamline and optimize various aspects of a brand or business's social media marketing efforts. It involves automating repetitive tasks, scheduling posts, analyzing data, and engaging with the audience to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a social media strategy.

Here are key components and practices associated with Automated Social Marketing:

Content Scheduling: One of the primary uses of automation is scheduling social media posts in advance. Social media management tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social allow marketers to plan and publish content across multiple social media platforms at specific times and dates.

Post Automation: Automation tools can assist in automatically publishing content, including text, images, videos, and links, on various social media platforms. This ensures a consistent and timely presence on social media channels.

Content Curation: Automation can also help in content curation by discovering and curating relevant content from other sources. Tools like Feedly or content aggregation platforms can assist in this process.

Audience Engagement: Automated responses and chatbots can be used to engage with the audience by providing quick answers to frequently asked questions, managing comments, and sending automated direct messages.

Analytics and Reporting: Social media automation tools provide data analytics and reporting features to track key performance metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, click-through rates, and more. This data helps in evaluating the effectiveness of social media strategies.

Audience Segmentation: Automation allows for audience segmentation based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, and behavior. This enables marketers to deliver personalized content to different audience segments.

Social Listening: Automated tools can monitor social media conversations and keywords related to a brand, product, or industry. This helps in identifying trends, customer sentiment, and opportunities for engagement.

Ad Campaign Automation: Some automation platforms integrate with advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads, enabling automated ad campaign management and optimization.

Lead Generation: Social media automation can be used to generate leads by running targeted ad campaigns, creating landing pages, and automating lead nurturing sequences.

Compliance and Risk Management: Automation tools can assist in ensuring that social media content complies with industry regulations and brand guidelines, reducing the risk of posting inappropriate or non-compliant content.

Competitor Analysis: Automated tools can track the social media activities of competitors, providing insights into their strategies and performance metrics.

While Automated Social Marketing can significantly improve efficiency and consistency in social media efforts, it's essential to strike a balance. Over-automation can lead to a loss of authenticity and human touch, which is crucial for building genuine connections with the audience. Marketers should carefully plan their automation strategies to maintain a balance between efficiency and meaningful engagement.

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The art of starting a business: From idea to success

11/01/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Starting a business is an exciting adventure that appeals to many people. But the road from initial idea to success is often rocky and full of challenges. In this article, we take a look at the art of starting a business and how to go from a visionary idea to a thriving business.

The Idea: The Starting Point

Everything starts with an idea. It can come from personal experiences, passions or gaps in the market. However, a good idea is not enough. It must also be tested for its feasibility and marketability. Thorough market research is essential to determine if there is demand for the product or service.

The business plan: The blueprint for success

Once the idea is solid, it is time to create a business plan. This not only serves as a guide for the business, but is also an important document for potential investors and partners. The business plan should include a clear vision, goals, market analysis, marketing strategies and financial projections.

Funding: raising capital

One of the biggest hurdles for budding entrepreneurs is raising capital. This can be achieved through personal savings, loans, investors or crowdfunding. The choice of funding source depends on the type of business and individual circumstances. It is important to make realistic financial projections and consider all costs, including current expenses and salaries.

The legal form: choosing the right business model

Choosing the right legal form for the business is crucial. Whether sole proprietorship, limited liability company or public limited company, each has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of liability, taxes and administration. It is advisable to seek advice from a professional in good time to find the best option.

The implementation: From plan to reality

With a solid business plan and sufficient funding, it is time to turn the idea into reality. This requires careful planning, hiring skilled staff, sourcing resources and developing products or services. The process often requires adjustments and flexibility to meet changing market conditions.

Marketing: Attracting customers

A successful business cannot thrive without an effective marketing strategy. This includes identifying the target audience, developing a strong brand identity and choosing the right marketing channels. Social media, content marketing and traditional advertising are just a few of the ways to build awareness and attract customers.

Scaling up: from start-up to established company

Once the business is successfully launched, the next challenge is scaling. This means expanding the business and entering new markets. This often requires additional capital and a smart business strategy. Preserving the company's culture and values is just as important as growth itself.

Perseverance: The Key to Success

The art of starting a business requires perseverance and determination. There will be setbacks and challenges, but successful entrepreneurs don't give up. They learn from their mistakes, adapt to new developments and stay true to their vision

In the world of starting a business, there are no guarantees of success, but the right planning, perseverance and passion can greatly increase the odds. The art of starting a business is an exciting journey that rewards those who are willing to take on the adventure. Those who want to go from idea to success should be guided by their vision and always look forward, because the world is waiting for the next innovative entrepreneurs who will change it.

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Advertising on LinkedIn: How to advertise successfully

11/01/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

In today's digital era, LinkedIn has become one of the most important platforms for professional networking and business communication. But LinkedIn is not just a place to expand your professional network. It is also a highly effective platform for advertising and marketing. In this article, we take a look at how you can successfully advertise on LinkedIn.

1. Target group definition is key

The first step to a successful LinkedIn advertising campaign is to accurately define your target audience. LinkedIn offers a variety of targeting options, including job title, industry, location, company size and more. The more specific you are in defining your audience, the more effective your advertising will be.

2. Create engaging ads

Your ads need to be engaging and relevant to your target audience. Use professional images and concise copy that clearly communicates your offer. Make sure your ads highlight the benefits of your products or services

3. Take advantage of LinkedIn's ad formats

LinkedIn offers several ad formats, including Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Display Ads and more. Choose the format that best suits your goal and audience. For example, Sponsored Content ads work well to promote your content, while Sponsored InMail can be used for direct messaging to potential customers.

4. Go for storytelling

Stories are a powerful tool in marketing. Use LinkedIn to tell your company story. Explain how your product or service solves your customers' problems. Show success stories of customers or employees. A well-told story can create a deep emotional connection to your brand.

5. Test and optimise

Successful LinkedIn advertising often requires some experimentation. Test different ads, audiences and budgets to see what works best. Use LinkedIn's analytics tools to track the success of your campaigns, and optimise them regularly.

6. Budgeting and bidding strategies

Set a realistic budget for your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. LinkedIn offers several bidding strategies, including CPC (Cost Per Click), CPM (Cost Per Mille) and CPA (Cost Per Acquisition). Choose the strategy that best suits your goals.

7. Run A/B tests

A/B testing is an effective way to find out which ad variations perform best. For example, vary headlines, images or call-to-action buttons and analyse which version gets the best results

8. Continuous improvement

Successful LinkedIn advertising requires patience and continuous optimisation. Monitor your campaigns carefully, analyse the results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Overall, LinkedIn offers a powerful platform for advertising in the professional environment. By accurately defining your target audience, creating engaging ads and continuously optimising your campaigns, you can successfully advertise on LinkedIn and reach your business goals.

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What are the most pressing issues related to PR software?

10/30/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

Measurability of results: One of the biggest problems in PR is accurately measuring and quantifying results. It can be difficult to determine the exact impact of PR efforts on business metrics such as revenue, ROI and brand awareness.

Integration with other systems: PR software often needs to integrate seamlessly with other systems such as marketing automation, CRM and analytics tools. The lack of interoperability between different software solutions can hinder efficiency.

Data quality and relevance: The quality of data used in PR software is critical. Outdated or inaccurate data can lead to flawed strategies and decisions.

Automation and personalization: while automation can increase efficiency, the challenge is to maintain personalized approaches to truly connect with audiences. It's important to find the right level of automation without losing the human touch.

Media monitoring: monitoring media and social media in real time can be challenging. The wealth of information available requires powerful tools to extract relevant insights.

Crisis communication: In the age of rapid dissemination of information, unforeseen crises can easily get out of control. PR software should be able to provide rapid response mechanisms to react appropriately to crisis situations.

Globalization and cultural differences: it is important for international companies to adapt PR messages to different cultures. The software must take this into account and provide tools for targeting different audiences.

Data protection and compliance: with stricter data protection regulations such as the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation), PR professionals must ensure that their communications and data collection comply with legal requirements.

Content creation and management: creating high-quality content is an essential part of PR. The software must help create, organize and publish content.

Contact management: effective management of contacts, journalists and opinion leaders is critical. The software should offer features for maintaining relationships and communicating.

It is important to emphasize that technology is constantly changing, and there may be new developments and solutions that can address some of these issues.

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How to become a copywriter? The art of copywriting and storytelling

10/27/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

In today's digital era, the importance of high-quality copy and engaging storytelling is greater than ever. Copywriters are the creative minds behind the advertising messages, social media posts, websites and other marketing materials that permeate our daily lives. But how does one actually become a copywriter? In this article, we will highlight the steps and qualifications needed to succeed in this exciting career field.

Step 1: Discovering the love of writing

The first step in becoming a copywriter is discovering your passion for writing. Many aspiring copywriters are fascinated by books and stories from an early age. This natural inclination to write is a solid starting point for gaining a foothold in the copywriting world.

Step 2: Education and self-study

To become a good copywriter, education is crucial. A bachelor's degree in journalism, communications, literature or a related field can be beneficial, but is not a mandatory requirement. Many successful copywriters have self-taught their craft.

There are countless resources online, including blogs, courses and books dedicated to copywriting. These can help aspiring copywriters learn the basics, from text structure to the psychology of persuasion.

Step 3: Gain practical experience

Writing is a practical skill that is developed through practice and experience. To become a successful copywriter, you should write actively. This may mean writing your own blogposts, taking part in freelance assignments or getting involved in an internship at a marketing agency

During your practical experience, you will learn to understand target audiences, find the right words to evoke emotions, and master the tone for different brands.

Step 4: Specialisation and niche knowledge

An important aspect of a copywriter's career is specialisation. The ability to focus on specific industries or media can increase your chances of success. Some copywriters focus on writing product descriptions, while others focus on writing social media posts or email marketing campaigns.

Knowing a specific industry, such as healthcare, technology or fashion, can also be beneficial. This will allow you to use specialist terminology and better understand the needs of the customer.

Step 5: Build portfolios and network

A strong portfolio is crucial to convince potential clients or employers of your skills. Your portfolio should include a variety of examples of your work that demonstrate your writing and storytelling skills. It is also helpful to collect client reviews and recommendations.

In addition to building your portfolio, expand your professional network. Attend industry events, join copywriting associations and make contacts in the industry. A strong network can give you access to new assignments and opportunities.

Step 6: Be adaptable and upskill

The world of copywriting is constantly changing. Search engine algorithms, social media trends and customer preferences are constantly changing. Therefore, it is important to constantly educate yourself and remain adaptable

Continuing education in SEO, online marketing and content strategy is often beneficial. It is also advisable to closely follow trends in the advertising world in order to write innovative and effective texts.


The path to becoming a copywriter requires passion, education, experience and adaptability. It is a profession that requires creativity and communication skills and offers the opportunity to work with different industries and clients. With commitment and dedication, anyone who can master the art of copywriting and storytelling can succeed in this exciting career field.

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