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If you want to create a press distribution list for your startup, you can take the following steps:
Identify your target audience: Before creating a press mailing list, you should make sure you know your target audience. Think about who your target audience is and what media they read or follow.
Research relevant media: Research the media that is relevant to your target audience. Look for publications that have covered similar topics in the past and can reach the target audience of your PR campaign.
Collect contact details: Once you have identified relevant media, you need to collect the contact details of the journalists, editors and other important contacts. Check media websites to find contact information, or search LinkedIn for journalists and other relevant contacts.
Make a list: Make a list with the contact details of the relevant media and contacts. The list should include each contact's name, position, and contact information.
Maintain your list: It's important to keep your press mailing list up to date by regularly checking for changes in contacts. Remove outdated contacts and add new ones.
Personalize your outreach: When you're ready to send out your press releases, make sure to personalize your outreach. Use journalists' names in your emails and be aware of why you think your message is relevant to them and their audience.
Track your outreach: After you've sent out your press release, you should make sure you track your outreach. Send follow-up emails or call the journalists to make sure your message got through.
Leverage Social Media: Use social media to draw journalists and media attention to your startup. Publish updates about your startup on your social media channels and tag journalists and media that may be relevant to your startup.
Build relationships: Build long-term relationships with journalists and media by regularly connecting with them and providing them with interesting and relevant information.
By following these steps, you can build a press distribution list for your startup and attract media attention to your business. It takes patience and perseverance to succeed, but it can be a valuable way to get your startup known and reach potential customers.
Disseminating a press release can be an effective way to draw journalists and media attention to your company, products or services. Here are the steps you should follow to get your press release out there:
Make a list of contacts: Make a list of journalists, editors, and other media contacts relevant to your company or industry. This can either be a list created by you or a list from a service provider who offers press mailing lists.
Personalize your message: Adapt your press release to the interests and needs of your contacts. This can mean creating different versions of your press release to address different topics and perspectives.
Send your message: Send your press release to your contacts. You can do this either by email or through a press distribution service. Make sure your message is well-structured, engaging, and includes all the important information.
Follow-up: Send a follow-up email or call your contacts to make sure they've received your press release. Make sure you are polite, professional and not overly pushy.
Use social media: Use social media to spread the word about your press release. Publish your message on your social media channels and share it with your followers. Also, use relevant hashtags and mention journalist and media accounts that may be relevant to your story.
Publish on your website: Publish your press release on your website. This gives journalists and media the opportunity to find your message when they visit your website.
Track your results: Track whether your message has been published in the media or whether journalists and editors have picked it up. This gives you feedback on which approaches might be successful in the future.
By following these steps, you can ensure your press release gets distributed to the right people and in the right way for maximum visibility for your business.
Die Pflege von Pressekontakten zu Journalist:innen ist für Unternehmen und Organisationen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Eine erfolgreiche Pressearbeit hängt stark von der Qualität der Beziehungen zu Journalist:innen ab. Hier sind einige Tipps, um Pressekontakte erfolgreich zu pflegen:
Verstehen Sie die Bedürfnisse der Journalist:innen: Um Pressekontakte erfolgreich zu pflegen, ist es wichtig, die Bedürfnisse der Journalist:innen zu verstehen. Versetzen Sie sich in ihrer Lage und überlegenen Sie, welche Informationen und Geschichten für sie von Interesse sein könnten.
Bieten Sie Mehrwert: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Journalist:innen stets aktuelle und relevante Informationen und Geschichten bieten, die ihnen einen Mehrwert liefern. Überlegen Sie, wie Sie mit Ihrer Expertise und Ihren Erfahrungen dazu beitragen können, dass eine Geschichte spannender und informativer wird.
Pflegen Sie regelmäßigen Kontakt: Um eine dauerhafte Beziehung aufzubauen, ist es wichtig, regelmäßigen Kontakt zu halten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auf aktuelle Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse reagieren und den Journalist:innen bei Bedarf schnell und effektiv Informationen zur Verfügung stellen.
Zeigen Sie Interesse: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich für die Arbeit der Journalist:innen interessieren. Verfolgen Sie ihre Artikel und Beiträge und zeigen Sie Interesse an ihrem Arbeitsfeld und ihren Schwerpunkten.
Seien Sie transparent: Es ist wichtig, dass Sie immer transparent und ehrlich kommunizieren. Wenn es einmal Schwierigkeiten oder Probleme gibt, ist es besser, diese offen anzusprechen und gemeinsame Lösungen zu finden.
Nutzen Sie verschiedene Kanäle: Verwenden Sie verschiedene Kanäle, um mit den Journalist:innen in Kontakt zu treten. Dazu können z.B. E-Mails, Telefonate, soziale Medien oder persönliche Treffen gehören. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Kanäle wählen, die für die jeweilige Kontaktperson am besten geeignet sind.
Bedanken Sie sich: Zeigen Sie Ihre Wertschätzung, indem Sie sich bei den Journalist:innen bedanken, wenn sie eine Geschichte über Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Organisation veröffentlicht haben. Bedanken Sie sich auch für ihre Zeit, wenn Sie mit Ihnen gesprochen oder an einer Veranstaltung teilgenommen haben.
Indem Sie diese Tipps befolgen, können Sie Pressekontakte erfolgreich pflegen und eine positive Beziehung zu Journalist:innen aufbauen.
There are several online directories and databases that contain listings and profiles of freelance journalists. Here are some options:
Freeelancermap: An online platform that specializes in freelance workers in various industries, including journalism. It offers an extensive database of freelance journalists from around the world.
Journalist Directory: A directory of freelance journalists in Germany. The directory is sorted by state and topic and includes contact information and samples of work.
DJV-Freie: A database of the German Journalists' Association (DJV) containing more than 4,000 freelance journalists from Germany. The database is accessible to DJV members, but some information is also available to the public.
MediaBistro: A job board and online community for media professionals, including freelance journalists. The site includes a job database, a directory of freelancers, and a variety of resources for media professionals.
LinkedIn: A social platform for business and professional people, also used by freelance journalists. LinkedIn allows users to create their profile to showcase their skills and experience and connect with other professionals.
These lists are a good starting point for finding freelance journalists. However, it is important to note that many freelancers may not be listed on these lists or may not advertise their services publicly. In this case, it may be helpful to search social media or relevant groups and forums for recommendations.