
News / Blog: #communication

How do I become a journalist?

07/28/2023 | By: FDS

As a journalist, you must first and foremost be able to research and write well. It is also important that you have an interest in the topics you write about.

To become a journalist, it is helpful to have a university degree, for example in journalism, communication studies or media studies. There are also various training programs and internships that will help you get started.

Experience in other fields, such as public relations, can also be helpful. It's important that you continue your education and stay current to keep up with new technologies and developments.

There are also many online resources to help you improve your skills as a journalist. It's helpful to read and listen to blogs, publications, and podcasts related to journalism. This way, you can keep your knowledge up to date.

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What's a no-go when looking for a job?

06/26/2023 | By: FDS

A job search "no-go" is a behavior or action that is viewed negatively by potential employers and reduces the likelihood of a successful application. Here are some examples of no-go's in the job search:

Unprofessional appearance: Dressing inappropriately or behaving rudely and disrespectfully toward hiring managers can leave a bad impression.

Inadequate preparation: If you have not done enough research on the company or have no idea about the position you are applying for, this shows a lack of interest and commitment.

Poor application documents: spelling mistakes, unclear CV or an unsuitable application photo can lead to the application being sorted out before the potential employer even has a chance to get to know the candidate better.

Lies or exaggerations: Honesty is critical in application processes. Playing up qualifications or making up experience will usually come to light sooner or later and can lead to a loss of trust.

Unprofessional online presence: employers these days often search online for information about applicants. Sharing inappropriate or unprofessional content on social media or posting negative comments about previous employers or colleagues can hurt an applicant's reputation.

Lack of communication: not responding to messages or calls from the potential employer or not meeting deadlines shows disinterest or a lack of reliability.

Arrogant behavior: Acting arrogant or overbearing during the job application process, such as by belittling other applicants, is rarely well received.

It is important to behave professionally, honestly and respectfully during the job search in order to have the best chance of a successful application.

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Create encumbrance - What to pay attention to

06/26/2023 | By: FDS

A specification is a document that defines the requirements and specifications for the development of a product, system or service. It is usually created by a client or customer and serves as the basis for the development process.

The requirements specification describes in detail which functions, services and properties the product to be developed should have. It specifies which requirements must be met so that the final product meets the needs and expectations of the client. The document often includes technical specifications, interface requirements, performance characteristics, safety requirements, quality standards, and other relevant information.

A specification document is an important communication tool between the client and the development team. It provides a clear and consistent understanding of what is expected and serves as the basis for further planning, development, and implementation of the project. It ensures that both the client and the contractor have a common understanding of the requirements and facilitates the evaluation of the finished product in terms of meeting the defined criteria.

It is important to note that a requirements specification is often created in collaboration between the client and the development team to ensure that the requirements are realistic, actionable, and understandable.

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What are common sources of error for freelancers?

06/07/2023 | By: FDS

1. Inadequate planning and time management: freelancers are often prone to overlooking project and time constraints.

2. Inadequate pricing: Freelancers often underestimate their own value, which can result in them not being paid adequately for their services.

3. Inadequate communication: freelancers are often unable to communicate effectively with clients and other stakeholders, which can lead to misunderstandings and problems.

4. Inadequate documentation: freelancers are often unable to properly document their work, which can lead to poor project organization.

5. Inadequate contracts: Freelancers are often unable to sign clear and specific contracts, which can lead to legal difficulties.

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What are typical mistakes made when closing a deal with a customer?

05/19/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some typical mistakes that can be made when closing with customers:

Unclear offers: If the offer is not clear or is difficult to understand, the customer may lose interest and miss the deal.

Complicated buying processes: If the buying process is too complicated or too long, it may discourage the customer from completing the purchase. A simple, clear, and quick buying process is therefore critical.

Missing or unclear call-to-actions (CTA): If the CTAs on the website are not clear or not prominently placed, the customer may not complete the purchase process or may abandon it by mistake.

Lack of trustworthiness: if the customer does not trust the website or the company, they may abandon the purchase process. Therefore, it is important to project a trustworthy image and implement security measures such as SSL certificates and secure payment methods.

Lack of flexibility: If the website does not offer flexible payment options or does not allow the customer to postpone or continue the purchase process later, he may abandon the purchase.

Poor customer service: if customer service is poor or the customer is unable to get help when they need it, this may prevent completion.

Inadequate verification: if the verification of the purchase is not clear or is too complicated, this can discourage the customer and prevent completion.

It's important to avoid these mistakes and make the buying process as simple, clear and effective as possible. Clear communication and a trustworthy image can also help to gain the customer's trust and facilitate closing.

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