
News / Blog: #beratung

What are common sources of errors in startup?

06/08/2023 | By: FDS

1. Insufficient financing: many entrepreneurs underestimate the start-up costs and the ongoing costs associated with running a business.

2. Insufficient planning: There is often a failure to create a business plan and define the goals of the business.

3. Insufficient knowledge: Many founders do not have the necessary skills and experience to run a successful business.

4. Insufficient management: many entrepreneurs do not have the necessary skills to lead and manage a business.

5. Inadequate legal advice: many businesses rely on their own knowledge for legal issues. They forget that a specialist lawyer can assist them with complex legal issues and decisions.

6. Insufficient market research: many entrepreneurs forget or ignore to explore the needs of their customers and adapt their product or service accordingly.

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How can I promote and sell complex products or products that require explanation?

05/24/2023 | By: FDS

Promoting and selling complex products or products that require explanation can be challenging, but requires a focused strategy. Here are some steps that can help you:

Target audience analysis: analyze your target audience and understand their needs and requirements. Also consider how they prefer information and how they respond to different marketing methods.

Storytelling: an effective way to promote complex products is to use storytelling techniques. Tell stories that focus on your product and show how it can solve your target audience's problems and needs.

Use of videos: Videos are a great medium to explain complex products. You can create step-by-step guides or tutorials to demonstrate your product. Using animations or infographics can help illustrate complicated technologies or processes.

Expert opinions: Use expert testimonials to persuade your target audience. Publish testimonials or case studies that show how your product can solve problems and add value.

Customer feedback: Show feedback from satisfied customers to convince potential customers of your product. Use platforms like social media to collect and share customer feedback.

Personal contact: Offer potential customers a face-to-face consultation or demo to help them understand your products and answer questions.

Content marketing: create relevant content that appeals to your target audience and provides useful information. Use blogs, infographics, podcasts, or white papers to explain complex topics and engage potential customers.

Promoting and selling complex products or products that require explanation can be challenging, but with the right strategy and a well-thought-out plan, you can succeed.

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The startup scene in Rostock - Who is founding and in which area?

05/04/2023 | By: FDS

Rostock has developed a vibrant start-up scene in recent years, which is supported by the university, local initiatives and the city administration.

An important player in Rostock's startup scene is the Rostock Business and Innovation Center (RBIC). The RBIC offers young companies offices, laboratory space and advice. Here, founders can benefit from the expertise of experienced staff and have access to a network of investors and business partners.

Another important initiative is the Rostock Start-up Slam, an event where young founders can present their business ideas and receive feedback from a jury of experts and the audience. Here, young start-ups have the opportunity to present themselves to a broad audience and make contacts.

The University of Rostock also plays an important role in the start-up scene. The university offers support and advice to students and graduates who want to start a business. There are also special courses and workshops that deal with the topics of founding and entrepreneurship.

An example of a successful start-up from Rostock is the company Centogene. The company was founded in 2006 and specializes in the diagnosis of rare diseases. Centogene is headquartered in Rostock and now has subsidiaries in several countries.

Overall, Rostock has an emerging startup scene that benefits from a good infrastructure, a strong university and a supportive city government. The city offers a good environment for young companies and thus contributes to the economic development of the region.

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How to become an actuary:in?

04/24/2023 | By: FDS

To become an actuary:in, there are several paths.

The classical way is to study mathematics or a mathematically oriented course of study such as business mathematics, technomathematics or applied mathematics. Here, it makes sense to specialize in actuarial mathematics and attend appropriate courses and seminars.

The traditional path is to study mathematics or a mathematics-related course such as business mathematics or applied mathematics.

Following this, you can apply for a position in an insurance company, for example, and work there as an actuary or actuarial mathematician. Alternatively, you can also work in a consulting firm with a focus on insurance.

But there are also other opportunities.

But there are also specialized courses of study, such as the master's program in actuarial science at the Technical University of Munich or the bachelor's program in actuarial science at the University of Ulm. These are very practice-oriented courses of study that provide students with extensive knowledge in the field of actuarial science.

To be successful as an actuary:in, you should have a good understanding of mathematics as well as analytical skills and be able to understand and communicate complex relationships.

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What does a Data Consultant do?

04/13/2023 | By: FDS

A Data Consultant is an expert who helps organizations effectively use their data to make informed business decisions and improve performance. The responsibilities of a Data Consultant typically include:

Data Analysis: the Data Consultant analyzes and interprets data to identify trends, patterns, and relationships.

Data Management: the Data Consultant helps organize, integrate, and maintain data.

Data Visualization: the Data Consultant creates data visualizations such as charts, tables, and graphs to present the results of data analysis.

Advising: The Data Consultant advises companies on data-related issues and makes recommendations to improve business performance.

Training: The Data Consultant trains employees to ensure they can use data effectively.

A Data Consultant must be knowledgeable in statistics, programming, and database technology. In addition, he or she must be able to solve complex data-related problems and develop strategic solutions for the business.

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