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Salary report: Income of Symfony developers in Germany in 2024

01/26/2024 | By: FDS

Development with the Symfony framework is a central aspect of many web projects, and experienced Symfony developers are in high demand in the IT industry. But what will the income of Symfony developers in Germany be like in 2024? A closer look at the current situation provides insights into remuneration practices in this specialized field.

The role of Symfony developers

Symfony is a popular PHP framework used to create web applications. Symfony developers play a crucial role in the design, development and maintenance of web applications based on this framework

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The income of Symfony developers in Germany in 2024 will vary depending on various factors, including experience, qualifications, company size and location.

Salaries according to experience

Junior Symfony developers: Entry-level developers with less than two years' experience can expect an annual salary of between €45,000 and €55,000

Mid-level Symfony developers: Developers with two to five years of experience can expect annual salaries between €55,000 and €70,000.

Senior Symfony developers: Experienced developers with more than five years of experience and specialization in Symfony can command annual salaries of €70,000 to €90,000 or more.

Qualifications and certifications

Special qualifications, certifications and training in Symfony can have a positive impact on salary. Certificates such as the Symfony Certified Developer contribute to the recognition of expertise

Company size and location

Income can also be influenced by the size of the employer. Large companies and technology companies tend to offer higher salaries. Locations in economically strong regions such as Munich or Frankfurt can also lead to higher salaries

Freelance Symfony developers

Freelance Symfony developers often have the option of setting their own rates. Hourly rates for freelance Symfony developers can vary from €60 to €120 or more, depending on experience and specialization.

Market demand and trends

The high demand for Symfony developers on the market helps to keep salaries competitive. Trends in web development, particularly in PHP and Symfony, can also influence compensation.


Symfony developers play a crucial role in web development, and their specific skills are valued in the industry. With continued education, specialization and hands-on experience, Symfony developers have the opportunity to advance in their careers and reap financial rewards. Companies that offer competitive salaries, training opportunities and positive work environments will be able to continue to attract top talent in this field.

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