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Salary report: Income of photographers for application photos and employe

01/26/2024 | By: FDS

Application photos and employee portraits play a crucial role in the professional self-presentation and image cultivation of companies. Photographers who focus on this specific niche offer professional services to put people in the best possible light. But what will the income of photographers who specialize in application photos and employee portraits look like in Germany in 2024? A detailed look at the current situation provides insights into the remuneration practices in this particular area of photography.

The role of photographers for application photos and employee portraits

Photographers who specialize in job application photos and employee portraits understand the importance of a professional and appealing appearance. They use their skills to portray people authentically and favorably, whether for job applications, company websites or internal communication materials.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The remuneration for photographers of application photos and employee portraits in Germany in 2024 is specific and depends on various factors. Income can vary greatly depending on experience, reputation, region and type of services

Fees per photo shoot and package offers

Photographers in this field often charge their fees per photo shoot. In Germany, fees typically range between €100 and €500 or more, depending on the duration of the shoot, the number of pictures taken, the type of editing and any services included, such as make-up artists or different backgrounds.

Specialization in application photos or employee portraits

Some photographers specialize in certain types of photos, be it application photos with a focus on corporate looks or employee portraits that reflect the corporate culture. Specialization can influence demand and therefore cause remuneration to vary.

Company size and number of employees

The size of the company and the number of employee portraits required can influence remuneration. Large companies with many employees can lead to recurring orders and thus stabilize income

Additional services and quality of editing

Additional services such as professional image editing, retouching or the provision of various file formats can increase the income of photographers. The quality of editing plays an important role, as companies are looking for high-quality and professional images

Marketing and customer acquisition

The success of photographers in this field also depends on their ability to market themselves. A professional online presence, social media marketing and positive customer reviews can help to generate new orders.

Regional differences and industry demand

Remuneration can vary from region to region, with demand for professional application photos and employee portraits tending to be higher in economically strong regions. Working with companies from different sectors can influence the variety of jobs and therefore the income

Recommendations and customer satisfaction

Referrals from satisfied customers are crucial for photographers in this sector. Transparency about prices, clear communication and the ability to understand the individual needs of customers contribute to customer satisfaction.


The income of photographers for application photos and employee portraits in Germany in 2024 is multi-faceted and dependent on various factors. The constant demand for professional images in the business world offers photographers in this field the opportunity to offer their services successfully. Creativity, professional presentation and customer satisfaction are decisive factors for success in this specialized field of photography.

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