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Objection "Too expensive" - How to handle objections successfully in B2B

10/30/2023 | By: FDS

In the world of business-to-business (B2B) sales, the "too expensive" objection is a pervasive obstacle that continues to challenge sales professionals. Customers today are better informed and more price-conscious than ever, which means they often cite price as the main reason for their concerns. But successful B2B salespeople understand that this objection is often more appearance than reality and have developed proven strategies to deal with it. In this article, we will show you how to successfully deal with the "too expensive" objection.

1. Understand the real objection:

The objection "Too expensive" is often just the tip of the iceberg. Customers may have various fears and insecurities that manifest themselves in this objection. Your job as a salesperson is to identify these real concerns. Start by asking open-ended questions to find out why the customer sees the price as a problem. It may be concerns about benefits, quality or long-term costs that are behind this statement.

2. Emphasise the value:

Once you have identified the real concerns, you can shift the focus to the value of your product or service. Show how your offering can solve the customer's specific problems and what benefits it brings. Highlight the unique features and benefits that differentiate your product from the competition. This will make the customer realise that the price is reasonable compared to the benefits offered.

3. Compare costs and benefits:

An effective way to address the "too expensive" objection is to provide a cost-benefit comparison. Show the client that the long-term benefits and savings outweigh the initial costs. Visualise how your offer fits into the client's business strategy and how it will lead to cost savings in the long term.

4. Flexible pricing:

B2B sales often require flexible pricing options. Make sure you have different pricing plans or offers up your sleeve to cater to the different needs of your customers. This will allow you to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties.

5. Offer additional benefits:

To compensate for the price disadvantage, offer the customer additional benefits. This could include advanced training, comprehensive support or exclusive upgrades. Customers are more willing to accept a higher price if they feel they are getting more value for their money.

6. Use social proof:

Reflect satisfied customers and success stories to build customer confidence. Social proof is an effective tool to show that your product or service is worth its price.

7. Temporal urgency:

Create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited offers or discounts that are time-limited. Customers are more likely to opt in if they fear missing out on a good offer.


The "too expensive" objection in B2B sales can be challenging, but it is often surmountable. By understanding the customer's true concerns, emphasising value, using flexible pricing options and providing additional benefits, you can successfully address objections and convince the customer that your offer is worth the price. Always keep in mind that successful B2B selling is not just about lowering the price, but making the value of your offer clear.

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