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How to improve your online presence

03/01/2023 | By: FDS

1. Be active regularly: Be active and post content regularly on your social media channels. This will keep you relevant and show your followers that you are interested in interacting.

2. Stay consistent: If you post content regularly, you need to make sure that this content is consistent. Your followers should be able to rely on your content.

3. Interact: Engage with other platforms and interact with people who are interested in the same things you are. This will help you improve your online presence.

4. Make it simple: try to make your content as simple as possible. The easier it is to understand and share your content, the better.

5. Use the right tools: There are many tools you can use to improve your online presence and better manage your followers. Find out which tools work best for you.

6. Be creative: Be creative and think of new and interesting ways to interact. This will help you gain more followers and generate more interaction.

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PR fees 2023 - What does a PR agency cost?

02/28/2023 | By: FDS

The world of PR agencies is a competitive space, with companies vying for media and consumer attention. In this environment, it can be difficult to find the right PR agency that offers the best for your business. An important factor in choosing a PR agency is the fee they charge for their services. In this article, we will take a closer look at what PR fees will cost in 2023.

First of all, it is important to understand that the cost of PR services depends on many factors. These factors include the size of the company, the type of services it needs, and the reputation of the agency. A PR agency that has an excellent reputation and provides high-quality services will generally charge higher fees than an agency with a poorer reputation or less experience.

In recent years, however, PR agency fees have generally increased. In part, this is because the industry is becoming more competitive and the demand for quality PR services is steadily increasing. In addition, many agencies have invested in technology and tools in recent years to deliver better results to their clients. This has led to higher operating costs and ultimately higher fees for clients.

Another factor that can affect fees is the type of services required by a PR agency. For example, an agency that specializes in social media marketing may charge higher fees than an agency that focuses on traditional media relations. This is because social media is playing an increasingly important role in communicating with clients, and agencies that specialize in this field tend to have higher costs.

In terms of specific numbers, PR agency fees can vary widely. Some agencies charge a flat fee for their services, while others work on an hourly basis or based on performance metrics. Flat fees can range from 2,000 to 50,000 per month, depending on the agency and the scope of services. Hourly-based fees can range from 75 to 500 euros per hour. Performance-based fees can also vary and be based on the number of media placements or the number of visitors to a website.

Overall, it is important to emphasize that the cost of PR services depends on many factors and that each PR agency has individual fees. When choosing an agency, it is therefore advisable to compare different offers and get a comprehensive picture of the agency's services and costs. Ultimately, a good PR agency can be invaluable to your business and help it to be perceived positively in the media and by consumers.

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Placing ads on Google Ads - What you should know

02/28/2023 | By: FDS

Google Ads is one of the most effective platforms to reach your target audience online. With Google Ads you can place ads that are tailored to your potential customers' needs and showcase your products or services. In this article, you will learn how to run ads on Google Ads and what to look for when creating ads.

Step 1: Create a Google Ads account

To be able to place ads on Google Ads, you first need to create a Google Ads account. Go to the Google Ads website and click "Get started now". Follow the instructions to set up your account.

Step 2: Keyword research

Before you can create ads, you need to do keyword research. Keywords are the search terms that potential customers type into Google when searching for products or services. Find out what keywords your target audience uses and what relevant search terms exist.

Step 3: Create a campaign

After the keyword research, create a campaign. Choose the goal of your campaign (e.g. more traffic to your website or higher sales) and set the budget you want to spend on the campaign.

Step 4: Create ad groups

Within your campaign, you can create multiple ad groups. Each ad group has a specific topic and a group of keywords related to that topic. Here you can also specify which landing page you want users to be directed to.

Step 5: Create ads

Create ads that match the specific ad groups. Choose a headline and description that showcase your products or services in an appealing way. Make sure your ads provide clear value to users and are tailored to your target audience.

Step 6: Determine the ad format

There are different ad formats you can choose from, such as text ads, display ads, or video ads. Choose the ad format that best suits your business and your goal.

Step 7: Target audience settings

Determine the target audience you want to reach with your ads. Here you can select demographic characteristics, interests, or user behavior, for example.

Step 8: Bidding

Determine how much you want to bid for each click on your ad. Here you should be guided by your budget and target groups.

Step 9: Monitor and optimize

Monitor your campaign regularly and optimize it as needed. Analyze which ads are performing well and which are not, and adjust your campaign accordingly.


Running ads on Google Ads can be a very effective online marketing strategy for businesses. Careful keyword research, targeted targeting and constant optimization are the keys to online marketing success.

Once the ads are placed, it is important to monitor them continuously and adjust them if necessary to ensure that they are effective and achieve the desired goal.

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How to write a good press release

02/28/2023 | By: FDS

1. Make sure your press release has a catchy title. It should appeal to the reader and make them want to read the rest of the message.

2. Summarize the content of your press release briefly and concisely. Avoid more than four or five sentences.

3. Don't forget to mention your contact information so that readers can get more information about you.

4. Include a picture or a video to catch the readers' attention.

5. Avoid clichés and phrases that are not aimed at readers.

6. Avoid including too many details in the press release. Make sure you summarize the most important information in a short and concise way.

7. Don't forget to include a link to your company or website.

8. Make sure your press release is as short, concise and catchy as possible.

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Introduction to Python: A comprehensive introduction to Python with examples and explanations for beginners

02/28/2023 | By: FDS

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is easy to learn, yet very powerful and flexible. In this post, we will give you a comprehensive introduction to Python and help you learn the programming language step by step.

First of all, we will look at the basic concepts of Python, including variables, data types, conditions, and loops. We'll give you examples that show you how to use these concepts in practice.

Next, we'll look at functions and modules. We will show you how to write your own functions and how to import and use Python modules.

Then we will focus on more advanced concepts like classes and objects. We will show you how to define classes and create objects based on those classes.

Finally, we will show you how to test and debug Python code. We will also share with you some best practices for effective Python code development.

This post is aimed at absolute beginners who want to learn Python. If you have never programmed before, don't worry. We will explain everything step by step.

We are sure that after reading this post you will be able to write Python code and develop your own programs. We hope that you are ready to start your journey into the world of Python programming.

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