
Knowledge Base

How can I get into the press at a reasonable price?

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

There are several ways to get cheap press. Here are some tips:

Press Releases: Write a press release about an interesting event happening at your company, such as a new product release or a special award. Make sure the release is concise, well-structured and to the point. Distribute the announcement to local and regional newspapers and relevant online media.

Collaborations: Collaborating with other businesses or organizations can help get your brand noticed in the press. Consider who you can work with to plan joint promotions or events.

Events: Organize an event or function that will attract press attention. Make sure the event is interesting and relevant to your target audience, and invite journalists and influencers.

Expert knowledge: Use your expert knowledge to be present in the press. Write guest articles on specialist portals.

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Common problems for B2B vendors and how to solve them

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

B2B companies often face a variety of challenges and issues that affect their ability to succeed. Here are some of the most common issues B2B vendors face and how to solve them:

High competition

A common problem for B2B vendors is high competition in their respective industries. With other companies competing for the same customers and contracts, it's difficult to differentiate and succeed.

Solution: companies should identify and emphasize their strengths and unique attributes to differentiate themselves from other companies. This includes creating a clear value proposition, emphasizing customer references and success stories, and differentiating themselves by clearly positioning themselves in the market.

Inadequate lead generation

Another common problem is insufficient lead generation. Many B2B vendors struggle to generate enough qualified leads to meet their sales goals.

Solution: companies should develop a thorough lead generation strategy aimed at generating high-quality leads. This includes creating high-quality content, search engine optimization, attending events and using social media platforms.

Difficulty with pricing

Another common problem for B2B vendors is the difficulty of finding the right pricing for their products or services. Pricing can be a sensitive issue as it directly affects the profitability of the business.

Solution: companies should conduct a thorough market analysis to ensure their prices are competitive and reflect the value of their products or services. They should also carefully monitor their costs and margins to ensure they remain profitable.

Sales challenges

Another common problem for B2B vendors is sales challenges. This can include difficulty identifying decision makers, managing sales processes or closing deals.

Solution: companies should ensure they have qualified sales people who are able to make sales calls and manage sales processes. They should also ensure they have a clear sales model based on the needs of their target audience.


B2B vendors face a variety of challenges, but through thorough market analysis, clear positioning, a targeted lead generation strategy and skilled salespeople, companies can address these issues and succeed. Regularly reviewing and adjusting marketing and sales strategies can also help companies remain competitive in an ever-changing business environment.

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The most common problems of agencies and how to solve them

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

Agencies often face challenges that affect their ability to be successful. Here are some of the most common issues agencies face and how to address them:

Lack of differentiation

A common problem for agencies is a lack of differentiation. With many agencies offering similar services, it is difficult to stand out from other agencies.

Solution: agencies should focus on a specific area where they excel and emphasize it as part of their positioning. This includes creating a clear value proposition and highlighting success stories and client testimonials.

Inadequate lead generation

Another common problem is inadequate lead generation. Many agencies struggle to generate enough qualified leads to meet their business goals.

Solution: agencies should develop a comprehensive lead generation strategy aimed at generating high-quality leads. This includes creating high-quality content, using social media platforms, attending industry events and using online platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing.

Project management challenges

Another common issue for agencies is project management challenges. This can include difficulty managing projects, meeting deadlines and fulfilling client requirements.

Solution: agencies should ensure they have skilled project managers who are able to effectively manage projects and meet client needs. Clear project documentation and client communication are also critical to successful project management.

Difficulties in talent acquisition and retention

Another common problem for agencies is difficulty in talent acquisition and retention. In a competitive industry, it can be difficult to find and retain talented employees.

Solution: agencies should ensure they offer an attractive work environment that allows talented employees to develop and grow. Clear career progression and an engaging work environment can help employees stay with the agency longer and contribute to a successful business.


Agencies face many challenges, but through clear positioning, a targeted lead generation strategy, effective project management, and talented employee recruitment and retention, agencies can succeed. Regularly reviewing and adjusting business strategies can also help agencies remain competitive and successful. It is important for agencies to identify and proactively address their challenges to ensure they can compete and grow in the marketplace.

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The most common problems of solo self-employed and how to solve them

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

Solo self-employed people are often on their own and can face challenges that affect their ability to succeed. Here are some of the most common problems solo self-employed people face and how to solve them:

Lack of client acquisition

A common problem for solo self-employed people is a lack of client acquisition. Many solo self-employed people struggle to find enough customers to sustain their business.

Solution: solo self-employed professionals should develop a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at getting the word out about their business and attracting quality customers. This includes creating high-quality content, using social media platforms, and attending industry events.

Difficulty with pricing

Another common problem for solo self-employed professionals is difficulty with pricing. It can be difficult to find the right price for products or services that are attractive to customers while also being profitable for the business.

Solution: Solo self-employed professionals should develop a comprehensive pricing strategy based on market demand, costs, and the value the business provides. It is important to find the right price that keeps the business profitable while being attractive to customers.

Time management problems

Another common problem for solo self-employed workers is time management issues. It can be difficult to find a balance between work and other commitments, especially when working alone.

Solution: solo self-employed workers should develop an effective time management strategy to help them use their time effectively and find a balance between work and other commitments. This includes scheduling breaks, setting priorities, and using tools such as to-do lists and calendars.

Difficulties with bookkeeping and tax returns

Another common problem for solo self-employed workers is difficulty with bookkeeping and tax returns. It can be difficult to keep on top of finances and file the right tax returns.

Solution: solo self-employed individuals should make sure they have an effective accounting strategy that allows them to manage their finances effectively and file all required tax returns on time. It is also important to consult a tax advisor to ensure that all tax requirements are met.

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Learning Python - Tips for Beginners

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and is used for various applications, from web development to data analytics and machine learning. If you're interested in Python but have no previous programming experience, learning the language can seem daunting at first. In this article, you'll find some tips for beginners to help you learn Python.

Set realistic goals: It is important to set realistic goals for your Python learning project. It's best to start with simple projects, such as writing scripts to manipulate files or perform simple mathematical calculations.

Use online resources: there are many online resources for learning Python, including tutorials, documentation, and forums. Start with simple tutorials to learn the basics and then slowly increase the level of difficulty.

Practice regularly: as with any skill, learning Python requires regular practice. Take time to practice regularly, and make sure you apply what you learn to deepen your understanding of the language.

Use the Python community: the Python community is very active and supportive. Use forums and social media to ask questions and share ideas with other Python developers.

Use a development environment: an integrated development environment (IDE) can help you work more efficiently. There are many free and commercial IDEs designed specifically for Python, such as PyCharm and Spyder.

Read code from others: Read code from other developers to learn how experienced Python developers use the language. You can also learn from bugs in other people's code and see how to fix them.

Work on your own projects: Once you feel you understand the basics of Python, start your own project. It can be a simple script that automates your daily tasks or a larger project, like a web application.

In summary, learning Python is challenging for beginners, but there are many resources that can help you develop your skills. By setting realistic goals, practicing regularly, and taking advantage of the Python community, you can progress quickly and gain the confidence to implement your own projects.

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