
Knowledge Base

What is a good or a typical or average conversion rate?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

The conversion rate (CR) varies depending on the industry, the target group, the type of offer and the marketing and sales tactics used. There is no set "good" or "typical" conversion rate, as it is highly dependent on specific circumstances.

Some industries tend to have higher conversion rates than others. For example, e-commerce sites that offer high-value products may have a higher conversion rate than sites that offer complex services. An average value for a good conversion rate is between 2% and 5%.

However, it is important to note that a higher conversion rate is not always better. A high conversion rate can mean that the target audience responds very well to the offer, but it can also mean that the price is too low or that the marketing is not driving enough traffic to the website. Therefore, the conversion rate should always be considered in the context of other metrics such as traffic, customer acquisition, and revenue to get a full understanding of performance.

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What are typical mistakes in B2B customer acquisition?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

When it comes to B2B customer acquisition, there are several mistakes that companies often make. Here are some typical mistakes:

Lack of target audience analysis: if you don't know exactly who your target audience is, you can't develop an effective acquisition strategy. A lack of target audience analysis often leads to you spending time and money on the wrong marketing channels and wasting your resources.

Too low lead quality: if you only focus on quick leads and don't qualify them well enough, this can lead to a low conversion rate. Take time to understand your prospects' needs so you can make sure you can actually help them.

Incorrect focus on sales pitches: When you focus solely on sales pitches during B2B customer acquisition, it can turn off potential customers. Instead, focus on how you can help customers solve their problems.

Poor follow-up strategy: if you don't keep in touch with potential customers, it can lead to a loss of the leads you've already acquired. Have a clear follow-up strategy to ensure that potential customers are not forgotten and stay in your mind.

Not enough patience: B2B customer acquisition requires patience and perseverance. It may take time before you see results, so it's important not to give up and keep at it.

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You find journalist databases too expensive? Discover the PR software Alternative 2023 now!

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Journalist databases can be a useful resource for companies and PR professionals to connect with journalists and media outlets and get media coverage. However, there are also some drawbacks and challenges to consider when using journalist databases.

Outdated information: One of the main problems with journalist databases is that they often contain outdated information. Journalists frequently change jobs, change roles within the organization, or leave the industry altogether. It is difficult to quickly and accurately capture these changes and update them in the database. As a result, contact information stored in the database may be outdated and may lead to contacting the wrong people.

Incomplete information: Another challenge of journalist databases is that they often contain incomplete information. Journalists often have different interests, expertise, and preferences, and it is difficult to capture all of this information in one database. As a result, the database may not contain all the important information about the journalist, making it more difficult to plan an effective media strategy.

Lack of quality control: another problem with journalist databases is that they often do not have sufficient quality control. The databases can be used by anyone to add contacts to journalists, and there is no verification that the contact information is correct or that the journalist is actually relevant to one's cause. As a result, contact information in the database may be inaccurate or irrelevant, which can lead to a waste of time and resources.

Cost: Journalist databases can be very expensive. Depending on the vendor and the scope of services, the cost of an annual license can be several thousand dollars. For smaller companies and organizations with limited resources, this can be a barrier and cause them to forgo the use of journalism databases.

Data protection: Finally, journalist databases can also pose a challenge in terms of data protection and compliance. Protecting personal data is an important issue, and organizations must ensure that they comply with data protection regulations when storing and processing personal data in a database. If a database is not managed properly, it can lead to legal issues and image damage.

So, overall, there are some drawbacks and challenges to using journalism databases. It is important to consider these issues when deciding whether or not to use a database, and to ensure that they should only be understood as part of a broader media strategy.

Our approach: Our Media & PR Database 2023 contains direct links not only to the website URL, but also to the respective imprint of a medium, with the help of which you can always find current contact persons and journalists (m/f/d) on the website of the media provider quickly yourself. We pass on the cost savings compared to keeping this personal data directly to you in the form of the lower product price. You can find all information about the Media & PR Database 2023 in the menue at /media.

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How do I get my company into the press or media?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

If you are trying to get your business in the press or media, there are several strategies you can use:

Create a press release: A press release is a targeted way to let journalists and editors know what's new at your company. It should be short and concise, contain all the important information and demonstrate a clear benefit to the audience.

Build relationships: Try to build relationships with relevant journalists and editors by contacting them via social media or email and offering them interesting information or ideas.

Have an event: If you're organizing an event or event, you can invite journalists and editors to cover it. Make sure the event is interesting and relevant to your audience.

Use Social Media: Use social media platforms to share your news and stories, and use hashtags and tagging to increase your reach.

Publish Guest Articles: If you are an expert in your field, you can try guest article publishing in relevant publications. This can help increase your credibility and reputation, and increase your chances of being featured in the media.

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Smart campaigns in Google Ads - to switch or not?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Smart campaigns are a relatively new feature in Google Ads that make it easier for businesses of all sizes to run more effective ads. Smart campaigns are designed to help businesses make the most of their advertising budget by automatically combining different audience targeting methods and ad formats to achieve the best possible results. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what smart campaigns are and how they can help your business.

What are smart campaigns?

Smart campaigns are a type of Google Ads campaign where an algorithm automatically creates ads in different formats, such as text ads, display ads, and video ads, and then places them in different places on the web based on user behavior and interests. The goal is to give ads greater reach without requiring companies to manually optimize their campaigns.

How do smart campaigns work?

The concept of smart campaigns is based on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Google uses the data it collects from users to determine the behavior and interests of people who are most likely to be interested in a company's products or services. Google then uses this information to automatically create ads in various formats and place them in relevant locations across the web.

To launch a smart campaign, companies must define their goals, target groups and budgets. Google then uses the available information to create a campaign that is right for the business. Once the campaign is running, Google automatically optimizes the ads by testing different ad formats and targeting methods to achieve the best performance.

What are the benefits of smart campaigns?

Smart campaigns offer businesses a variety of benefits. These include:

Time savings: smart campaigns allow businesses to automatically optimize their ads, saving time and resources.

Effectiveness: smart campaigns use AI and machine learning to create and place ads that are most likely to deliver the best possible results.

Reach: Smart campaigns can create and place ads in multiple formats and on multiple platforms, providing greater reach.

Simplicity: smart campaigns are easy to set up and manage, which is especially beneficial for small businesses.


Smart campaigns offer businesses an effective and time-saving way to run their ads on Google Ads. By leveraging machine learning and AI, businesses can automatically optimize and target their ads to the right audiences. This can lead to increased effectiveness, reach, and simplicity.

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Media & PR Database 2024

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