
Knowledge Base

How to create a press release - A guide

03/17/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some steps that can help you create an effective press release:

Step 1: Define Your Message: Before you write your press release, you need to make sure you have a clear, concise and interesting message you want to convey. Think about what the core message of your story is and why it might be of interest to the public.

Step 2: Write your press release: your press release should have a clear structure that makes it easy for readers to quickly grasp the information. It should include a headline, a brief introduction, the main body with more details and quotes, and a paragraph with company information. Avoid using too long sentences or unnecessary jargon.

Step 3: Write a catchy headline: The headline is the first impression readers will get from your press release. It should be short, concise, informative, and pique the readers' interest.

Step 4: Use quotes: Use quotes from key people that support the message and show their perspective on the story. Quotes can also help increase reader interest and make your story more believable.

Step 5: Revise your press release: read through your press release several times to make sure it is clear and concise. Remove unnecessary words and check your grammar and spelling.

Step 6: Distribute your press release: Once you have written your press release, you need to distribute it to relevant media and journalists. To do this, use a press distribution list or an online platform that can help you send your message to the right people.

In summary, you can create a successful press release by defining a clear message, writing a well-structured press release, using a catchy headline, including quotes, revising your press release and finally distributing it to relevant media and journalists.

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What is the difference between an editor and a journalist?

03/16/2023 | By: FDS

An editor is typically a person responsible for editing text and presenting it in various media. This may include, for example, checking texts for spelling, grammar, coherence, and consistency, writing titles and subtitles, formatting texts, and determining page layouts. An editor may also be responsible for selecting content to be published in various media.

A journalist, on the other hand, is usually a person who gathers, researches, and writes news and information for publication in various media outlets. Journalists often specialize in certain areas, such as politics, business, culture, or sports. They may also be responsible for investigative reporting, where they dive deep into a topic to uncover corruption, wrongdoing, or injustice.

Although editors and journalists differ in their roles and responsibilities, they may be the same people in some media organizations. In smaller media companies or freelance jobs, editors may also serve as journalists and vice versa.

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Starting a career in PR consulting - What do you earn in a PR agency?

03/16/2023 | By: FDS

Salaries in a PR agency can vary depending on region, agency size, experience and area of responsibility. Here are some average salaries for various positions in PR consulting in Germany:

Junior PR consultant: 28,000 - 36,000 euros gross per year.

PR consultant with professional experience: 36,000 - 54,000 euros gross per year

Senior PR consultant: 54,000 - 80,000 euros gross per year

PR manager: 65,000 - 100,000 euros gross per year

Managing director of a PR agency: 100,000 - 200,000 euros gross per year

It is important to note that these are only averages and that the salary may also depend on other factors such as educational qualifications, experience, skills and the agency. In addition, there can also be differences between regions, with salaries in large cities such as Berlin, Munich or Hamburg usually being higher than in smaller cities.

As a rule, PR agencies also offer additional benefits such as a company pension plan, paid vacation, flexible working hours and opportunities for further training.

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Find applicants - How to use social media marketing for your HR search for new talent, specialists and trainees

03/16/2023 | By: FDS

Social media marketing can be a very effective way to find and attract applicants for your job openings. Here are some tips on how to use social media in your HR search for new talent, specialists and trainees:

Choose the right platforms: Every social media platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, LinkedIn is a great platform for finding professionals and talent, while Instagram or TikTok may be better for finding trainees. Identify the platforms where your audience is most likely to hang out.

Create a professional presence: No matter what platform you use, make sure your business profile is professional and attractively designed. Use consistent branding elements and showcase your work culture, benefits, and values.

Leverage targeted ads: Social media ads can help you reach your target audience more accurately. You can show ads that target specific demographics, interests, or locations.

Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags can help make your posts visible to people searching for specific topics. Use relevant hashtags to increase your reach and attract potential applicants.

Share content that reflects your work culture: Publish posts that show your employees, work environment and company culture. This allows potential applicants to gain insight into your company and get a better idea of ​​whether they fit into your organization.

Participate in discussions: Being active in groups or forums on social media platforms can increase your reach and position yourself as an expert in your field. This can attract potential applicants and position your company as an attractive employer.

Use video content: Videos can be a very effective way to engage potential applicants and get them interested in your job openings. Use videos to show your work environment, your people, and your company culture.

Overall, social media marketing is an important part of any modern HR search. By following these tips, you can engage and attract potential applicants in ways that traditional HR search methods cannot.

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What really matters when contacting journalists?

03/16/2023 | By: FDS

When contacting journalists, the main thing is to build a good relationship based on trust, respect and openness. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Relevance: make sure your story or information is relevant to the journalist and fits their interests. Try to clearly demonstrate the benefit to the reader or target audience:

Credibility: Present yourself as a credible source of information by providing accurate, verifiable facts and not making false promises. Avoid talking about things that you are not sure are true.

Relationship: Build a relationship by communicating regularly with the journalist and keeping him or her informed. Show interest in the journalist's needs and interests, and pay attention to his or her work style and preferences.

Understand: Understand the journalist's work style and needs. Journalists often have tight deadlines and need to work quickly. Try to accommodate them by communicating promptly and effectively.

Transparency: Be transparent and open in what you say and don't share classified information. It's important to gain the journalist's trust by being honest and transparent.

Overall, contact with journalists is about building a positive relationship based on trust, respect and openness. By following these principles, you can increase the likelihood of your story or information being picked up by a journalist.

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