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Media & Press Relations Online Course - How to Take Your Public Relations to the Next Level

05/08/2023 | By: FDS

In today's world, effective media and public relations are critical for businesses and organizations. Successful public relations can help improve a brand's image, gain customer trust and increase an organization's visibility. But what is the best way to go about successful media and press relations?

An online media and public relations course can help provide the skills and knowledge necessary to take your public relations efforts to the next level. The course teaches the basic techniques and strategies needed to conduct a successful media and public relations campaign

The following are some of the topics typically covered in such a course:

The importance of media and press relations

First, we will explain why successful media and public relations are so important. Examples of successful public relations campaigns are given and the impact they have had on the image and awareness of companies and organizations is explained.

The importance of media and press relations is explained first.

Target groups and objectives

This section explains how to determine your target audience and what your goals should be for media and public relations. It points out that it is important to set realistic goals and consider what type of media is best suited to achieve those goals.

Building media contacts

An important part of media and public relations is building good relationships with journalists and other members of the media. This section explains how to make and maintain such contacts

Creating press releases

A press release is an important part of any media and press relations effort.

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What to consider when writing product descriptions?

05/05/2023 | By: FDS

When writing product descriptions, there are a few important points to keep in mind to ensure that the description is clear, engaging, and informative:

Define target audience: Think about who your target audience is and what information they need to make an informed buying decision:

Define the product description.

Highlight product features: make sure you highlight and explain all relevant features and benefits of the product.

Show benefits and application: Describe how the product can be used and the benefits it offers to help make the purchase decision.

Please be clear and concise.

Write clearly and concisely: Use clear and concise language to ensure that the description is easy to understand and that there are no misunderstandings.

Write clearly and concisely.

Address customer needs: Emphasize how the product will help meet the customer's needs and wants.

Emphasize how the product will help meet the customer's needs and wants.

Write SEO-optimized: Use relevant keywords in your product description to ensure it can be found by search engines and found by potential customers.

Ensure your product description is search engine optimized.

Add images and graphics: Add images and graphics to illustrate the product and give customers a better idea of its appearance and features.

Add images and graphics to your product description.

Inspire confidence: Use clear language and provide accurate information about the product to gain customers' trust and make their purchase decision easier.

Add a few words about the product to build trust.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your product descriptions are effective and help your customers make informed buying decisions.

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Industries of the future in Rostock - What does the future hold for Rostock?

05/05/2023 | By: FDS

Rostock has become an important location for future technologies and industries in recent years. Here are some of the most promising industries and technologies that could continue to grow and expand in Rostock in the future:

Maritime technologies: Rostock has a long tradition in shipbuilding and maritime industries. In the future, new technologies such as autonomous ships, renewable energies at sea and the digitalization of logistics could drive the industry forward. Here, innovative start-ups and established companies could benefit equally.

Biotechnology and Life Sciences: The University of Rostock is an important research institution for biotechnology and life sciences. There is great potential in this area for the development of new therapies and diagnostics, as well as for the use of biotechnology in agriculture and environmental technology.

Renewable energies.

Renewable energies: Rostock is well located on the Baltic Sea, making it an ideal location for the development of renewable energies such as wind power and solar energy. There are already several companies here that specialize in the production of wind turbines and the development of offshore wind farms.

Digitalization and IT: Digitalization is a driving force for many industries and Rostock has great potential here for the development of new technologies and applications. Companies in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and Big Data could grow and expand here.

Health industry: The health industry also has potential in Rostock. Here, companies in the fields of telemedicine, digital health applications and medical devices could benefit from the high quality of the research facilities and the proximity to university hospitals.

Overall, Rostock offers a number of opportunities for growth.

Overall, Rostock offers good conditions as a location for the development of future technologies and industries. The city has a good infrastructure, a strong university, and a supportive city government.

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The startup scene in Rostock - Who is founding and in which area?

05/04/2023 | By: FDS

Rostock has developed a vibrant start-up scene in recent years, which is supported by the university, local initiatives and the city administration.

An important player in Rostock's startup scene is the Rostock Business and Innovation Center (RBIC). The RBIC offers young companies offices, laboratory space and advice. Here, founders can benefit from the expertise of experienced staff and have access to a network of investors and business partners.

Another important initiative is the Rostock Start-up Slam, an event where young founders can present their business ideas and receive feedback from a jury of experts and the audience. Here, young start-ups have the opportunity to present themselves to a broad audience and make contacts.

The University of Rostock also plays an important role in the start-up scene. The university offers support and advice to students and graduates who want to start a business. There are also special courses and workshops that deal with the topics of founding and entrepreneurship.

An example of a successful start-up from Rostock is the company Centogene. The company was founded in 2006 and specializes in the diagnosis of rare diseases. Centogene is headquartered in Rostock and now has subsidiaries in several countries.

Overall, Rostock has an emerging startup scene that benefits from a good infrastructure, a strong university and a supportive city government. The city offers a good environment for young companies and thus contributes to the economic development of the region.

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Customer acquisition in B2B: the most common problems and how to solve them

05/03/2023 | By: FDS

Customer acquisition in B2B is a complex matter and can be challenging for many companies. Here are some of the most common issues B2B vendors face and how to solve them:

Unclear target audience

A common problem with B2B customer acquisition is an unclear target audience. Companies often struggle to define their target audience and align their marketing and sales activities with it. This leads to ineffective campaigns and low ROI.

Solution: Companies should precisely define their target group and align their marketing and sales activities accordingly. This includes developing buyer personas, describing the ideal customer, analyzing the market and conducting market research.

Lack of lead qualification

Another common problem is the lack of lead qualification. Companies often have many leads, but only a few are actually ready to buy or establish a business relationship. This leads to an ineffective sales process and low ROI.

Solution: companies should ensure they qualify their leads before passing them on to sales. This includes verifying contact information, identifying decision makers, and assessing leads' interest and readiness to buy.

Lack of personalization

Another common problem is the lack of personalization in marketing and sales activities. Companies often use generic approaches to target potential customers, resulting in low relevance and response rates.

Solution: Companies should ensure that they personalize their marketing and sales activities to address the needs and interests of their potential customers. This includes the use of personalized emails, targeted advertising campaigns and a customized approach.

Lack of follow-up processes

Another common problem is the lack of lead follow-up and customer relationship management. Companies often lose touch with potential customers and existing customers, resulting in a loss of business opportunities and customer loyalty.

Solution: companies should ensure they have follow-up processes in place to nurture potential customers and strengthen existing customer relationships. This includes using CRM systems, scheduling follow-up activities, and communicating with customers and prospects on a regular basis.


Customer acquisition in B2B can be challenging, but with a clear target audience definition, qualified leads, personalized marketing and sales activities, and a well-designed follow-up process, companies can improve their customer acquisition and drive business growth. By identifying and addressing these common issues, B2B vendors can optimize their marketing and sales strategies and achieve more successful results.

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