
Knowledge Base

How to share a press release on social media

07/27/2023 | By: FDS

1. Create a press release that is relevant to your target audience. Include images and videos that highlight your message.

2. Share the press release on your social networks. Use different post formats like images, videos, links, GIFs, etc. to make the post interesting.

3. Use hashtags to spread your message. Create a hashtag that relates to your message and use it to tag your posts.

4. Respond to comments and questions that are asked about your press release. This will allow you to connect directly with your followers.

5. Provide active monitoring of your social media channels to respond to relevant news and developments.

6. Disseminate your press release on other platforms such as news websites, blogs and forums. You can also include links in emails to spread your message to a wide audience.

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How to include press releases in emails

07/26/2023 | By: FDS

Press releases are an important tool for bringing focus to your business and spreading news. You can include press releases in your email campaigns to get your message across in a visually appealing and informative way.

To include a press release in your email campaign, you must first convert the text of the press release into an HTML format. To do this, you'll need to use an HTML editor to convert the text into a format that can be read in your email clients.

After you have converted your press release text to an HTML format, you need to insert it into your email campaign. You can paste the HTML code into your email template or into the HTML version of your email newsletter. Alternatively, you can insert the HTML code into your email campaign using an external tool such as an online newsletter editor.

After you paste the HTML code into your email campaign, you need to make sure that it is formatted correctly. You can adjust the formatting details in your HTML editor to ensure that your press release is formatted correctly.

Once you have finished formatting your press release, you can paste it into your email newsletter or email template. Make sure the HTML in your newsletter or email template is formatted correctly before you send it.

When incorporating press releases into your email campaign, it's important to make sure your newsletter or email template is compatible with all major email clients and web browsers. So make sure you run all the necessary tests before you send out your email campaign.

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Online coaching: How you can work successfully online as a coach

07/25/2023 | By: FDS

Digitalization has led to more and more people working and learning online. Online coaching is one of the opportunities that digitalization has created. As an online coach, you have the opportunity to work with people from all over the world and help them achieve their goals. Here are some reasons why online coaching is so popular:


Online coaching offers flexibility for both the coach and the client. As a coach, you have the ability to work from anywhere in the world as long as you have a stable internet connection. Clients have the option to work from home or from a location of their choice.


Online coaching has become more accessible to people who have not had the opportunity to work with a coach in person due to distance or other reasons. Digitization has created the opportunity for anyone with an internet connection to find and work with a coach.

Cost savings

Online coaching is often more cost-effective than in-person coaching. Since the coach does not have the cost of a physical office or travel to clients, they can offer their services at a lower price.

How do I build a successful online coaching practice?

A successful online coaching practice requires hard work, patience, and a smart strategy. Here are some steps you can take to build your online coaching practice:

Define your niche and target audience: think about the type of coaching you want to offer and who your target audience is. The more specific your niche and target audience are, the easier it will be to reach and connect with them.

Create an engaging online presence: a strong online presence is essential to getting noticed as an online coach. Create a website or blog, use social media to spread your message, and offer valuable content that will appeal to potential clients.

Offer free trial sessions: Offer potential clients a free trial session to convince them that you are the right coach for them. Use this opportunity to demonstrate your skills and build a relationship with your potential clients.

Use online marketing tools: Use online marketing tools such as Facebook Ads, Google Adwords or email marketing to increase your reach and attract more potential clients.

Be professional: As an online coach, it's important to appear professional. Offer a clear coaching process, stick to deadlines, and provide a professional coaching experience to keep your clients happy.


Online coaching is a growing industry that has evolved with digitalization. As an online coach, you have the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world and help people achieve their goals. However, it takes hard work, patience, and a smart strategy to build a successful online coaching practice. By defining your niche and target audience, creating an engaging online presence, offering free trial sessions, using online marketing tools, and presenting yourself professionally, you can build a successful online coaching practice. Use the power of digitalization to succeed as an online coach.

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Press distribution list free of charge? Why PR is not available for free

07/24/2023 | By: FDS

In the world of public relations (PR), companies and organizations are constantly looking for ways to spread their messages and news to a wider audience. One tool that is often used to distribute press releases is the so-called press distribution list. This is a distribution list that contains journalists, editors and other media contacts who can receive, review and, if necessary, report on the press release.

There are numerous press distribution services that claim to offer their services for free. At first glance, this may seem tempting, especially for small businesses or startups with limited budgets. But a closer look quickly reveals that PR doesn't come for free and that free press distribution lists often come with some disadvantages. Here are some reasons why press distribution lists can't be free:

Quality of recipients: free press distribution lists tend to list a large number of media contacts without considering the quality and relevance of those recipients. This means that press releases may be sent to journalists who are not interested in the topic or cannot provide relevant coverage. However, targeted distribution to relevant journalists is critical to maximize media exposure.

Reach and visibility: Free press distribution lists usually have a limited reach. They may not reach the significant media outlets or highly regarded publications that are critical to a successful PR campaign. To reach a broad audience and gain greater visibility, paid press distribution lists with an established reach are often essential.

Feature and additional services: Paid press distribution lists often offer advanced features that can improve the effectiveness of your PR efforts. These include features such as the ability to include multimedia content, receive detailed analytics and track the success of your press release. Free services typically don't offer such additional services, which can be vital to the success of a PR campaign.

Editorial Control: Paid press distribution services give you more control over who your press releases are sent to. You can better select your target audience and tailor the press release if necessary. With free press distributors, you typically have less influence over distribution and cannot optimize the placement of your message.

Trustworthiness and professionalism: Paid press distribution services often convey a more professional image. Journalists and editors often take paid services more seriously, knowing that these companies invest in their services and are therefore likely to provide high-quality content.

Conclusion: Press release distribution services may seem free at first glance, but there are clear reasons why PR is not free. A high-quality, targeted press release can make the difference between successful media exposure and untapped opportunities. By investing in paid press releases, companies can target their messages more effectively, achieve greater reach, and achieve professional results. PR is an investment in a company's reputation and visibility, and paid press releases are an essential component of a successful PR strategy.

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Marketing addresses in the lettershop - What you should look out for when buying

07/24/2023 | By: FDS

- Make sure that the addresses are up-to-date and correct.

- Check that the addresses correspond to the desired target market.

- Verify that addresses have sufficient information for an effective campaign.

- Check that the addresses are part of a database that is updated regularly.

- Make sure that the addresses are cost-effective and offer good value for money.

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