
Knowledge Base

How do I become successful as an agency?

07/31/2023 | By: FDS

1. Provide professional service: Professional service is the key to make agencies successful. Make sure your clients receive a smooth and efficient service that meets their needs.

2. Build a network: Building a network is an important step to being successful as an agency. Connect with other agencies, clients and experts to increase your brand awareness and discover new business opportunities.

3. Use social media: social media is an effective tool to market your brand and attract new clients. Use the various social media platforms to provide information about your services and make new connections.

4. Develop a clear strategy: a clear strategy will help you achieve your goals. Define exactly what you want to accomplish and put a plan in place to achieve your goals.

5. Be creative: Creativity is the key to stand out from the competition. Be creative in developing campaigns and ideas to attract new customers and strengthen your brand.

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How do I become a journalist?

07/28/2023 | By: FDS

As a journalist, you must first and foremost be able to research and write well. It is also important that you have an interest in the topics you write about.

To become a journalist, it is helpful to have a university degree, for example in journalism, communication studies or media studies. There are also various training programs and internships that will help you get started.

Experience in other fields, such as public relations, can also be helpful. It's important that you continue your education and stay current to keep up with new technologies and developments.

There are also many online resources to help you improve your skills as a journalist. It's helpful to read and listen to blogs, publications, and podcasts related to journalism. This way, you can keep your knowledge up to date.

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Why B2B suppliers and service providers have a hard time generating inquiries via their own website these days, and what alternatives there are

07/27/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digitized business world, online presence and lead generation are critical for B2B vendors and service providers. Yet many companies face the challenge of generating inquiries through their own website. This article explores the reasons behind this problem and presents alternative approaches to attract qualified leads.

1. Overwhelm due to the multitude of websites:

The Internet is flooded with websites of B2B vendors and service providers. Customers have a seemingly endless choice, making it difficult to stand out from the crowd. Often, websites are not optimized enough to convert visitors into paying customers.

2. Lack of search engine optimization (SEO):

Poor visibility in search engine results can prevent potential customers from finding the website in the first place. Without a targeted SEO strategy, valuable leads are lost.

3. Complex offerings and opaque content:

B2B products and services can often be complex. If the website fails to convey this information clearly and understandably, visitors will lose interest and look elsewhere for solutions.

4. Lack of personalized targeting:

Websites that fail to capture visitors' needs and interests and provide them with personalized content may have a hard time establishing an emotional connection and building trust.

5. Competition from third-party platforms:

Third-party platforms such as LinkedIn, Xing, and business directories offer B2B companies the opportunity to showcase their services to a wide audience. As a result, they compete directly with their own website for the attention of the target group.

Alternatives to lead generation via one's own website:

1. Content marketing:

By creating and sharing high-quality, relevant content, B2B providers can position themselves as experts and attract potential customers. Blog posts, case studies, white papers, and videos are just a few examples of content that can build trust and convert visitors into leads.

2. Social Media Marketing:

A targeted presence on social media platforms allows companies to engage their target audience directly and build relationships. Interactive content and targeted advertising can capture the attention of potential customers.

3. Influencer marketing:

Working with influential people or companies in the industry can increase a B2B vendor's credibility and reach. Recommendations from trusted sources can pique the interest of potential customers.

4. Webinars and virtual events:

Hosting webinars and virtual events allows B2B companies to showcase their expertise live and engage directly with audiences.

5. Collaborations and partnerships:

Collaborating with other companies can lead to mutual benefits by gaining access to the partner's customers and thus generating new potential leads.


Generating inquiries through your own website can be challenging for B2B vendors and service providers, but there are numerous alternative ways to attract qualified leads. A smart combination of content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing and the use of webinars or partnerships can increase reach and significantly improve the chances of successful lead generation. Companies should regularly review their marketing strategies to find the best approaches for their individual goals and position themselves successfully in the highly competitive B2B landscape.

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Why IT intermediaries or recruiters ghosted applicants or rejected them without stating a reason

07/27/2023 | By: FDS

In the world of IT recruiting, applicants as well as IT intermediaries and recruiters face a variety of challenges. One of the most frustrating phenomena that many applicants face is so-called "ghosting" or receiving rejections without clear reasons. While this behavior may seem unacceptable, there are still some reasons that could explain why IT intermediaries or recruiters resort to such practices. In this article, we will shed some light on some of these reasons.

Large number of applicants: especially in the IT industry, the number of applicants to a job can be overwhelming. The flood of resumes and applications can lead to recruiters struggling to provide individualized feedback to each applicant. This sometimes leads to an impersonal approach where applicants are rejected without a specific reason.

Lack of time: recruiting is a time-intensive process that includes screening applications, interviewing, checking references, and arranging interviews. The heavy workload can lead to some IT recruiters or hiring managers taking shortcuts and ghosting applicants instead of taking the time to turn them down in person.

Uncertainty and caution: In some cases, IT intermediaries or recruiters are unsure how to evaluate an application or candidate. Instead of having a potentially awkward conversation, they may choose the easier route of ghosting or a meaningless rejection to avoid confrontation.

Job changes: Sometimes the requirements of a position change during the recruiting process. A position for which a candidate originally seemed well suited might suddenly require different criteria. In such cases, IT intermediaries or recruiters might be inclined to ghosted or reject applicants without justification to avoid having to deal with the complex changes.

Company policies: Some companies have policies that govern how they handle applicants. These might dictate that a certain number of applicants must be rejected without providing reasons. These guidelines could lead to ghosting behavior, which is considered inevitable by recruiting managers.

Regardless of the reasons, it is important to emphasize that ghosting or impersonal rejections can be a frustrating experience for applicants and can also damage a company's or recruiter's reputation. It is advisable for IT intermediaries and recruiters to rethink their processes and strive to maintain respectful and transparent communication with applicants.

In turn, it is helpful for applicants to realize that ghosting behavior is not always personal. It's challenging, but attempts to ask for feedback could shed light on the reasons for rejection in some cases.

Ultimately, the IT industry and its recruiting processes should strive to create a fair, respectful, and transparent environment for all parties involved to get the most out of the talent pool while promoting the reputation of the company and the industry as a whole.

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What is the difference between SQL and MariaDB?

07/27/2023 | By: FDS
MariaDB is a fork of MySQL and was developed by the open source community. MariaDB is fully GPL licensed, while MySQL takes a dual licensing approach. MariaDB supports many different storage engines. In terms of application, MySQL and MariaDB do not differ. Both DBMSs strive for 100 percent compatibility with the SQL database language. MariaDB is ahead in high availability and scalability1.
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