
Knowledge Base

What is the cost of a limited liability company?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

The costs of setting up and running a limited liability company (GmbH) can vary depending on the country, legislation and individual conditions. Here are some of the typical cost items that may be incurred in the formation and operation of a limited liability company:

Formation costs:

Notary fees:

The formation of a GmbH requires the notarization of the articles of association by a notary public. The costs for this service can vary depending on the country and the capital of the GmbH. Registration costs:

The GmbH must be registered in the commercial register, which may involve fees.

Stock capital:

A GmbH requires a minimum share capital, which may vary depending on the country. In Germany, for example, the minimum share capital is 25,000 euros.

Advisory fees:

It may be advisable to seek legal and tax advice to ensure that the GmbH is properly formed and managed. These consulting costs vary depending on the service provider. Office expenses:

Rent for business premises, office equipment, ongoing operating costs, etc.

Personnel costs:

Salaries and social security contributions for employees, if applicable.

Taxes and duties:

The limited liability company is subject to various taxes such as corporate income tax, business tax and sales tax, depending on its activities and income.

Bookkeeping and accounting costs:

Costs for bookkeeping, financial statements and possibly the services of a tax advisor. Insurances:

Depending on the type of business, various insurances may be necessary, e.g. liability insurance, business interruption insurance, etc.

Other costs:

Marketing and advertising, royalties, patent costs (if applicable), and other operating expenses. It is important to note that the exact costs will depend on several factors, including the country in which the limited liability company is incorporated, the specific industry in which it operates, the number of employees, and the individual business situation. It is recommended to seek professional advice to obtain accurate information on the costs of establishing and operating a limited liability company in your region.

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Owner-managed vs. sole proprietorship - advantages and disadvantage

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

"Owner-managed" and "sole proprietorship" can have similar meanings depending on the context, but are sometimes understood somewhat differently. Generally, they refer to a business structure in which an individual has control and management of the business. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of this type of corporate structure:

Advantages and disadvantages of "owner-operated" or "sole proprietorship":


Quick decision making: Because a single person runs the business, decisions can often be made more quickly without having to wait for approval from partners or shareholders.

Direct control: The owner has full control over all aspects of the business, from strategy to day-to-day operations.

Ease of incorporation: a sole proprietorship can often be formed in a straightforward manner with few formal requirements.

Flexibility: the owner can quickly adapt to market changes and customer needs without relying on the approval of other resources.

Personal connection: The owner can build a strong personal relationship with customers and shape the company's culture.


Limited expertise: a sole proprietor may not cover all the required expertise, which can lead to difficulties in complex business areas.

Limited resources: a sole proprietor may have limited financial and human resources, which can limit opportunities for growth and expansion.

Liability: The owner is personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business, which can pose a financial risk.

Limited growth opportunities: The company may have difficulty financing major capital expenditures or expansion projects.

It is important to note that the term "owner-operated" is sometimes applied to businesses in which the owner actively manages and operates the business, while "sole proprietorship" refers more to the legal structure of the business. Individual goals, resources and risk tolerance should be considered when deciding between such a business structure and other options such as a limited liability company or a UG. Professional legal and financial advice can be helpful in making the best decision for your situation.

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Why programmers earn less and less, not more

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

In past decades, the IT sector was considered one of the most promising and lucrative industries. But in recent years, a worrying trend has emerged: Programmers are no longer earning as well as they once did; in fact, their salaries seem to be stagnating or even declining. There are several factors contributing to this trend, and in this article we will highlight some of the main causes.

Saturation of the labor market:

The demand for programmers has been growing exponentially in recent years, leading to a real saturation of the job market. Companies have realized that software development is a critical component of almost every industry, and as a result have increasingly built their own internal IT teams. At the same time, there are more people choosing careers in programming today, leading to an oversupply of skilled professionals and thus putting downward pressure on salaries.

Global competition and outsourcing:

In today's interconnected world, companies no longer rely on a local workforce. They can outsource tasks and projects to external developers and foreign companies, where labor costs are often much lower. This increases competition for projects, which in turn puts pressure on programmer salaries.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence:

The rapid development of automation technologies and artificial intelligence makes it possible to automate certain tasks in software development. This means that fewer human workers are needed to achieve the same results, which reduces the demand for programmers and thus affects salaries.

Shift to part-time and freelance jobs:

More and more programmers are opting for part-time or freelance jobs to gain more flexibility and work-life balance. As a result, they may not be able to achieve the same level of income as they would in a full-time job.

Change in corporate culture:

Corporate culture has changed, and many companies are now focusing more on a start-up mentality and flat hierarchies. This is often accompanied by lower salary structures, especially at younger, up-and-coming companies.

New technologies and frameworks:

Programming languages, technologies and frameworks are evolving at breakneck speed. This requires programmers to continually update their skills and face new challenges. It can be difficult to keep up with this pace, potentially negatively impacting salary negotiations.

In summary, the reasons for the apparent decline in programmers' salaries are complex. Saturation of the labor market, global competition, automation, a shift to part-time and freelance work, changes in corporate culture, and constant change in the technology industry all play a crucial role.

However, it is important to emphasize that the IT industry is still a major industry that offers excellent career opportunities. Programmers can continue to earn well if they focus on specialized niches, continuously expand their skills and adapt to the challenges of the job market. Hopefully, the salary situation will improve again in the future and the appreciation for the work of programmers will be adequately rewarded.

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How to optimize press releases for different social media?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

When it comes to optimizing press releases for various social media, there are some important points to keep in mind. Here are some tips that can help:

Shorten the text: On social media, attention spans are often very short. Therefore, try to keep the text of your press release concise and to the point. Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easier for readers to grasp the content.

Add an appealing title: a good title is crucial to catch readers' attention. Use short, punchy, and compelling headlines that pique readers' interest.

Use hashtags: Hashtags help make your press release more accessible to a wider audience. Research relevant hashtags that are popular in your field and include them in your posts. This will increase the visibility of your release and make it easier for users to find the content.

Use visual elements: Images, videos or infographics can help make your press release visually appealing. Visuals attract users' attention and make your post more interesting.

Tailor the content to the platform: Each social media platform has its own features and specifics. Adapt your press release to the particular platform you want to share it on. For example, short, concise posts are in demand on Twitter, while longer texts may work better on Facebook.

Provide a clear call-to-action: Give readers clear instructions on what to do next. Whether it's to click a link, sign up, or leave a comment, make sure your call-to-action is clearly worded.

Consider the time zone and time of day: publish your press release at a time when your target audience is most active. Also consider the time zone where your main target audience is located.

Interact with readers: Track and respond to comments, likes and shares on your press release. Show interest in user feedback and use the opportunity to build a relationship.

Analyze performance: use social media analytics data to see how well your press release performed. Identify what content performed best and use these insights to improve future releases.

By following these tips, you can optimize your press releases for different social media and spread your message more effectively.

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How much share capital do you need to establish a GmbH?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

The required share capital for the formation of a GmbH (limited liability company) varies from country to country, as the GmbH is a legal form that exists in many countries

In Germany, for example, the minimum share capital required to form a GmbH is 25,000 euros. Of this, at least 12,500 euros must be paid in at the time of formation. In other countries, the required share capital may vary.

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