
Knowledge Base

How do you become a salesperson?

10/17/2023 | By: FDS

Becoming a salesperson requires certain skills, training and practical experience in the sales field. Here are the steps that can help you get on the path to becoming a salesperson:

Self-confidence and communication skills:

Salespeople should be confident and have excellent communication skills. This includes the ability to speak, listen and negotiate effectively.

Sales experience: Start with sales experience to learn the basics of sales. This can be in the form of part-time jobs, internships or entry-level positions.

Education and training: There are many sales training courses and training programmes that can teach you the skills and techniques you need. Some companies also offer in-house training for their sales staff.

Product and industry knowledge: Depending on the industry you want to work in, it is important to gain knowledge about the products or services you will be selling. This will help you to answer customer questions and build confidence.

Sales techniques and strategies: Learn different sales techniques and strategies, such as consultative selling, solution selling or relationship selling. Understand how to identify customer needs and present solutions

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Salespeople often use CRM software to track customer information and manage sales opportunities. It is helpful to familiarise yourself with these tools.

Networking: Build your professional network to identify potential clients and sales opportunities. Network at industry events, conferences, and on social media.

Practical experience: To become a successful salesperson, it is important to work in the field and make actual sales calls. You can do this by working in a sales team or mentoring clients.

Self-marketing: Learn to market yourself and promote your own image as a professional salesperson. This can include creating a professional LinkedIn profile and maintaining your online presence.

Continuous education: The sales field is constantly evolving. Keep up to date with new trends and sales techniques and continue your education.

Success metrics: Sales positions are often performance-based, so it's important to understand the success metrics that apply to your position, such as revenue goals, sales closings, and customer ratings.

Professional ethics: Salespeople should maintain ethical standards in their work and treat customers fairly and transparently.

It is important to note that sales can have different requirements and focuses in different industries and companies. Depending on your interest and industry, the specific skills and qualifications you need may vary. A successful salesperson is often characterised by tenacity, empathy and the ability to build and maintain relationships with customers.

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The Dark Side of Online Coaching: Why Fake Business Gurus Are a Problem

10/16/2023 | By: FDS

Online coaching has created the opportunity for people from all over the world to learn and work from home. However, as in any industry, there are black sheep in online coaching: fake business gurus who promise to make people rich and successful, but in reality are only out for their own financial interest.

What are fake business gurus?

Fake business gurus are people who claim to be experts in certain business fields and share their knowledge and experience with others. They pretend to help people take their careers and businesses to the next level, but in reality they often have no experience or success in the areas they claim to be experts in.

Why are fake business gurus a problem?

Fake business gurus are a problem for several reasons:

They deceive people: Fake business gurus deceive people by making them false promises and creating unrealistic expectations. They promise that they can make people rich and successful if they just buy their services. In reality, the promises are often empty and the results unattainable.

They are greedy for money: fake business gurus are often only out for their own financial interest. They sell expensive courses and coaching services that often don't deliver what they promise.

They harm the online coaching industry: Fake business gurus harm the online coaching industry as a whole by undermining people's trust in reputable online coaches and courses. People who have had bad experiences with fake business gurus are often suspicious of other online coaches and services.

How do I recognize a fake business guru?

It can be difficult to distinguish a fake business guru from a reputable online coach. However, here are some signs to look out for:

Promises of quick wealth: if someone claims they can bring you wealth and success in a matter of weeks or months, you should be skeptical. Success and wealth require hard work and time.

Lack of experience or success: If someone claims to be an expert in a particular business area, but has no experience or success in that area, you should be wary.

Overpriced courses or coaching services: If someone is selling overpriced courses or coaching services, you should consider whether the price is reasonable and whether it is worth investing the money.


Fake business gurus are a problem in the online coaching industry because they deceive people, are money hungry, and damage the reputation of the industry. It is important for people who want to use online coaching services to be attentive and discerning in order to avoid fake business gurus and instead find reputable and experienced online coaches. When you're looking for an online coach, look for signs of respectability, such as references, recommendations, transparent pricing, and a clear description of services. By carefully checking who you are putting your money and trust in, you can ensure that you are benefiting from an experienced and qualified online coach and not falling for a fake business guru.

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How can the representativeness of research results in empirical social research be verified?

10/16/2023 | By: FDS

The representativeness of research results in empirical social research is usually checked using statistical methods. Here are some steps used in practice to check representativeness:

Sample selection: A representative sample should be chosen at random to ensure that all members of the target group have an equal chance of being included in the study. There are different methods of sampling, such as random sampling, cluster sampling, or stratification, to cover a wide variety of characteristics.

Characteristics of the population: It is important to know the characteristics of the target group in order to adequately represent the sample. Demographics such as age, gender, ethnicity, and geographic distribution are often important. Existing data sources such as censuses or official statistics can help here.

Comparison groups: The collected data is often compared with known values ​​from other sources in order to check the representativeness. If the distribution of characteristics in the sample is similar to that in the target group or other representative studies, this indicates good representativeness.

Weighting: In some cases it may be necessary to weight the sample results to compensate for inequalities in the sample. This may be necessary due to over- or under-representation of certain groups.

Statistical Tests: Various statistical tests can be performed to check representativeness. This often involves comparing results from the sample with the actual distribution in the target group or other recognized data sources.

It is important to note that despite careful methodology, no study can achieve complete representativeness. Representativeness is an ideal that often can only be approximated due to practical limitations. Therefore, it is important to recognize the limitations and uncertainties of the research results.

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How can you use customer reviews and testimonials in PR?

10/16/2023 | By: FDS

Customer reviews and testimonials are extremely valuable tools for gaining the trust of potential customers and strengthening a company's image. Here are some ways you can use customer reviews and testimonials in your PR:

Press releases: Use customer reviews and testimonials in your press releases to emphasize the credibility and value of your business. Quote positive testimonials from satisfied customers and share them with journalists and members of the media.

Website and landing pages: place customer reviews and testimonials on your website and specifically on landing pages to give visitors a positive impression. Show real customer experiences to persuade potential buyers and build trust.

Social Media: Share customer reviews and testimonials on your social media platforms to make them accessible to a wider audience. Use quotes, images or short videos from customers praising your products or services.

Case studies: create detailed case studies that highlight your customers' experiences and results. Describe how your company helped solve their problems and how they benefited. These case studies can be used in your PR efforts to demonstrate your success.

Influencer marketing: Work with relevant influencers who review your products or services and share their experiences. Authentic reviews from influencers can achieve great reach and build trust with your target audience.

Customer testimonials: Ask satisfied customers to be available as references for potential clients. These customers can be contacted by prospects to answer their questions and share their first-hand experiences.

Media coverage: send customer reviews and testimonials to members of the media to get your company mentioned in industry publications or other relevant media. Journalists can use positive experiences from customers in their articles, adding credibility.

It is important that customer reviews and testimonials are authentic and not manipulated or fabricated. Make sure that testimonials come from real customers and are used with their consent.

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How do you become a coach?

10/16/2023 | By: FDS

Becoming a coach requires a combination of education, practical experience and personal qualities. Here are the steps that can help you on your way to becoming a coach:

Self-knowledge and personal development: Before you can serve others as a coach, it is important to know yourself well and continuously work on your personal development. This includes emotional intelligence, self-awareness and self-reflection.

Education and qualifications: There are many different types of coaching, from life coaching to business coaching and sports coaching. Depending on the area you want to work in, you should specialise in that niche. There are many certificate and training programmes for coaches that can help you gain the skills and qualifications you need.

Coaching training: If you want to become a professional coach, consider attending accredited coaching training programmes or courses. These programmes provide training in basic coaching techniques and methods.

Practical experience: Practice coaching by supervising clients. This can be free or at a reduced cost initially while you gain experience and build your portfolio. Later, you can offer your services as a professional coach.

Continuing education: The world of coaching is diverse and constantly evolving. Keep up to date with new trends, tools and techniques and continue your education.

Certifications: In some areas of coaching, certifications are important to gain the trust of your clients. You can earn certifications from recognised coaching organisations or associations.

Ethics and standards: Understand the ethical guidelines and standards that apply to coaches. This includes privacy, confidentiality and professional conduct.

Communication skills: Coaches must have excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. This is crucial in order to interact effectively with your clients.

Empathy and understanding: As a coach, empathy is important in order to understand and respond sensitively to your clients' needs and challenges.

Marketing and self-promotion: When you become a professional coach, you need to market your business and attract clients. This may include creating a website, using social media and networking.

Feedback and self-improvement: Ask for feedback from your clients and use it to continuously improve your skills as a coach.

It is important to note that coaching is a highly personalised activity and that coaches can work in different areas and niches, including life coaching, business coaching, health coaching and many others. Your own personality, interests and qualifications will shape your specific coaching practice.

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