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New startups in Germany 2023 - What is the state of the German startup scene?

10/31/2023 | By: FDS


The start-up scene in Germany has seen impressive development in recent years. Supported by funding programmes, a growing venture capital industry and an increasing acceptance of entrepreneurship as a career path, the country has seen an increasing number of start-ups. But what will it look like in 2023? What trends and developments are shaping the German start-up scene?

1. Continued upswing despite pandemic

Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected economies worldwide, the German start-up scene has held up surprisingly well. In 2022 there was already a strong upswing, and in 2023 this momentum seems to be maintained. Many founders have used the pandemic as an opportunity to develop innovative solutions to the changing needs of society.

2. Digitisation and technology as drivers

Digitisation and technology remain important drivers for start-ups in Germany. In particular, e-commerce, digital health services, fintech and artificial intelligence continue to be highly interesting fields for young entrepreneurs. The German government has stepped up its efforts to improve the digital infrastructure and promote innovation in these areas.

3. Sustainability and social responsibility in focus

A remarkable trend in the German start-up scene is the increased focus on sustainability and social responsibility. More and more start-ups are focusing on environmentally friendly technologies, social projects and ethical business management behaviour. Sustainability is no longer just a trend, but an integral part of many business models.

4. Increasing internationalisation

German start-ups are increasingly striving beyond national borders and internationalising their business models at an early stage. Globalisation offers access to a broader market and investment opportunities. German founders are willing to engage in global competition and offer their products and services worldwide.

5. Support from investors and funding programmes

The German start-up scene benefits from a growing number of investors and funding programmes. Both private and state funders support promising start-ups. This support helps to overcome financing hurdles and accelerate the growth of young companies


The German start-up scene continues to present itself as lively and dynamic in 2023. The pandemic has put the flexibility and innovative strength of the start-up community to the test, but at the same time it has also opened up new opportunities. The focus on digitalisation, sustainability and internationalisation shows that the German start-up scene is ready to face the challenges of the future and drive the country's economy forward. Support from investors and funding programmes plays a crucial role in this and is expected to continue growing. Germany remains a promising place for anyone pursuing the dream of starting a business.

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Jobs in PR agencies: Tips on finding a job and choosing the right employer

10/31/2023 | By: FDS

The public relations (PR) industry offers exciting career opportunities for creative communicators. If you are looking for a career in a PR agency or want to improve your current position, here are some useful tips on job hunting and choosing the right employer.

1. Set clear career goals:

Before you start your job search, you should define your career goals. Do you want to work in media relations, crisis communications, digital PR or another specific PR niche? Having a clear idea of your goals will help you to target your search for job opportunities.

2. Building and maintaining your network:

Relationships in the PR industry are crucial. Attend PR events, conferences and networking events. Build contacts with colleagues, supervisors and industry experts. A well-maintained network can help you in your job search.

3. Update your portfolio:

Your portfolio is your business card. Make sure it includes your best work and projects. Show how you develop stories, cultivate media contacts and successfully implement campaigns. A compelling portfolio will impress employers.

4. Research employers:

Thorough research is the key to choosing the right employer. Investigate PR agencies that interest you. Learn more about their clients, projects, culture and reputation. Read online reviews and speak with current or former employees.

5. Tailor your applications:

Each application should be tailored to the specific requirements of the job and the company. Emphasise your skills and experience that match the advertised position. Be specific and show how you can contribute to solving the company's challenges.

6. Prepare for interviews:

Prepare thoroughly for interviews. Explore the company and the position in detail. Think about possible questions and practise your answers. Emphasise your skills in communication and show your passion for PR.

7. Ask for references:

If you are shortlisted, don't be afraid to ask for references. This can give your potential employer confidence in your abilities.

8. Consider company culture:

The company culture is crucial for your satisfaction and success in a PR agency. Consider whether the culture of the company fits your personality and way of working. A good fit is often as important as the job itself.

To sum up: finding the right PR job

The PR industry offers exciting career opportunities for talented communicators. With careful planning, preparation and a strong professional network, you can find your dream job in a PR agency. Remember that choosing the right employer is just as important as the position itself, and make sure you feel comfortable in the company culture. With these tips, you will be well equipped to advance your career in PR.

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How we were able to win many new customers with targeted press work

10/31/2023 | By: FDS

In today's competitive business world, attracting new customers is crucial to a company's growth. While there are many marketing strategies aimed at achieving this goal, in this guest post I would like to highlight how targeted press relations have helped us gain many new clients.

The importance of press relations

Press relations, also known as public relations (PR), is a powerful form of communication that aims to attract media and public attention to a company or its products and services. In today's digital era, PR has a significant impact on a company's visibility and image. Here are some ways that targeted PR has helped us attract new customers:

1. Visibility in the media: By sending targeted press releases to relevant media representatives and publications, we managed to get mentioned in leading magazines, newspapers and online portals. This increased our visibility significantly.

2. Credibility and trust: Reports and articles in respected media gave our company credibility. Customers tend to trust companies more that are positively reviewed by independent sources.

3. Target group approach: With targeted press work, we were able to address our target groups directly. By spreading our messages and information through the media, we reached potential customers who were already interested in our products or services.

4. Storytelling: PR allows us to tell stories about our company. These stories can engage customers emotionally and motivate them to do business with us.

5. Online presence: Press releases and media coverage also had a positive impact on our online presence. They improved our search engine rankings and led to more website traffic, which increased the conversion rate.

Case study: The launch of our new product

A concrete example of the success of our press relations was the launch of our new product, which revolutionised the industry. Through targeted press releases and working with industry-specific media representatives, we were able to generate significant media coverage. This resulted in us gaining an impressive number of new clients within just three months of the launch.


Press relations is an extremely effective way to drive business growth, especially when used in a targeted and strategic way. Media visibility, credibility, targeting and the power of storytelling can all help to capture the interest of potential customers and get them to interact with your business. In our case, targeted press relations have been instrumental in attracting many new customers and expanding our business.

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Why you shouldn't start your own agency in 2024 (and what you can do instead)

10/31/2023 | By: FDS

It is always a risk to start your own agency. It is not only a financial investment, but also an investment in time and energy. If you don't have the necessary experience and skills, or if your budget is limited, it might be difficult to start a successful agency.

Instead, you might consider purchasing a franchise or taking over an existing agency. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. A franchise can give you a proven business model and a strong brand, but it may also require a large investment. If you take over an existing agency, you already get a client base and some experience, but it can also be difficult to align the agency with your vision.

However, if you want to start your own agency, there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of success. First, you should learn about the business and create a good strategy. Then, you should familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations. You should also familiarize yourself with marketing and advertising so that you can effectively promote your business and attract customers. Finally, you should network and exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs to benefit from their experiences.

Whether you start your own agency or take over an existing one, you will need to invest a lot of time, energy and commitment to succeed. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether starting your own agency is really right for you.

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CRM for contact management - You have to reckon with these costs

10/31/2023 | By: FDS

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an essential part of any successful business strategy. A good CRM system can help you manage customer relationships efficiently and scale your business. However, if you are considering a CRM system for contact management, you should consider the costs involved. In this article, we will explain the main cost drivers for CRM systems so that you can better understand what expenses you should expect.

1. Licensing costs:

Most CRM systems work on the basis of licence fees. These fees vary depending on the provider and the features chosen. Licence fees can be monthly or annual and are often based on the number of users or the amount of resources used. Make sure you carefully review and understand the licence agreement to avoid unexpected costs.

2. Implementation costs:

Implementing a CRM system requires time and resources. This can include the cost of customising the software to meet the needs of your business, migrating data from existing systems and training your staff. Implementation costs can be significant, but should be viewed as a long-term investment.

3. Customisation and integration:

Your CRM system may need to be customised to meet the specific needs of your business. This may involve additional costs for developing custom features or integrations with other software applications.

4. Training and support:

Training your staff in the use of the CRM system is critical to realising its full potential. Training resources and costs should therefore be included in your budget planning. In addition, you should consider the cost of technical support to ensure that your CRM system runs smoothly.

5. Cloud vs. on-premises:

The choice between a cloud-based CRM solution and an on-premises installation can involve significant cost differences. Cloud solutions typically require a lower initial investment, as the infrastructure and maintenance are provided by your vendor. On-premises installations, on the other hand, require investments in hardware, software licences and maintenance.

6. Data security and privacy:

Protecting sensitive customer information is critical. Implementing security measures and privacy policies can add costs, but should not be neglected.

7. Upgrades and maintenance:

CRM systems require regular maintenance and updates to ensure they run smoothly and remain secure. The cost of these upgrades and maintenance services should be factored into your budget.


The cost of a CRM system for contact management can vary significantly depending on the vendor and the specific needs of your business. It is important to keep an eye on the total cost and ensure that you select a CRM system that meets your business needs and fits within your budget. Careful budgeting and a realistic cost analysis are crucial to get the maximum benefit from your CRM investment and to make your customer relationship management efficient.

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