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Ranking Informatik-Studium - At which university can you study in Germany?

11/01/2023 | By: FDS

In Germany, there are many universities and colleges that offer degree programmes in computer science. The choice of the best institution often depends on individual interests, the degree sought (Bachelor, Master, etc.) and personal preferences. Here are some renowned educational institutions that offer degree programmes in computer science:

Technische Universität München (TUM): TUM offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and has several Master's programmes in Computer Science, including "Data Engineering and Analytics" and "Computational Science and Engineering."

Saarland University: This university offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and Master's programmes in Computer Science, Visual Computing and more.

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen University): RWTH Aachen offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and various Master's programmes in Computer Science and Software Engineering.

University of Karlsruhe (KIT): KIT offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and Master's programmes in Computer Science, Information Management and more.

Free University of Berlin: This university offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and Master's programmes in Computer Science and Computer Science.

University of Stuttgart: The University of Stuttgart offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and several Master's programmes in Computer Science, including "Autonomous Systems" and "Visual Computing."

Humboldt University of Berlin: This university offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and Master's programmes in Computer Science, Data Science and more.

Technische Universität Berlin: TU Berlin offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and several Master's programmes in Computer Science, including "Internet Technologies" and "Data Engineering."

University of Mannheim: The University of Mannheim offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and a Master's programme in Data Science.

Technische Universität Darmstadt: This university offers a Bachelor's programme in Computer Science and various Master's programmes in Computer and Information Science.

The above-mentioned educational institutions are just a few examples, and there are many more universities and colleges in Germany that offer computer science or similar degree programmes. It is advisable to check the specific programmes, curricula and prerequisites at each institution to make the best choice for your computer science studies. Also consider the possibility of finding out about current rankings and assessments of computer science degree programmes.

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Which data analysis techniques work best for large unstructured data sets?

11/01/2023 | By: FDS

A variety of data analysis techniques are suitable for large unstructured data sets. Here are some of the best techniques:

Text mining and text analytics: these techniques are used to analyze unstructured text data, such as documents, emails, social media, and extract relevant information. Text mining algorithms can detect patterns, identify topics, perform sentiment analysis, and recognize important entities such as people, places, or organizations.

Machine Learning: Machine learning encompasses a variety of algorithms and techniques that can be used to identify patterns and relationships in large unstructured data sets. Techniques such as clustering, classification, regression, and anomaly detection can be applied to unstructured data to gain insights and make predictions.

Deep Learning: Deep Learning is a subcategory of machine learning that focuses on neural networks. Deep learning can be used to identify complex patterns in unstructured data. For example, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be used for image recognition, while Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) can be used to process sequential data such as text or speech.

Image and video analysis: If the data set contains images or videos, special image and video analysis techniques can be applied. For example, techniques such as object recognition, face recognition, motion tracking, and content analysis are used.

NLP (Natural Language Processing): NLP refers to natural language processing and enables the analysis and interpretation of unstructured text data. NLP techniques include tasks such as tokenization, lemmatization, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, translation, and text generation.

Big Data technologies: For large unstructured data sets, Big Data technologies such as Hadoop or Spark can be used. These technologies enable parallel processing and analysis of large data sets by running tasks on distributed systems or clusters.

It is important to note that the selection of appropriate techniques depends on the specific requirements of the data set and the goals of the data analysis. A combination of techniques may be required to gain comprehensive insights from large unstructured datasets.

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What are the biggest mistakes in sales?

11/01/2023 | By: FDS

1. Not listening: A common mistake in sales is not listening to the needs of the customer.

2. Not being prepared: Another mistake that many sales people make is that they are not prepared when they make a sales call.

3. Talking too much: Talking too much is another common sales mistake. The sales rep should let the customer finish and focus on their needs.

4. Unprofessional appearance: An unprofessional demeanor can quickly lead to a customer having a bad image of a sales representative.

5. Not using the right communication: Another mistake in sales is not using the right communication to convince the customer.

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How does one become a PR consultant?

11/01/2023 | By: FDS

Becoming a PR consultant:in requires a combination of education, practical experience and specialised public relations (PR) skills. Here are the steps that can help you get on the path to becoming a PR consultant:

Education and academic background:

Many PR consultants have a bachelor's degree in communications, public relations, journalism, marketing or a related field. A solid academic background will provide the foundation for your career in PR.

Understand PR basics:

Learn the basics of PR, including media relations, crisis communications, brand communications and public relations.

Internship or traineeship:

Consider participating in internships or volunteering at PR agencies, corporations or non-profit organisations. Practical experience is crucial to learn about the work environment and responsibilities of a PR consultant.

Consider participating in internships or traineeships at PR agencies or non-profit organisations.

Journalistic skills:

Journalistic skills such as writing, editing and research are essential in PR. Develop these skills to create effective PR materials.

Digital know-how:

As PR becomes increasingly digital, it is important to master digital tools and platforms for news dissemination and social media communication.

Media relations:

Build relationships with journalists and media representatives. This can help you place press releases and generate media coverage for your clients or employers.

Understand target audiences:

Learn how to understand your clients' audiences and develop effective messages tailored to their needs and interests.

Communication skills:

Develop excellent written and verbal communication skills, as these are essential in PR.

Industry knowledge:

Depending on the industry you wish to work in, it may be beneficial to develop industry knowledge and understand the specific requirements and trends.


Learn to market yourself and showcase your PR skills. A strong professional network and a good online presence can increase your chances of success.

Continuing education:

The PR industry is constantly changing. Keep up to date with current trends and developments in PR and continue your education.

Professional ethics:

Understand and abide by the ethical guidelines of PR to maintain your credibility and integrity.

To become a successful PR consultant, it is important to continuously work on your skills and gain experience. The more you work in the field and try your hand at different areas of PR, the better you will become as a consultant:in.

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How can you identify influencers who fit your brand?

10/31/2023 | By: FDS

To identify influencers who fit your brand, there are several steps you can take. Here are some helpful tips:

Define target audience: Think carefully about who your target audience is. What are the age group, interests and demographics of your customers? This will help you find influencers whose audiences are similar to your target audience.

Set brand values and goals: clarify your own brand values and goals. What is your message? What do you want to achieve with your brand? Identify influencers whose values and goals align with your brand

Do your research: search for influencers in your industry or product segment. Use social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok to find relevant influencers. Look at their content, engagement rates, and follower counts.

Analyze content: Take a close look at potential influencers' content. Is their content high-quality and professional? Do they match your brand image and products? Also pay attention to whether they have already collaborated with similar brands.

Check engagement rates: Check influencers' engagement rates to find out how well they interact with their audience. High engagement rates indicate an engaged and loyal following.

Check reach and target audience: Check the influencers' reach and whether their target audience matches yours. Consider the number of followers, but also pay attention to the quality of interactions and whether they are reaching the desired audience.

Evaluate authenticity: authenticity is an important factor when choosing influencers. Check to see if influencers come across as honest and authentic, as this can positively impact your brand's credibility.

Initiate collaboration: Once you've identified potential influencers, you can make initial contact. Write them a personal message expressing your interest in working with them and explaining why you think they're a good fit for the brand.

Set measurable goals: make sure you set clear goals for working with influencers. Do you want to increase brand awareness, boost sales or grow your social media presence? Define KPIs to measure the success of the collaboration.

Build long-term relationships: If the collaboration is successful, think about building long-term relationships with influencers. Ongoing collaborations can increase your brand's credibility and influence in the long run.

Remember that it's important to choose influencers who are an authentic fit for your brand and whose audience overlaps with your target audience. Quality often comes before quantity, so make sure you choose the right fit instead of just high follower counts.

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