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The Business Information Systems degree programme: A look at the course content

11/02/2023 | By: FDS

Business informatics is a multidisciplinary field that studies the interface between information technology and business processes. In this article, we take a closer look at the study of business informatics and the exciting topics that students explore.

Fundamentals of computer science and programming

The study of Information Systems often begins with a solid introduction to the fundamentals of computer science, including programming, data structures, algorithms and software development. These skills are critical to developing technology solutions to business problems

Business fundamentals

To understand the business aspects, students study business fundamentals such as marketing, financial management, accounting and organisational management. This enables them to develop technology solutions in the context of business needs

Data management and databases

Since data is crucial in businesses, students learn how to manage, store and analyse data efficiently. This includes working with databases, data modelling and data analysis.

Business Process Management

The optimisation of business processes is at the heart of business informatics. Students learn how to analyse, improve and automate business processes to increase the efficiency and profitability of companies

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

ERP systems are software solutions that help companies integrate various business processes. Students learn how to implement and manage ERP systems to increase business efficiency.

Information security and privacy

The security of information systems is of great importance. Students study the basics of information security, cybersecurity and data protection policies to protect corporate data.

Project Management

In Information Systems, project management skills are crucial as many projects involve the implementation of new technology solutions in businesses. Students learn project management methods and tools

E-business and e-commerce

The Information Systems degree also covers the various aspects of e-business and e-commerce. Students learn how to develop online marketing strategies, create e-commerce platforms and implement digital business models.

Practical projects and internships

During their studies, students often work on real projects to apply their knowledge in practice. Internships in companies offer the opportunity to gain practical experience in the implementation of technology solutions for business processes.

Professional preparation and certifications

Many business information systems programmes integrate career preparation courses and offer the opportunity to earn certifications in relevant fields. This eases the transition into the professional world and demonstrates graduates' qualifications to employers


The Business Information Systems degree combines technical knowledge with business expertise and offers a wide range of study content. Graduates are well-positioned to succeed in a variety of positions in corporations, government agencies or consulting firms. With a strong focus on the integration of information technology into business processes, business informatics graduates are sought-after professionals in an increasingly digital world.

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How to use data analysis to identify patterns in time series data?

11/02/2023 | By: FDS

To identify patterns in time series data, data analysis can use a variety of methods and techniques. Here are some approaches that can be helpful in identifying patterns in time series data:

Visualization: start by graphically representing the time series data. Charts such as line graphs or area plots can help you see the general trend of the data and identify potential patterns.

Smoothing techniques: Use smoothing techniques such as moving average or exponential smoothing to reduce short-term fluctuations and understand the underlying trend of the data. This allows you to identify long-term patterns or seasonal effects.

Time Series Analysis:Apply statistical methods for time series analysis, such as autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF), to identify dependencies between past and future values of the time series. These methods can help you identify seasonal patterns, trend components, and other time dependencies.

Trend analysis: use regression models to model the trend in time series data. This can help you identify long-term upward or downward trends and detect outliers that are not consistent with the overall trend.

Pattern recognition: Use advanced pattern recognition techniques such as cluster analysis or pattern classification to identify specific patterns in the time series data. These techniques can help you identify groups of similar patterns or uncover anomalies in the data.

Time series forecasting: use forecasting models such as ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) or machine learning to predict future values of the time series. These models can help you identify latent patterns in the data and make predictions for future trends or events.

It is important to note that identifying patterns in time series data can be a complex task and different techniques should be combined to achieve meaningful results. In addition, domain knowledge and expert knowledge can be of great importance when interpreting the results.

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What are the biggest mistakes in marketing?

11/02/2023 | By: FDS

1. Lack of target group analysis: an essential part of marketing is to understand and analyze the target group. If companies skip this step, it can be difficult to choose the right channels, advertising messages and strategies to reach the target audience.

2. Not being up to date: The ever-changing trends in digital marketing make it difficult for businesses to stay up to date. If businesses don't stay up to date, they can lose potential customers.

3. Insufficient resources: Many businesses don't have the necessary resources to launch and run successful marketing campaigns. Without enough staff, time and budget, it can be difficult to find a path to success.

4. Unclear messaging: When companies don't clearly define what they want to communicate to their customers, it can be difficult to send the right message to the right audience. Unclear messages can lead to misunderstandings and poor customer experiences.

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The art of starting a business: From idea to success

11/01/2023 | By: FDS

Starting a business is an exciting adventure that appeals to many people. But the road from initial idea to success is often rocky and full of challenges. In this article, we take a look at the art of starting a business and how to go from a visionary idea to a thriving business.

The Idea: The Starting Point

Everything starts with an idea. It can come from personal experiences, passions or gaps in the market. However, a good idea is not enough. It must also be tested for its feasibility and marketability. Thorough market research is essential to determine if there is demand for the product or service.

The business plan: The blueprint for success

Once the idea is solid, it is time to create a business plan. This not only serves as a guide for the business, but is also an important document for potential investors and partners. The business plan should include a clear vision, goals, market analysis, marketing strategies and financial projections.

Funding: raising capital

One of the biggest hurdles for budding entrepreneurs is raising capital. This can be achieved through personal savings, loans, investors or crowdfunding. The choice of funding source depends on the type of business and individual circumstances. It is important to make realistic financial projections and consider all costs, including current expenses and salaries.

The legal form: choosing the right business model

Choosing the right legal form for the business is crucial. Whether sole proprietorship, limited liability company or public limited company, each has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of liability, taxes and administration. It is advisable to seek advice from a professional in good time to find the best option.

The implementation: From plan to reality

With a solid business plan and sufficient funding, it is time to turn the idea into reality. This requires careful planning, hiring skilled staff, sourcing resources and developing products or services. The process often requires adjustments and flexibility to meet changing market conditions.

Marketing: Attracting customers

A successful business cannot thrive without an effective marketing strategy. This includes identifying the target audience, developing a strong brand identity and choosing the right marketing channels. Social media, content marketing and traditional advertising are just a few of the ways to build awareness and attract customers.

Scaling up: from start-up to established company

Once the business is successfully launched, the next challenge is scaling. This means expanding the business and entering new markets. This often requires additional capital and a smart business strategy. Preserving the company's culture and values is just as important as growth itself.

Perseverance: The Key to Success

The art of starting a business requires perseverance and determination. There will be setbacks and challenges, but successful entrepreneurs don't give up. They learn from their mistakes, adapt to new developments and stay true to their vision

In the world of starting a business, there are no guarantees of success, but the right planning, perseverance and passion can greatly increase the odds. The art of starting a business is an exciting journey that rewards those who are willing to take on the adventure. Those who want to go from idea to success should be guided by their vision and always look forward, because the world is waiting for the next innovative entrepreneurs who will change it.

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Advertising on LinkedIn: How to advertise successfully

11/01/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, LinkedIn has become one of the most important platforms for professional networking and business communication. But LinkedIn is not just a place to expand your professional network. It is also a highly effective platform for advertising and marketing. In this article, we take a look at how you can successfully advertise on LinkedIn.

1. Target group definition is key

The first step to a successful LinkedIn advertising campaign is to accurately define your target audience. LinkedIn offers a variety of targeting options, including job title, industry, location, company size and more. The more specific you are in defining your audience, the more effective your advertising will be.

2. Create engaging ads

Your ads need to be engaging and relevant to your target audience. Use professional images and concise copy that clearly communicates your offer. Make sure your ads highlight the benefits of your products or services

3. Take advantage of LinkedIn's ad formats

LinkedIn offers several ad formats, including Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Display Ads and more. Choose the format that best suits your goal and audience. For example, Sponsored Content ads work well to promote your content, while Sponsored InMail can be used for direct messaging to potential customers.

4. Go for storytelling

Stories are a powerful tool in marketing. Use LinkedIn to tell your company story. Explain how your product or service solves your customers' problems. Show success stories of customers or employees. A well-told story can create a deep emotional connection to your brand.

5. Test and optimise

Successful LinkedIn advertising often requires some experimentation. Test different ads, audiences and budgets to see what works best. Use LinkedIn's analytics tools to track the success of your campaigns, and optimise them regularly.

6. Budgeting and bidding strategies

Set a realistic budget for your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. LinkedIn offers several bidding strategies, including CPC (Cost Per Click), CPM (Cost Per Mille) and CPA (Cost Per Acquisition). Choose the strategy that best suits your goals.

7. Run A/B tests

A/B testing is an effective way to find out which ad variations perform best. For example, vary headlines, images or call-to-action buttons and analyse which version gets the best results

8. Continuous improvement

Successful LinkedIn advertising requires patience and continuous optimisation. Monitor your campaigns carefully, analyse the results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Overall, LinkedIn offers a powerful platform for advertising in the professional environment. By accurately defining your target audience, creating engaging ads and continuously optimising your campaigns, you can successfully advertise on LinkedIn and reach your business goals.

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