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Starting a business in the online sector: e-commerce law and digital business models

11/06/2023 | By: FDS

Digitalisation has fundamentally changed the business environment and created a multitude of opportunities for business start-ups in the online sector. If you want to start an e-commerce company or develop a digital business model, there are some important legal aspects to consider in order to conduct your business in a safe and legal manner.

1. Legal forms of incorporation and authorisations

Choosing the right legal form for your e-commerce business is crucial. This can be a sole proprietorship, a GmbH, a UG (haftungsbeschränkt) or others. The choice depends on various factors, including liability, capital requirements and tax aspects. Make sure you obtain all necessary permits and licences for your business, especially if you are selling products or services online.

2. Data protection and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The handling of customer data and personal information is subject to strict data protection regulations, especially in the European Union. The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data and requires clear data protection guidelines and declarations of consent from customers. Make sure you comply with data protection regulations to avoid legal issues.

3. Imprint obligation and information duties

E-commerce websites must provide clear information about the seller, prices, payment options and delivery conditions. In Germany and many other countries, there is an obligation to provide an imprint, which ensures that customers can easily contact the company. These information obligations are required by law and must be clearly visible on your website.

4. Terms and conditions and right of cancellation

It is important to have clear general terms and conditions (GTC) that set out the terms and conditions and rights and obligations of customers and companies. Customers also have a right of cancellation in many countries, which they can make use of. Make sure you are aware of the legal requirements and adapt your T&Cs accordingly.

5. Copyright and intellectual property

If you use digital content, images or brands, you must ensure that you have the necessary rights or licences. Infringement of copyright and intellectual property rights can have legal consequences.

6. International business activities and cross-border trade

If your e-commerce business operates internationally, you must comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which you sell. Customs regulations, taxes and currency issues are important legal aspects of cross-border trade.


The legal aspects of e-commerce and digital business models are complex and can vary by country and industry. It is crucial to deal with these issues in good time and, if necessary, consult legal experts or lawyers to ensure that your online business is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. A solid legal foundation is the key to long-term success in the digital business environment.

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The best business ideas for start-ups in 2024

11/06/2023 | By: FDS

The year 2024 promises to be an exciting year for company founders. The ever-changing business world offers numerous opportunities for innovative start-ups to conquer new markets and revolutionise existing industries. In this article, we take a look at some of the best business ideas for start-ups in 2024.

1. Sustainable technology and renewable energy

With the growing awareness of environmental issues and rising energy costs, sustainable technology and renewable energy continue to be extremely promising areas. Start-ups that develop solutions for clean energy generation, energy storage and energy efficiency have the opportunity to have a positive impact on the environment while capitalising on growing markets.

2. Health and wellness technology

The health and wellness industry is experiencing a continuous upswing, supported by demographic change and increased health awareness. Start-ups that offer innovative products and services in the fields of healthcare, fitness, nutrition and mental health have the opportunity to improve people's quality of life and be successful at the same time.

3. E-commerce and online marketplaces

The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the trend towards online shopping, and e-commerce remains an extremely lucrative sector. Start-ups that focus on niche markets, personalised shopping experiences or innovative sales models can thrive in this area.

4. Education technology (EdTech)

The digital transformation of the education sector has made EdTech one of the most promising markets for start-ups. With the increasing demand for online learning, continuing education and professional qualifications, companies that develop innovative teaching and learning solutions have enormous growth opportunities.

5. Agricultural and food technology (AgriTech and FoodTech)

Ensuring a sustainable food supply and reducing the environmental footprint of food production are global challenges. Start-ups investing in AgriTech and FoodTech can help address these issues by developing innovative approaches to farming, food production and delivery.

6. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

AI and machine learning are key technologies that are used in almost every industry. Start-ups that develop customised AI solutions to optimise business processes, gain data-driven insights or enable personalised customer interactions have an excellent chance of success.

7. Sustainable fashion and lifestyle products

The demand for environmentally friendly fashion and sustainable lifestyle products has increased significantly in recent years. Start-ups that focus on recycling, ethical production and environmentally friendly materials can flourish in this area.

8. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)

Virtual and augmented reality technologies offer exciting opportunities for the development of applications in education, entertainment, healthcare and industry. Start-ups that develop innovative VR/AR solutions can open up new dimensions in various industries.


The year 2024 offers a wealth of business opportunities for start-ups that are ready to turn innovative ideas into reality. Whether it's sustainability, health, technology or education, the best business ideas are often driven by a deep understanding of the needs of the market and a passionate vision for the future. With clear business plans, perseverance and creativity, company founders have the chance to succeed and enrich the world with their innovations.

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The importance of a solid business plan for start-ups and financing options

11/06/2023 | By: FDS

Start-ups are the engine of innovation and an essential part of the economy. However, the path from a great idea to successfully founding a company is riddled with challenges and uncertainties. A crucial key to success, especially when it comes to raising finance, is a solid business plan. In this article, we will highlight the importance of a well thought-out business plan for start-ups and explore different funding options.

The business plan: A guide to success

A business plan is the foundation of every start-up. It not only serves as a guide for the business strategy, but also as an important document for presenting the company to potential investors and lenders. Here are some of the key aspects that should be included in a business plan:

Business concept and market analysis: The plan should clearly present the start-up's business concept and provide a comprehensive market analysis. This includes information about the target group, the competition and the market niche that the company wants to fill.

Company structure and team: It is important to describe the company structure, the founding team and the qualifications of the key people. This conveys confidence in the management of the company.

Product or service: The business plan should contain a detailed description of the company's product or service, including its uniqueness and benefits for customers.

Marketing and distribution strategy: How does the start-up plan to market and distribute its products or services? This section should include the planned marketing channels, pricing and sales strategy.

Financial projections: The financial projections are a central component of the business plan. These are sales forecasts, profit and loss statements and cash flow analyses. They show potential investors how the company can become profitable.

Financing requirements: The plan should clearly show the company's financing requirements. This includes information on how much capital is needed and what it will be used for.

Financing options for start-ups

Once a solid business plan has been created, the next challenge is raising finance. Here are some common financing options for start-ups:

Equity financing: This involves raising money from investors who provide capital in exchange for shares in the company. This can come from business angels, venture capital firms or crowdfunding platforms.

Credits and loans: Start-ups can also take out credits or loans from banks, credit unions or government programmes. These options often require a solid credit rating and collateral.

Bootstrapping: This means building the business with limited resources and without external funding. This can mean utilising personal savings or reinvesting income from the business.

Funding and grants: Depending on the industry and location, start-ups can apply for government funding and grants to help finance their business.

Business angels and networks: Business angels are experienced entrepreneurs and investors who not only provide capital, but also their expertise and contacts.


A solid business plan is a key to success for start-ups, especially when it comes to raising funds. A well-thought-out plan shows potential investors and lenders that the company has a clear vision and will utilise resources efficiently. With a strong business plan and the right funding strategy, start-ups can significantly increase their chances of success and lay the foundations for a successful future.

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What factors influence the likelihood of a press release being published?

11/06/2023 | By: FDS

Press releases are an important public relations tool that companies, organisations and individuals use to communicate news and information to media representatives and the public. However, not all press releases make it into the headlines. The chances of publication depend on a variety of factors that require careful planning and strategy. In this article, we take a look at the most important factors that influence the likelihood of a press release being published.

1. Newsworthiness of the press release

The newsworthiness or relevance of a press release is a decisive factor in attracting the attention of media representatives. Journalists and editors are looking for stories that are current, interesting and relevant to their readers, viewers or listeners. Press releases should therefore contain clear, relevant and novel information that offers news value.

2. Quality of the press release

The quality of the press release itself plays a major role. Incorrect grammar, poorly structured information and unclear messages significantly reduce the chances of publication. A well-written press release with a clear headline, a concise message and relevant details increases the likelihood of being noticed.

3. Target group customisation

Press releases should be specifically tailored to the interests and needs of the medium's target audience. This means that a broad press release may attract less attention than a customised release that is aimed precisely at the medium and its readers, viewers or listeners.

4. Timing

Timing is crucial. A press release should be planned to be published at a time that is relevant to the news. For example, a release about a Christmas offer should not be sent out in the summer. It is also important to keep an eye on current events or trends and adapt press releases accordingly.

5. Relationships with media representatives

Good relationships with journalists and editors can significantly increase the chances of publication. If media representatives have confidence in the reliability and relevance of your press releases, they are more likely to consider them

6. Multimedia elements

Press releases that include multimedia elements such as photos, videos or infographics are often more appealing to media representatives. These elements can make the story more lively and engaging.

7. Uniqueness and exclusivity

Media often favour exclusive stories or information that they can publish exclusively. If you offer exclusivity to the media, the chances of publication increase.

Publishing a press release requires careful planning, research and consideration. Considering these factors can help increase the likelihood of publication and get the desired attention for your message. Having a clear communication strategy and understanding the needs of the media are key components to the success of your press release publication.

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Free Press Release & Press Relations Guide

11/03/2023 | By: FDS

We have summarized the most important tips and tricks for successful press work in 2022 for you in a free guide "Successful Press & Public Relations 2022" and will be happy to send it to you by e-mail on request. Simply request it now using our contact form.

Press Release & Press Relations Guide


Press releases and press relations are an important part of any successful marketing campaign, whether it’s for a product, service, or organization. Press releases can be used to generate media coverage and attract attention to your business. Press relations can help you develop relationships with media outlets and build a positive public image.

This guide will provide an overview of press releases and press relations, as well as some tips for getting the most out of your efforts.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is a document containing newsworthy information about an organization, product, or service. It is typically distributed to media outlets and journalists for the purpose of generating publicity.

Press releases can be used to announce a new product or service, announce a change in executive leadership, announce a new partnership, or even announce a special event.

Press releases should be written in a clear, concise, and professional manner. They should be fact-based and include all relevant information in an easy-to-read format. The press release should also include contact information for the organization or individual issuing the release.

What is Press Relations?

Press relations is the process of developing relationships with media

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