
Knowledge Base

What is data access?

11/10/2023 | By: FDS

The term "data access" refers to the permission or ability to access certain data. It describes the ability to access information, files, documents or resources stored in a digital system, database, network or other storage location. Data access can be achieved in different ways, and the authorisations to access data can be restricted or extended depending on various factors. Here are some important aspects of data access:

Permissions and access control: In many digital systems and networks, permissions and access controls are set up to ensure that only authorised users or entities can access certain data. This is for security and data protection purposes.

User identification: In most cases, data access is linked to user identification, which ensures that the person or system that wants to access the data is legitimate. This is usually done through the use of user accounts and passwords.

Methods of data access: Data can be accessed in various ways, including direct access to a local file, access via the internet, retrieving data from a database, accessing cloud storage or downloading files from a server.

Remote data access: Remote data access refers to accessing data from a remote location, such as a home computer or mobile device. This is widely used in today's connected world.

API access: In software development, data can be accessed via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which enable the exchange of data between different applications.

Restricted access: In some cases, access to certain data may be restricted or limited to ensure the confidentiality, integrity or availability of this data.

Purpose of data access: Data is often accessed for a specific purpose, whether for data analysis, information processing, communication or other tasks.

Data access is an important aspect of information and communication technology (ICT) as well as data management and utilisation. Ensuring appropriate and secure data access is crucial to ensure that data can be used effectively without jeopardising security and privacy.

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Onboarding process for new employees: Paving the path to success

11/09/2023 | By: FDS

Hiring new employees is a significant step for any organisation, especially for start-ups. An effective onboarding process is crucial to ensure that new employees are successfully integrated into the team and can quickly become productive. In this article, we will take a closer look at the onboarding process for new employees.

What is onboarding?

Onboarding is the process by which new employees are integrated into a company. The aim of onboarding is to provide employees with the necessary information, resources and training to successfully start their role and feel comfortable in the organisation.

The importance of an effective onboarding process:

Faster productivity: A structured onboarding process enables new employees to become productive faster and contribute to the company's goals.

Employee retention: A positive onboarding experience can increase employee retention and reduce the likelihood of new employees leaving the company in the first few months.

Cultural integration: The onboarding process provides an opportunity to communicate the company culture and values and ensure that new employees identify with them.

Key components of a successful onboarding process:

Preparation: Start the onboarding process before the new employee has their first day at work. Make sure that the workstation, the required equipment and the necessary access data are ready.

Welcome: A warm welcome is crucial. Make sure the new employee is greeted and made to feel welcome by colleagues and superiors.

Introduction to the company: Give the employee an introduction to the company's history, mission, vision and values. This helps to promote an understanding of the company culture.

Role and responsibilities: Clarify the expectations of the new employee's role and explain their duties and responsibilities. Give them an overview of the organisational structure.

Training and development: Ensure the new employee receives the necessary training and training resources to fulfil their role.

Mentoring and support: Assign a mentor or contact person to help the new employee with any questions or problems and to help them settle in.

Communication and feedback: Hold regular feedback meetings to ensure that the employee is settling in well and that their expectations are being met.

Cultural integration: Integrate the employee into the company culture by including them in team events, meetings and social activities.

Resources and support: Ensure the employee has access to the resources, systems and support they need to do their job effectively.

Long-term development: Discuss with the employee their long-term development goals and career opportunities within the organisation.

Measure success and make adjustments:

Once the onboarding process is complete, it is important to evaluate its success and identify possible improvements. Ask the new employees about their onboarding experience and take their feedback into account when designing future processes.

A well-designed onboarding process is a valuable tool to ensure that new employees are effectively integrated into the organisation. It helps to increase productivity, promote employee retention and lay the foundation for long-term success within the organisation. Invest time and resources in developing an effective onboarding programme to attract and retain the best talent.

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Start-ups “Made in Germany”: Examples of success from the German start-up scene

11/09/2023 | By: FDS

Germany is not only known for its solid industry and strong economy, but has also developed into a hotspot for innovative start-ups in recent years. The German start-up scene has produced an impressive number of success stories. In this article, we take a look at some of the remarkable "Made in Germany" start-ups that have gained global recognition.

1. Zalando: fashion retail in the digital age

Zalando, founded in 2008, has developed into Europe's leading online fashion platform. The company started out as a small online shoe retailer and has since expanded its range considerably. Today, Zalando offers a wide range of fashion items and brands and serves customers across Europe. The platform has revolutionised e-commerce and is an outstanding example of the success of the German start-up scene.

2. Delivery Hero: international delivery services

Delivery Hero was founded in 2011 and has developed into one of the world's leading providers of online food delivery services. The company operates platforms in more than 40 countries and offers a wide range of food delivery options, from pizza to sushi. Delivery Hero has changed the way people order and get food delivered and has become a global player.

3. N26: Digital banking for the world

N26 was founded in Berlin in 2013 and is one of the fastest growing digital banks in the world. With a user-friendly mobile app, N26 offers a wide range of financial services, from current accounts to investment opportunities. The company has managed to challenge traditional banks and attract millions of customers across Europe.

4. FlixBus: revolutionising long-distance travel

FlixBus, founded in 2013, has redefined long-distance travel in Europe. The company offers comfortable and environmentally friendly coach travel in over 30 countries and has changed the way people travel across Europe. FlixBus has also established itself in the USA and is an impressive example of a German start-up expanding internationally.

5. Celonis: process optimisation through AI

Celonis, founded in 2011, specialises in process optimisation for companies. The company uses artificial intelligence to analyse and optimise business processes. Celonis has won leading global companies as customers and is one of the fastest growing German technology companies.


German start-ups have developed into real success stories in recent years and have played a significant role in various sectors such as e-commerce, delivery services, finance and technology. These examples show that Germany

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How can you maximize the long-term impact of PR measures?

11/09/2023 | By: FDS

Maximizing the long-term impact of PR measures requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. Here are some key steps to consider:

Define clear objectives: Start by setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for your PR efforts. Clearly define what you want to achieve in the long term, such as enhancing brand reputation, increasing market share, or improving public perception.

Understand your audience: Identify your target audience and understand their needs, interests, and preferences. Tailor your PR messages and activities to resonate with your audience and address their concerns effectively.

Develop a comprehensive PR strategy: Create a well-defined PR strategy that aligns with your overall business goals. It should outline the key messages, target media channels, tactics, and timelines. Consider both proactive (press releases, media pitches) and reactive (crisis management, reputation repair) PR activities.

Build strong media relationships: Cultivate strong relationships with journalists, influencers, bloggers, and other media professionals. Provide them with valuable and relevant information, establish yourself as a credible source, and engage in mutually beneficial partnerships. Regularly pitch story ideas and press releases that align with their interests and beat.

Consistent storytelling: Craft a compelling and consistent brand narrative that communicates your values, vision, and unique selling propositions. Maintain consistent messaging across different PR channels, including press releases, social media, blog posts, and interviews. Consistency helps to establish your brand identity and reinforce key messages in the minds of your audience over time.

Engage in thought leadership: Position yourself and your organization as thought leaders in your industry. Share valuable insights, expertise, and knowledge through various channels like articles, white papers, speaking engagements, and industry events. Thought leadership enhances credibility, builds trust, and reinforces your brand's long-term reputation.

Monitor and adapt: Regularly monitor media coverage, social media sentiment, and public perception of your brand. Use analytics tools to measure the impact of your PR efforts and identify areas for improvement. Adapt your strategy based on feedback, learnings, and changing market dynamics.

Invest in long-term relationships: PR is not just about one-off campaigns; it's about building enduring relationships. Invest time and effort in nurturing relationships with stakeholders, customers, partners, and employees. Maintain open lines of communication, address concerns promptly, and demonstrate that you value their feedback and support.

Evaluate and learn: Periodically evaluate the outcomes of your PR initiatives against your defined objectives. Assess the long-term impact on brand reputation, customer sentiment, market share, and business growth. Identify what worked well and what didn't, and apply those learnings to refine your future PR strategies.

Be authentic and transparent: In an era of increasing transparency, authenticity is crucial. Be honest, transparent, and accountable in your communications. Build trust by admitting mistakes, taking responsibility, and swiftly addressing any negative PR situations that arise.

By adopting these practices and maintaining a long-term perspective, you can maximize the impact of your PR measures and build a positive and enduring reputation for your organization.

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Why 80 percent of advertisers burn money in B2B online marketing

11/09/2023 | By: FDS

Many B2B online marketing advertisers try to achieve good results with minimal effort. But sometimes it's just not possible to achieve good results with minimal effort. It's important that B2B online marketing advertisers invest in a good strategy that aims for long-term results. This includes, for example, choosing the right target audience, optimizing the website, creating and publishing high-quality content, developing effective campaigns, and analyzing the results.

Many B2B online marketing advertisers don't invest in these strategies, instead trying to get more short-term results with less effort. This results in a lot of money being wasted without sustainable results.

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