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Agency comparison - Find and compare agencies now

11/13/2023 | By: FDS

Are you looking for an agency for your company? With our agency comparison, you can quickly and easily find the right agency for your purposes. We offer you a wide selection of agencies from different areas like web design, SEO, app development, digital marketing and many more.

Our database contains many agencies from different countries and regions. With our search and filter functions, you can narrow down the results according to your needs. Take your time and compare agency profiles to make the best choice for your business.

We also offer you the possibility to compare agency profiles directly. Simply select two or more profiles and compare prices, services, experience and other factors. This way you can be sure that you have found the right agency for your business.

Try our agency comparison now and find the right agency for your business. We are sure that you will make the right choice and enjoy a successful cooperation with your selected agency.

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Women in starting a business: opportunities and challenges

11/10/2023 | By: FDS

The role of women in business start-ups has changed significantly worldwide in recent years. More and more women are deciding to set up their own companies and turn innovative ideas into reality. Nevertheless, they still face particular challenges. In this article, we take a look at the opportunities and obstacles that women face when starting a business.

Opportunities for women in business start-ups:

Creativity and diversity: Women often bring a unique perspective and creativity to the business world, which can lead to innovative solutions and new business ideas.

Networking: Participating in networks and events for women in business can provide valuable contacts, mentoring opportunities and resources.

Funding programmes and support: There are an increasing number of funding programmes, grants and financial support specifically for female founders to help them enter the corporate world.

Digitalisation: Digitalisation has made it possible for women to set up businesses online and operate globally, which reduces geographical barriers.

Challenges for women in starting a business:

Financing: Access to capital and investment can be more difficult for women than for men. Women often receive less venture capital and have less access to bank loans.

Gender stereotypes: Gender stereotypes and prejudices can put women at a disadvantage in the business world. They are sometimes not taken seriously or perceived as less competent.

Work-life balance: Balancing work commitments and family obligations can be a major challenge for women, especially mothers.

Lack of female role models: The lack of visible female role models in leadership positions can prevent women from imagining that they can go far in the corporate world.

Success stories from female founders:

Sara Blakely (SPANX): Sara Blakely founded the company SPANX and revolutionised the world of underwear. She is now one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

Whitney Wolfe Herd (Bumble): Whitney Wolfe Herd founded the dating app Bumble and created a platform that gives women more control over their online dating experiences.


Frauen spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle in der Unternehmensgründung und bringen frische Ideen und Innovationen in die Geschäftswelt ein. Trotz der Herausforderungen, denen sie gegenüberstehen, gibt es zahlreiche Chancen und Unterstützungssysteme, die Frauen auf ihrem Weg zur Selbstständigkeit nutzen können. Die Förderung der Gleichberechtigung in der Unternehmensgründung ist nicht nur ein Gewinn für Frauen, sondern auch für die Wirtschaft insgesamt, da sie zu mehr Vielfalt und Innovation führt.

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Personnel search for start-ups: How do you find the right employees?

11/10/2023 | By: FDS

One of the most critical elements for the success of a start-up is the team. Finding the right people who fit the company's vision and have the necessary skills and attitudes can be a challenge. In this article, we'll look at how you can find the best people for your start-up.

1. Define your needs:

Before you start recruiting, it is crucial to define the exact requirements for the positions you are looking to fill. Think about what skills, experience and qualifications the candidates should have.

2. Create a clear job description:

A clear and concise job description is crucial to attract potential candidates. The job description should clearly outline the duties, responsibilities, qualifications and cultural fit.

3. Utilise your network:

Your personal and professional network can be a valuable resource when recruiting. Talk to contacts, industry colleagues and friends to identify potential candidates or get referrals.

4. Online job boards and platforms:

There are a variety of online job boards and platforms where you can advertise jobs. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor and AngelList are popular options for start-ups.

5. University career fairs:

University careers fairs are a great way to meet graduates and young talent. Many universities organise regular career fairs where you can present your company.

6. Startup events and meetups:

Startup events, meetups and industry events are ideal places to meet like-minded people and potential employees. These events provide an informal environment to get to know candidates.

7. Headhunters and recruiters:

Headhunters and recruiters can help identify and approach qualified candidates. They often have access to a broad pool of candidates.

8. Internships and freelancers:

In some cases, interns or freelancers can be a cost-effective way to complete certain tasks. This can also help you identify potential full-time employees.

9. Assess the cultural fit:

Cultural fit is just as important as technical qualifications. Make sure that candidates fit in with the corporate culture and values of your start-up.

10. Interview process and references:

A structured interview process that includes behavioural and competency questions can help to select the best candidates. Also check references to gain further insight into candidates' qualifications and working style.

11. Offer attractive incentives:

Start-ups can't always compete with big salaries, but they can offer other incentives, such as flexible working hours, training opportunities, stock options or the chance to work on an exciting project.

Recruiting for start-ups takes time and commitment, but it is critical to long-term success. The right team can take your start-up to the next level and realise your vision. Give yourself the time you need to find the best talent and invest in the selection process to ensure you attract the right people to your organisation.

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How to develop a profitable business concept

11/10/2023 | By: FDS

Developing a profitable business concept is the key to success for budding entrepreneurs. A solid business concept is the foundation for your company and will help you attract investors and conquer the market. In this article, we will highlight the steps you can take to develop a profitable business concept.

1. Market research and analysis

The first step in developing a profitable business concept is comprehensive market research and analysis. You need to understand the market you are entering and identify the needs of your target audience. Ask yourself:

Is there a demand for your product or service?

Who are your main competitors and how do you differentiate yourself from them?

What trends and developments are influencing your market?

In-depth market research will help you recognise opportunities and challenges and develop a clear strategy for your business.

2. Target group profiling

After you have analysed the market, it is important to understand your target group precisely. Create a detailed profile of your potential customers, including their demographic characteristics, interests, needs and problems. The better you understand your target group, the better you can tailor your product or service to them.

3. Unique value proposition (UVP)

Your UVP is what makes your business unique and how it stands out from the competition. It's important to clearly communicate why your product or service is valuable to customers. Your UVP should provide the solution to a problem or fulfil a need for your target audience.

4. Business model and monetisation

Define your business model and consider how you will make money. What pricing models will you use and how will you generate revenue? Also think about how you can scale your business to be profitable in the long term

5. Marketing and sales strategy

Develop a marketing and sales strategy to successfully bring your product or service to market. Think about which channels you will use to reach your target group and how you will attract customers. This can include online marketing, social media, advertising, PR and other measures.

6. Financial planning and budgeting

Create a financial plan and budget for your business. Calculate all costs involved, including operating costs, marketing expenses and employee salaries. Make sure you keep an eye on your finances and manage your income and expenses.

7. Prototype or minimum viable product (MVP)

If possible, develop a prototype or MVP to validate your concept and gather initial customer feedback. This will allow you to optimise your product or service before you go into large-scale production or scaling.

8. Company structure and team

Define the company structure and build a team that has the necessary skills and experience. A strong team is crucial to the success of your business.

9. Business plan and presentation

Finally, you should create your business plan that covers all aspects of your business concept and prepare a convincing presentation to present to investors or funding opportunities.

Developing a profitable business concept takes time, research and planning. However, it is the key to your success as an entrepreneur. If you go through these steps carefully and continuously adapt and improve your business concept, you will increase your chances of a profitable future for your company.

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What types of media can be used in PR?

11/10/2023 | By: FDS

In public relations (PR), different types of media can be used to spread messages and communicate with the target audience. Here are some common media formats used in PR:

Press releases: Written communications sent to journalists and members of the media to provide information about news, events or other relevant information.

Media contacts: personal contacts with journalists and editors to place press releases, arrange interviews or conduct background discussions.

Press conferences: Events where representatives of the media are invited to present important announcements or news and answer questions.

Media interviews: Targeted interviews with journalists or editors to share information about a company, organization, or product.

Articles: The writing and placement of articles in trade publications to present expert knowledge or provide insight on specific topics.

Guest articles and columns: the publishing of one's own articles or regular columns in newspapers, magazines or blogs to present positions or opinions.

Online PR: Using online media such as corporate websites, blogs, social media, and online press portals to publish information, engage in dialogue, and interact with target audiences.

Radio and television interviews: Interviews or appearances on radio programs or television shows to present information and promote a company's or organization's messages to a broader audience.

Events and trade shows: Attending industry events, conferences, or trade shows to showcase the company, products, or services and build relationships with customers, media, and other stakeholders.

Infographics, videos, and images: Visual media formats that can be used to present complex information or messages in an engaging and easy-to-understand way, and to share them across multiple channels.

It is important to note that the choice of media depends on the target audience, the goals of the PR campaign, and the resources available. A combination of different media formats can help increase the reach and effectiveness of PR efforts.

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