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The study of marketing: A look at the course contents

11/16/2023 | By: FDS

In an increasingly competitive business world, marketing has become a decisive factor for the success of companies. The marketing degree programme prepares students for the challenges and opportunities in this dynamic field. But what content can prospective marketing experts expect to learn? This article takes a closer look at the marketing degree programme and provides insights into the exciting topics that students explore.

Introduction to marketing

Marketing studies often begin with a basic introduction to the concepts and principles of marketing. Here, students learn the basic terms, theories and strategies that are important for the development of marketing campaigns and strategies.

Market research

A central component of marketing is the ability to understand the market and target groups. Students learn how to conduct market research to gather information about customer preferences, competitive landscapes and market trends. This data forms the basis for informed marketing decisions.

Consumer behaviour

Understanding consumer behaviour is of crucial importance for successful marketing. Students study the psychological, sociological and economic aspects of consumer behaviour to understand why people buy certain products and how they respond to marketing messages.

Advertising and promotion

Advertising is a key element of marketing. Students learn to develop creative advertising campaigns, plan media strategies and communicate marketing messages effectively. This may also include the study of digital advertising methods and social media.

Brand management

The development and maintenance of brands is of central importance for many companies. In the marketing degree programme, students learn how to build, position and protect brands. This includes identifying the unique characteristics of a brand and designing brand messages.

Digital marketing

In today's digital era, digital marketing is essential. Students are introduced to the use of online marketing strategies, search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing and email marketing. They learn how to plan, analyse and optimise online campaigns.

Marketing strategies and management

A central focus of the programme is the development of marketing strategies that ensure the long-term success of a company. Students learn how to create marketing plans, manage budgets and measure the success of marketing initiatives.

Internships and career preparation

Many marketing programmes offer the opportunity for internships at marketing agencies, companies or non-profit organisations. This practical experience is crucial for entering the professional world and applying the knowledge acquired during your studies


The marketing degree programme is diverse and offers a wide range of course content. It enables students to understand the dynamic world of marketing and prepare them for various career opportunities in companies, advertising agencies, consultancies and other organisations. From market research to advertising campaign development, this degree programme provides a solid foundation for a successful career in marketing.

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Cloud-based PR software - What are the advantages?

11/16/2023 | By: FDS

1. Centralized management: cloud-based PR software enables organizations to manage and track their PR activities in one central location. This allows PR staff to use their time more effectively by accessing all relevant data in one place instead of multiple locations.

2. Access to real-time data: Cloud-based PR software allows organizations to access real-time data, which enables PR staff to respond more quickly to inquiries and requests and make faster decisions.

3. Cost savings: Cloud-based PR software enables organizations to save money by eliminating the need to spend on maintaining and updating software on PCs or servers.

4. Mobile access: cloud-based PR software enables PR staff to access their data from anywhere, so they can do their work on the go.

5. Social media integration: Cloud-based PR software integrates social media platforms so PR staff can easily access relevant data and insights via social media.

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What must a speculative application as a freelancer contain?

11/15/2023 | By: FDS

A speculative application as a freelancer should be carefully prepared, as it is often the first step in attracting the attention of potential clients or customers. Here are the most important elements that should be included in a speculative application as a freelancer:

Solicitation letter:

Start with a polite salutation that includes the name of the potential client or customer, if possible. Otherwise, you can start with "Dear Sir or Madam"

Introduce yourself briefly and explain what area you work in as a freelancer (e.g. web design, writing, graphic design, programming, etc.).

Give a brief overview of your qualifications, experience and skills that qualify you for the potential job.

Explain why you are interested in working with the company and what benefits you can offer the company.

Resume (CV):

Attach your current CV, which includes your professional experience, qualifications, education and relevant projects.

Emphasise particularly relevant experience and skills that may be of interest to the potential client.


If your work is visual or project-based (e.g. graphic design, web development, writing), include links to your portfolio or samples of your work in your cover letter. You may also attach some samples of your work directly if appropriate.


If possible, provide references from previous clients or customers who can attest to your work and professionalism.

Quotation and availability:

State what type of projects you are looking for and what services you offer. Clarify your availability and any time constraints.

Contact details:

Make sure your contact details are easy to find. Include your email address, phone number and website (if available)


Thank them politely for their attention and express your interest in further communication or a personal meeting.

Indicate how the potential client can best reach you. Remember that your speculative application as a freelancer should be professional, well-structured and adapted to the needs of the company in question. Tailored applications have a higher chance of success. You should also make sure that your application is free of spelling and grammatical errors, as this gives a professional impression.

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Establish and maintain media contacts: relationships with journalists and editorial teams

11/15/2023 | By: FDS

The world of media is a dynamic environment in which relationships with journalists and editorial teams are crucial. Whether for public relations (PR) professionals, entrepreneurs or organisations, building and maintaining media contacts can make the difference between successful coverage and invisibility. In this article, we will discuss the importance of relationships with journalists and newsrooms and how to build and maintain them.

Why are media contacts important?

Press coverage: media contacts are key to getting stories and information placed in the media. Positive coverage can significantly increase visibility.

Credibility: Journalists enjoy the trust of the public. By working with them, you can build credibility and trust in your messages.

Reach the right target group: Journalists know how to get your messages to the right audience.

Steps for establishing and maintaining media contacts:

Research: Identify journalists and editorial offices that are active in your industry and subject area.

Make contact: Find a suitable way to make initial contact. This can be via email, social media or personal networks.

Relevant messages: Offer relevant and interesting stories or information that may be of interest to the journalist's or editorial team's readership.

Authenticity: Be authentic and honest in your communication. Build trust by not making exaggerated or misleading promises.

Personal relationships: Try to build personal relationships with journalists. Meet at industry events or offer to talk and provide background information.

Responsiveness: Always be quick and responsive to enquiries from journalists. The media world moves fast and a timely response is crucial.

Success stories in building media contacts:

Elon Musk and SpaceX: Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, has built close relationships with the media by regularly updating them on the progress and successes of his space company. These relationships have helped to promote coverage of SpaceX.

Barack Obama: During his presidency, Barack Obama built close relationships with journalists and used targeted interviews and press briefings to effectively communicate his political messages.

Media contacts are invaluable for companies and organisations. A strategic approach to building and maintaining relationships with journalists and editorial teams can help ensure your messages are heard in the media and increase your visibility. Understanding the needs and interests of media representatives is crucial to building and maintaining successful relationships.

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The importance of market research for the success of a start-up

11/15/2023 | By: FDS

Founding a start-up is an exciting journey characterised by innovation, ambition and belief in an idea. But before a company can be successfully launched, it is crucial to understand the market itself. This is when market research comes into play. In this article, we will shed light on the enormous importance of market research for the success of a start-up.

1. Identification of market opportunities:

Conducting market research allows founders to identify market gaps and opportunities. They can find out whether there is a demand for their product or service and whether there are already competitors in the market. This understanding is crucial to finding a unique positioning and standing out from the competition.

2. Target group analysis:

Knowing the target group is crucial. Market research helps start-ups to understand the needs, preferences, habits and demographic characteristics of their potential customers. This enables a targeted approach and the development of products or services that are tailored to the needs of the target group.

3. Competitor analysis:

Competition is an important factor in any market. Through market research, founders can identify their competitors, understand their strengths and weaknesses and derive how they can differentiate themselves. This is crucial to achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.

4. Product development and optimisation:

Market research provides valuable insights for product development and optimisation. Start-ups can gather feedback from potential customers to ensure that their product or service meets market requirements. This helps to avoid costly bad investments.

5. Risk minimisation:

Diligent market research helps to minimise risk. It makes it possible to recognise potential hurdles, challenges and uncertainties at an early stage. This helps founders to make informed decisions and minimise potential risks.

6. Marketing strategy:

Developing an effective marketing strategy requires a deep understanding of the market. Market research helps determine the best channels, messages and approaches to engage customers and build brand awareness.

7. Financial planning:

The financial planning of a start-up should be based on realistic assumptions and data. Market research provides insights into expected sales, customer acquisition costs and other financial parameters that are crucial to the business plan.


The importance of market research for the success of a start-up cannot be overemphasised. It forms the foundation for a sound business strategy, helps to minimise risk, enables market opportunities to be identified and contributes to product development and optimisation. Start-ups that invest in early market research are better equipped to meet market challenges and achieve long-term success. Market research is not just a cost factor, but an investment in the future of the company.

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