
Knowledge Base

Which advertising measures lead to success

12/15/2023 | By: FDS

1. An appealing website: An engaging, user-friendly website is an essential component of successful promotional efforts. It should introduce the brand, its products or services, and provide users with easy access to them.

2. Content marketing: content marketing is one of the most effective promotional activities available. It involves creating and publishing high-quality content that promotes the brand, products or services.

3. Social media marketing: social media marketing is another effective promotional activity. It involves using social media to share content and connect with potential customers.

4. Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO is a promotional activity that aims to improve a website's ranking in search engine results. This is achieved by using relevant keywords and other optimization techniques.

5. Email marketing: email marketing is an effective advertising measure that allows companies to contact their customers directly. This can be in the form of newsletters, subject lines, promotional messages, etc.

6. Offline advertising: offline advertising is another effective advertising measure. This can be in the form of billboards, radio or television commercials, flyers, advertisements, etc.

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What are the biggest mistakes in mergers and acquisitions (M&A)?

12/15/2023 | By: FDS

1. Unclear goals and strategies: lack of clarity can be a big mistake in mergers & acquisitions. Companies need to clearly define what their strategic objectives are before even thinking about a transaction.

2. Insufficient due diligence: To ensure that a transaction is the right choice, companies need to conduct full due diligence. This means they must carefully consider what the target company has to offer and whether it fits their long-term goals.

3. Overpaying: Another common mistake in mergers and acquisitions is overpaying. Companies need to make sure they are getting value for money for the transaction.

4. Insufficient integration: A successful M&A process requires careful and smooth integration of both companies. If this is not done properly, it can lead to conflicts, inefficient operations and unexpected costs.

5. Inadequate communication: another common mistake in mergers & acquisitions is inadequate communication. Companies need to make sure they involve all internal and external stakeholders in the process and keep them informed to ensure an effective and smooth transition.

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When to call journalists? Best time & deadline

12/15/2023 | By: FDS
It depends on which media publisher is to be contacted. Normally, most publishers offer telephone accessibility between 8:00 and 18:00. However, the times may differ depending on the publisher. One should also take into account that there may be an editorial deadline on weekends or holidays. In general, it is advisable not to reach a journalist too late, as they may already be thinking about their next deadline.
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Press release distribution list - What must it be able to do?

12/15/2023 | By: FDS
A press release distribution list should be able to send press releases to the right media, journalists, bloggers and other public relations players. It should provide a user-friendly interface for list management and news creation. It should also provide a report on delivery, open and click-through rates to assess the effectiveness of the mailing. Some systems offer additional features such as the ability to track press releases, add attachments, provide social sharing links, send notifications of responses, and more.
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Storytelling for Startups: How to Tell a Compelling Business Story

12/14/2023 | By: FDS

Stories have always been a powerful means of conveying information, arousing emotions and inspiring people. In the business environment, they play a crucial role in building a strong brand and communicating values and visions. For start-ups, storytelling is an effective way to attract attention, win customers and convince investors. In this article, we will explain how start-ups can tell a compelling company story.

Why is storytelling important for start-ups?

Emotional connection: Stories can evoke emotions and create a deeper connection between your start-up and your audience.

Memorability: People are more likely to remember stories than dry facts and figures. A well-told story stays in the memory.

Clarity and understanding: A story can simplify complex ideas and concepts and make them understandable

Steps for developing a convincing company story:

Identify the core of your story: Think about the message you want to convey. What makes your start-up unique? What are your values and your vision?

Heroes and conflict: Every good story has a hero and a conflict to overcome. In your story, the founder can be the hero who overcomes obstacles.

Tell your story authentically: Authenticity is crucial. Your story should be truthful and credible.

Make it personal: Stories about personal experiences or challenges can be particularly appealing.

Simple structure: A simple narrative structure helps your audience to follow your story. Start with an introduction, introduce the conflict, tell how it was resolved and conclude with a message or lesson.

Visualization: Use images and metaphors to bring your story to life.

Target group orientation: Adapt your story to your target group. Which topics or aspects will appeal to them the most?

Success stories in storytelling for start-ups:

Apple: The history of Apple is closely linked to its founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Their vision of making innovative technology accessible to everyone has shaped the company and created a strong fan base.

Airbnb: Airbnb uses stories from hosts and travelers to convey the idea of community and hospitality. These personal stories give the brand a human dimension.

Storytelling is an art that start-ups can use to get their message across effectively. A compelling company story can not only appeal to customers, but also attract investors and partners. By identifying the core of your story, being authentic and presenting it creatively, start-ups can emphasize their uniqueness and strengthen their brand identity.

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