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The Importance of Storytelling in Modern Corporate Communication<

01/19/2024 | By: FDS

Storytelling has become an indispensable element in modern corporate communication. In this article, we explore why storytelling plays a central role and how it helps companies establish a deeper connection with their audience.

1. Emotionalization of Content

Storytelling allows companies to infuse information with emotion. Stories evoke feelings, creating a more profound connection to the messages. This emotional aspect remains in the audience's memory, shaping the brand perception in a lasting way.

2. Humanity and Identification

Telling stories gives companies a human face. By sharing authentic stories about employees, customers, or the company's development, a personal connection is formed. People tend to identify with stories, leading to a stronger bond between the brand and the audience.

3. Conveying Values and Messages

Corporate values and messages can be conveyed through stories in a subtle and impactful way. Instead of dry facts, values can be illustrated through tangible situations and characters, leading to a deeper understanding and acceptance.

4. Differentiation in Competition

In today's highly competitive environment, it is crucial to stand out from other companies. Strong stories that highlight the uniqueness of a company create differentiation. Customers are more likely to remember stories than plain advertising messages.

5. Building Trust and Credibility

Trust is a fundamental building block for corporate success. Storytelling allows the building of trust by providing authentic insights into the company's culture and practices. Customers and stakeholders appreciate transparency and credibility.

6. Creating Memorable Brand Experiences

Stories create unforgettable experiences. By telling compelling stories, a brand can be deeply rooted in the minds of the audience. These emotional experiences help customers perceive the brand positively and willingly recommend it to others.

7. Adapting to Attention Spans

In a world where attention spans are limited, stories are an effective method to captivate interest. Well-told stories keep the audience engaged, making it easier to communicate complex content.


Storytelling is not only an art form but also a strategic necessity in modern corporate communication. Through the power of stories, companies can anchor their messages more deeply, build emotional connections, and successfully position themselves in the competition.

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Remuneration for traineeships in media and editorial offices: An analysis of the situation in Germany in 2024

01/19/2024 | By: FDS

The traineeship in media and editorial offices plays a decisive role in the training of prospective journalists. The question of appropriate remuneration is particularly relevant in this context. In 2024, we take a closer look at the remuneration situation for trainees in German editorial offices and media companies.

The importance of traineeships in the media

The traineeship in media and editorial offices is often the first step for aspiring journalists to gain practical experience and develop the necessary skills. It serves as a foundation for a successful career in journalism.

Remuneration practices in German media companies in 2024

In 2024, the remuneration conditions for traineeships in media companies will vary. While many media companies still rely on the traditional structure, in which volunteers do not receive a fixed salary, there are also an increasing number of companies that offer financial remuneration.

Voluntary work vs. remuneration

In some editorial offices, traineeships are offered on a voluntary basis without a fixed salary. The focus here is on imparting knowledge and skills. Other media companies, on the other hand, recognize the value of the work of volunteers and offer a monthly salary, which can vary between €500 and €1,500 depending on the company and industry.

Social benefits and prospects

Some media companies offer social benefits in addition to remuneration, such as further training or the opportunity to become a permanent employee after the traineeship. These additional incentives are intended to increase the attractiveness of traineeships

The debate about fair remuneration

The question of fair remuneration for volunteers in media companies remains a controversial topic. Supporters emphasize the importance of financial recognition, especially in light of the rising cost of living. Critics, on the other hand, argue that the focus should be on non-material values and qualifications.

Outlook and developments

With the ongoing changes in the media sector, particularly as a result of digitalization, remuneration practices for traineeships could also evolve. Companies could increasingly move towards recognizing their volunteers as valuable employees and offering them appropriate financial remuneration.


Remuneration for traineeships in German media companies remains diverse and industry-dependent. While some editorial offices retain traditional models without fixed pay, others are moving towards paying their trainees financially. The debate about fair pay will continue as the media sector evolves and places new demands on the training of budding journalists. It will be interesting to see how remuneration practices for traineeships in media companies develop in the coming years.

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Copywriting 2024 - Convincing Potential Customers with the Right Words: A Guide

01/19/2024 | By: FDS

The world of copywriting is constantly evolving, and in 2024, businesses are challenged to convince potential customers with the right words. Effective copywriting is crucial to grab attention, generate interest, and ultimately achieve conversions. Here is a guide for copywriting in 2024:

1. Understanding the Target Audience

The key to persuasive copywriting lies in a precise understanding of your target audience. Analyze their needs, challenges, and interests. Use this information to develop targeted language that resonates with your potential customers.

2. Clarity and Conciseness

In today's fast-paced environment, conveying clear and concise messages is crucial. Avoid excessive complexity and use clear, understandable language. Potential customers should be able to grasp your message quickly.

3. Harnessing the Power of Storytelling

Stories have a unique power to touch people. Utilize the principle of storytelling to convey your message. Tell authentic stories that evoke emotions and create a connection to your brand.

4. Considering SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) remains a central aspect of copywriting in 2024. Integrate relevant keywords organically into your texts to improve the discoverability of your content. At the same time, maintain natural and engaging language in your texts.

5. Compelling Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Integrate clear and compelling calls-to-action into your texts. CTAs should encourage readers to take a specific action, whether it's filling out a form, making a purchase, or sharing your content.

6. Mobile Optimization

Given the increasing use of mobile devices, mobile optimization of your copy is crucial. Ensure that your texts are easily readable and appealing on various screen sizes to provide a positive user experience.


Copywriting in 2024 requires a strategic approach based on a clear understanding of the target audience, concise communication, and creative approaches. By integrating storytelling, SEO optimization, and compelling CTAs, businesses can convince potential customers with the right words and boost their conversions. Adhere to these principles to ensure that your copywriting strategy is successful in 2024.

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What is a standard normal distribution?

01/19/2024 | By: FDS

A standard normal distribution occurs when a random variable is normally distributed with a specific property: a mean (average) of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

The standard normal distribution is a special type of normal distribution where the values have been scaled to have this mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. This scaling makes it easier for statisticians and researchers to communicate and compare different normal distributions.

The probability distribution function of a standard normal distribution is often denoted by the letter "Z," and when a random variable is normally distributed and standardized, its values can be compared using Z-scores.

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How many hours should agencies invest in sales / sales or project acquisition per month or year?

01/19/2024 | By: FDS

The amount of hours agencies should invest in sales and project acquisition depends on several factors, including agency size, industry, type of services, market situation and growth objectives. Here are some considerations:

1. Industry-specific requirements:

Sales requirements can vary greatly depending on the industry. In some industries, where projects tend to be long-term and large-scale, the sales cycle could be longer and require more time.

2. Size and growth objectives of the agency:

Smaller agencies or those in a growth phase might tend to invest more time in project acquisition to expand their client base. Larger agencies with an established client base may be able to focus on maintaining existing client relationships.

3. Acquisition strategy:

The type of acquisition strategy, whether inbound (marketing-generated inquiries) or outbound (active acquisition), influences the time required. Outbound acquisition often requires more proactive efforts, networking and direct approaches.

4. Time for offer development:

Developing compelling proposals and presentations is an essential part of project acquisition. Agencies should allow sufficient time to create customized proposals that address the needs of potential clients.

5. Continuous acquisition processes:

Continuous investment in sales is important to ensure a steady stream of orders. This could include attending networking events, regularly updating sales materials and nurturing relationships.

In terms of specific hours per month or year, there are no hard and fast rules as this depends heavily on individual goals and the dynamics of the agency business. For example, some agencies might spend 20 to 40 hours per week on sales, while others may need less time, especially if they are based on long-term contracts.

Effectiveness and consistency in project acquisition is critical to drive business growth. Adapting the acquisition strategy to changing market demands is also important for long-term success.

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